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jealous europoor detected
fuck the poor
only the strongest should survive
>fuck the poor
>Is a welfare country
>implying we don't secretly want the sick and weak to die off
We give the poor food stamps so they get diabetes from shit food and die. Shh. It's a secret.
Newsflash, the nigger isn't president anymore. Those figures are going to drop off a fucking cliff now that beaners are getting deported and Trump is taking a hatchet to the welfare state
Bait thread but I'm hungry this morning. The military forces is mandated by the US Constitution (providing a Navy and supporting an Army), but there's no mention of health care because that was never considered a role of government.
>inb4 18th century
They had doctors and hospitals then too
Healthcare for 330 million people (30%+ of which are obese) would cost a hell of a lot more than 600 billion dollars unless you wanted to use witch doctors and traditional herbal medicines.
$650 billion
I'd rather have a rad fighter jet than let my tax dollars be wasted cause Loretta elbow feel funny. Her elbow feel strange.
He government should only be responsible for certain things for the citizens. Protection from outside forces is supposed to be one of those things. Paying for Jamal's crack overdose isn't one of those things. I just want to be left the fuck alone to make money, buy my own health insurance or not if I don't want to, and take care of my own family. Not everyone else's. The only people that deserve handouts are those that are incapable entirely of providing for themselves. Children, the mentally or physically disabled, and the elderly. A grown man in good shape should only receive unemployment, which in my state is something you pay into, until he finds more work. But we constantly give Tyrone the dope man $500 a month in food stamps and a welfare check on top of his $100k+ dope dealing job so he can drive to he welfare office in a brand new escalade sitting on 24s.
Kids should not be allowed to access medicine, we need to weed out the bad genes.
Well, someone has to defend Europe and for some reason it isn't Europeans.
Espero que estejas só a emerdar, se fores mesmo um comuna faz um favor a todos e põe-te no caralhho
>be safe from global threats, but cant provide healthcare
>can provide healthcare, but dont be safe from global threats
Which one would you choose?
1. Suction out all the fat
2. Make expensive soap
3. Obesity problem solved, extra revenue from soap sells
>United States of Amerilardia watches the Soviet Union destroy itself by engaging in unprofitable, unwinnable wars in the Middle-East
>20 years later the ameridiots do the exact same thing and expected different results
hehe, não sou comuna está descançado
Here in the states, doctors are not slaves. You can not force them to treat you just because you think it's your right.
There's nothing to discuss about that.
Lol look at the axis cunt its not THAT dramatic of a change.
Its like how those climate change plots show a rapid increase of temperature when if you're not a retard and look at the actual y-axis values its a change of 0.01 degrees Celsius
Yes but our country won't collapse from the cost.
It's simple, you need the military/police to keep the peasants in line.
Oh you poor, poor leaf.
If America ever collapses, you're gonna get ass raped by Russia.
Or China.
It literally already is, bub. You've had to raise the debt ceiling twice, and the last time your federal government was effectively shut down for two weeks. And Trump wants to spend even more, rather than take on austerity measures. He also has people like Tillerson and Mattis in his cabinet who desperately want a war with Iran. Face it amerifriends, the dream is dying and the empire is nearly finished. I expect balkanization within 15 years.
Quite possibly, and I wish America wasn't going to collapse, but anyone with a cursory knowledge of history and half a brain can see that America is in the final stages of a decline that began in 2001.
The Earth will be nuked and turned to glass before the US is allowed to fragment or be taken over.
I hope you have a bomb shelter.
>this is what ameridiots unironically believe
I bet the Soviet Union diehards were saying the same thing, retard. The truth of the matter is that your country will peacefully breakup after the next large economic depression
>peacefully breakup
Sure leaf, sure...
>not having a job that offers health insurance
My job is shit and I have insurance