can someone help me figure out what this is? that hidden hand thing is an ancient political symbol, but what is it with the pregnant woman, the spider, and all the info in the background? is this pizza gate related?
Can someone help me figure out what this is? that hidden hand thing is an ancient political symbol...
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck it the pizza gate pedo phone list! what is this? How'd you find it! More info user
your guess is as good as mine
Seems to be phone numbers list. Big names too. Very odd. When text clicked on it goes to a different sex related screen. This is either the pedo master key...or a trap
if this dies im opening a new thread. i NEED an answer. this has to be important.
It's autistic shit that won't lead to anything
OP isn't fooling anyone with his LARPing bullshit
Sage and report LARP threads
are you fucking serious? did you even open the link?
I'm on my tablet. What was the link to the original website again? I have it bookmarked on my laptop.
Yeah and it's fucking stupid if you're trying to connect more unrelated shit to pizzagate
Pizzagate is so fucking far fetched it's not even 1% believable anymore but you faggots will continue to discredit it with shit like this
Fucking kill yourself
Never mind. I should learn to read.
i have no idea.
This is something for sure. After the phone numbers it lost emails. All the players are there. This is definitely pedogate related
ok bud. you can leave now.
It's literally LARP autism
Go back to rebbit and take your autism with you
i dont know what your problem is man. we get it. you can seriously leave. you dont have to post on this thread if you think its stupid.
...or maybe you are a shill.
We'll your shit thread died before it started so if you're so invested you might as well just kill yourself
thats your fifth post. you must be really bored, or a shill.
I copied all of the text in the background. It is 59 pages of contact information.
This is something! Not larping. Check it out anons. Shills on this thread show it has relevance. Especially since they are so quick to call fake when it is...definitely worth investigating further
Only the first 18 pages have detailed contact information. The rest are just unattributed email address.
There are also a couple of hidden links on the page that lead to more pages with hidden links. It may be endless.
This is some serious autism.
can you give the links?
just fucking look for them.
Click around.
It is from Bob Dobs. He turns up when something is about to happen. Never know if it is just a complete maniac artist or CIA related. As a pastebin it might just be from the residual stuff before Trump one. The addresses behind are from Epsteins black book or the other address leak which I forgot the name. More or less unimportant because there is no way of telling who are the kiddy fiddlers and who are just desperate for publicity.
Just go a play here but be warned your in old school sub genius world and there are no pills that will make your grow big or small.
Here is one hidden link from the page in the OP:
Scroll as see Trumps details.
what is this?
what the fuck are these links?
Did you post this on 8ch? Although they are less, they have an insignificant amount of shills.
Either a LARP or a way of preparing to disseminate a bunch of info without drawing attention while preparing it.
First impression is LARP, though it seems pretty elaborate. If LARP, the autism appears terminal.
If you click on the pic of the statue, a shit ton of porn flashes...
one of the links is about hendricus g and mind control...
there are available patents for some of his devices online. this shit is weird.
It is old style chan. Lulsec style. Just enjoy.
It looks new and improved so deep penetrative cleaning will commence. The transmissions always start and end.
this is info on corona satellite launch
so is the original link insignificant?
this is wild shit
if you guys remember that dc masonic thing...
Yes and No. The people behind this stuff mix up the old and new. The only way to find out something relevant is to click bait yourself. I can guarantee though you will not find anything as is it really is not for Sup Forums consumption. You are invited just so others are hidden. That is why I say enjoy it whilst it lasts.
give him a ring
And here is the same site but with sound:
someone shoudl call that number and see what happens
Someone needs to send him pic related to his email
Somewhere on the page i saw : Hillary Clinton 202- and à phone number. Plus an adresse un Washington. Can anyone confirm this ?
i saw i too. its real.
How did you find it?
Can confirm
if this is legit archive everything, i ain't clicking that shit tho
use 7 web proxies pusseh
Some soros numbers in there.
the main phone goes to his office, the cell phone rings but doesnt go to a voicemail, and the work phone goes to his voicemail, where I left him a message saying "hey how does it feel to lose to Sup Forums you fucking retard?"
I have a video of it since I was hoping he'd pick up and I could tell him directly, but I don't think its interesting enough to post
Rings out to a fax line, though
Michael Sheehan I wonder if it is the westpoint one
Risky click of the fucking day right there.
Horrible site, reminds me of that wierd site talking about energy fields & mathematical stuff with a similar design.
is that the unsercure fax line they sent classified documents over ?
Seems to be an old leak maybe dating back to Nov 2016. Was that before or after Podesta?
I clicked it user, I´m still here. I do hear cars outside doe
Doing Keks work user, should have said "lost to 9gag" though, or reddit. Always deflect, maintain plausible deniability.
Sex dolls. Don't know if I want to click through any more of this site.
>before or after
Check out Andrew Breitbarts tweets user, IIRC he knew about this 5 years back.
I'm talking specifically of the emails and phone numbers in OP. Rest of the site is, as user above says, wild.
Hey bitch, try not take too much up the ass today. Pathetic shill.
The fuck did I just read?
I wll have great time on this Thanks user