Sup Forums mental illness rollcall

schizophrenic almost-shut-in reporting in

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Schizotypal personality disorder reporting in.

ledditfagsneedtoleaveitis reporting in

Brain cannibalised itself and made me gay because I've been lonely for so many years

Nah, I'm just lonely

I only have disorders, not illnesses

What medicine do you take?

Transracial genderqueer fairy dragon
I'm perfectly fine just stopping by to tell you that there's nothing wrong with you and that "mental illneses" are a social construct
unless you're a nazis or Trump voters then you can kiss my empowered pengina duct you insane fucks i hope you get sterilized or killed

kys you defective fucks

I worked with a guy like you at home depot. He was too smart for that place, but somewhat poorly educated. Wanted to be an animator, but didnt have his mental illness sorted out. Hope he figured that out.

He used to lock hi self up in his house for weeks I guess. Living off pizza and soda and shit... Sounded bad.

Im a student applying to become a psychiatrist.
Haven't finalized my specialty yet.

How many of you undiagnosed polsters would go to a shrink if you knew he was redpilled?

Just a schizoid.

t. namefag
none, prescribed abilify, never taken it
welcome to pol
sounds like /my guy/

psychiatry is a blue pill

Tripfag is an accepted mental illness by the DSM. Seek help.

>old useless term that scares normies into thinking it means "multiple personalities and general craziness"
>when in fact it's a catch all term for "vague social withdrawal from the world of normies that we must lock up and destroy because it makes us uncomfortable"

protip: marijuana high is literally a glimpse into
"schizophrenia". chronic users = always full of thc = turn "schizophrenic".

Sup Forums needs to take these threads to a different board. Not against talking about mental illness but I think a few of you would benefit unloading your shit there for advice/discussion

Yeah the vast majority of them are.

Which is why Im sure none of you would bother going to one. But what about if you knew I wouldnt ask you to become cucked as treatment?

Though of course, psychiatry is much less about therapy than pharmacologic treatment


I am not diagnosed with anything but I wish things were better in my life.

>ITT: daycare generation

Trans gender headmate reporting


Don't fall for labels and get off the pills.

They're not helping.

Psychiatry is mkultra programming


Anxiety disorder



Drug dependancy - actively quitting pot now.

MFW ->

Pretty standard stuff I think, I got a bunch of popular ones, I'm pretty proactively sorting myself out. I keep on getting rid of mental health problems, physical health problems, and life problems and it's causing a self-reinforcing cascading effect of sorting. I'm in a positive feedback loop.

Major Depressive Disorder
Histrionic personality disorder
On the spectrum

There is more to that than being high. Schizophrenics get psychosis all the time and in some cases can't come down without neroleptica.

Psychosis isnt fun and has nothing to do with "multiple personalities".

When you searched your room 8 hours for cameras and mics without any reason anyone would spy on you and think the neighbours can hear your thoughts than its sure not like smoking a joint.

You forgetti autism LEL XD

Autistic bipolar nerd reporting in

Not a mental illness, but I'm the textbook example of passive-aggressive personality disorder.

>i said on the spectrum
Nigger what the fuck

i pour my milk in first

You are on the whole spectrum user autism is your superpower

>tfw too intelligent to use my superpower

I have an OCD were i just keep thinking of horrible things happening to the people I love. The thoughts usually include both genital mutilation and rape. It just the worst thing to live with, and It caused me to fall into depression. I haven't felt real happiness in over five years.

I wish I was mentally healthy enough, and thus successful enough, for NSA-chan to bother blackmailing me.

As if the US Intel agencies don't already have every Canadians medical records.

Obsessive thought =\= obsessive compulsive disorder

Those thoughts are a common feature in depression

Gay autist with PTSD


Absolutely not

>tfw used to be paranoid schizophrenic and super autistic but psychedelics toned it all down to the point i can use the faults for constructive things rather than letting it drive me to increasing limits of madness and intense delusions

Ha you're me

Anxious introverted alcoholic reporting in

elaborate pls

Don't do that don't do that don't do that

>pharmacologic treatment
That in itself makes it 'bluepilled' in my experience.
It enables escapism and should only be used in extreme cases, but people in developed countries take SSRIs as if they were gummi bears

How are you dealing with it? I've tried therapy and medication and both did nothing.

I'm a depressed, paranoid weirdo who has locked himself in isolation for the past year reading nothing but conspiracy theory after theory, desperately trying to put together some portrait of the truth because I can't tell what's up or down anymore

I just want to work on a ranch or something, perform honest labor for myself, my loved ones, and my community. I don't want to sell a third of my waking life for pennies on the hour to make someone else rich, but it seems like we're trending even more towards dependance on the machine.

i often see the (flat) ground as a moving lava when i look at it long. what is it?

also i am pretty much antisocial since i was little

I used to have that. Then I used a mind trick to help stop it and any other negative recurring thought. I'd think of the negative thought, pretend it was typed out on a screen, then pretend it was highlighted then deleted. I would say "delete" out loud. It helps.

You learn to reward yourself for not acting upon those thoughts and to become curious for them. Instead of getting mad or sad at them, just try to cope and be aware of why they're there. If the thoughts become overwhelming, try to find a way to vent like working out or chopping wood or even playing video games. Essentially if you can't deal with them at the moment, try to distract yourself and forget about them, until next time, when they get smaller and easier to deal with.

You need to start working out, eating well, and forming other healthy habits. You must start with the foundation before you can build the house.

>the digits johnny!!

i have what you have a bit mildly.
do you believe that our moon is a fucking space station similar to a castrated Death Star? i do

as a teenager, i was a near 300 lb cartman that was convinced that my mind was being read by billions of strangers and actively fought against "intrusions". i was in a fucked up place with fucked up people.

9 years later, lost all the weight, I work and go to school, have a few friends and opportunities, date occasionally, and working on building a 2nd business (1st one tanked, unfortunately)

i always try to be nice to people who are on different wavelengths now because it sucks to be there and no one understands it

Dude, it's not that easy to get started imo. I personally lacked motivation before doing these things. It either conflicts with your schedule or your routine, which a lack of change in your monotonous days may contribute to depression

Checked, and that's a little to true for me

Yeah, that's pretty much what everyone has been telling me to do for the past five years and it hasn't done anything for me.


I have autism

Seek help Ur mentally ill

I know that feel, though. But try to be honest with yourself, sometimes we say we've done things when we barely gave it a chance.

High doesn't do anything

im just your average soemtimes depressed borderline autist. For all you young guys out there almost everyone has a bit of depression around age 30, seemingly due to this strange online culture we have created for ourselves. Dont let it get the better of you youll be fine after a couple years.

the king of lolbergs lost faith in democracy this month recently.
check out his normiebook.

psychiatry is a quack sciene. Fuck off jew

I´ve been locked up in my country´s most "harhest" non-criminal mental institution for about 100 days. Also spent days in a row in total isolation room where I was not even allowed to leave outside even once a day, I was locked up in a small room 24/7 and had to shit and piss in a bucket.

Chemical violence through administrated neuroleptics, mega dose of benzos and medicine I still have no idea.

I had been awake for like 2 weeks before I was locked up. The worst part was that after first night I was almost back to my normal self, but I had to spent months in the institution.

Don´t get yourself in a situation like that. I still have fucked up traumas from that place

might i add, one of the worst things is dealing with "experts" or professionals who think they know you better than you do because you're not like them off the lot

>be you
>be very well aware of the reality around you >have extremely violent invasive thoughts involving arson, rape, homicide, and dead animals
>you know you don't want to act on it by any means, it's just some weird thought the brain conjured up with some rather shitty components and ideas it's absorbed
>meanwhile some normie with a degree is talking to you like an incompetent 6 year old in some insufferable fake voice
>start thinking about dinner
>haven't had pasta in awhile

woah user

greentext storytime nao

the truth is you take yourself too seriously,
there is no self, there are no others.

in this there is no pain.


Im what you described on the second post. I just realized that i have the wrong people around me. I never wanted to get to professionals since they miss what i call logic. Was changing the friend ring around you what helped you?
im happy for you user, good luck in life

I wasnt havign violent thoughts, but i was pretty depressed. Changed out alot of my frineds who it turned out were the problem.

Not full blown but schizoid, diagnosed at 25 so. A bit late. At least I found a solution before that ; minimum of important human interaction. Now I just stay at home with the kittehs and shitpost.

Looks like only europe can talk some sense here, seesh.

Yeah, it's actually a pretty recent trend to treat almost every psychiatric disorder with medication. The pharmaceutical companies have a pretty big hand in the actual "science" of diagnosis now, sadly.

However, that is not going to sway what I believe would be in my patient's best interest, especially if I know he's red pilled.

So many men have anxiety since childhood now, and Ive heard of so many cases where psychs simply tell men about how to become better cucks.

Sorry bro but this made me kek hard

This movie fucking sucked. Cony as shit, totally contrived, implausible, near-complete misrepresentation of schizophrenia, no real plot to speak of, etc.

>tfw did this too
LSD cures the spergs

im known to be "smart as fuck" and because of this i get cocky with listening to people. A friend who has gone trough shitload of problems but is dumb as fuck told me that my problems lie within friends. He said im with people im not comfortable with. once i started thinking, he was right. Now i see these posts im sure he is right

>How many of you undiagnosed polsters would go to a shrink
I know I'm kinda fucked, don't need no one to tell me.
Also fuck anti-depressants

stay safe swede.
more than 30% of your population are now ghouls.

if you can, get a gun

I don't have to be angry to inflict violence on people. Am I sociopath?

>lovekd up in a room by myself

He's lying, that is their natural habitat.

Chronic shitposter reporting in.

Bipolar, Anxiety, Depression, ADD, and PTSD fag reporting in. Psychosis runs heavily on my dad's side, while almost every person on my mom's side has severe anxiety/depression.

Woohoo genetics!!!

Former Airborne Ranger; checking with PTSD and an acute fear of heights


Wish it was consistent, though. Sometimes I'll trip and feel focused and motivated for a period of weeks following and other times the trip just goes by and I sober up without any real change in consciousness or perspective. I want to figure out ways to make the most out of psychedelics as a therapeutic tool, because so far they're the only things that come close to helping.

>fuck anti-depressants

Have you been on them before, or is it the recent RP stigma of antidepressants cucking the masses?

Anxiety seems to be a bigger issue in men (ie. 100% of Sup Forums) than depression, and I'd love to keep up with patients about how to start off with lifestyle changes and basic workups like hormones.

Of course I know how frustrating it is to have a shrink just shove pills in your mouth even when you say they're causing side effects.

Dissociative Identity Disorder reporting in.

It's shitty, but I manage to be higher functioning than most people and I'm doing pretty well in life.

It's alright, life is a good joke.

Kek speaks! You're healed by the power of Shadilay!


good hunting. the meme wars never ended

There is not much to greentext. I suffered a breakdown from work-related stress. I quit my job of 4 years. Started drinking heavily and smoking weed.

Then I was like a week awake and cops caught me drunk driving. Next day they caught me at some supermarket, I was just casually eating and drinking on the shelves babbling nonsense. Then I was put in some psychiatric evaluation -> my heart rate was 150 so they rushed me back to another hospital for heart monitors - at night I ran away from the hospital and walked barefoot to my friend´s house over 20km in middle of woods. I was asking for guns for my protection but my friend talked me out of it and I agreed to go back to the hospital. Then they decided that I had nothing wrong with my heart and rushed me to the looney bin and next 100 days spent there.

My life has been gone to total shit I´ve lost my job, my old house, my girlfriend, my friends. I had to move back in with my folks after living 8 years on my own.

I got my license back like month ago and been to few job interviews. All my psychotic episodes have been triggered through drinking and drugs. I dont use any substances anymore.

>the current year
>still believing in "mental illness"
LMAO I thought Sup Forums was redpilled but this thread proves otherwise

yes many so called 'friends' are there only to use you to feel better about themselves. its easy to spot whose real wnd whose fake once you know what to look for. I got really tired of being insulted and put down in the form of friendly "insults' so some loser basement dwleers canfeel slighly better about his meaningless life. Its made me better in all areas, and most espcially with women.

Yeah, I fucking wish it were that easy.

>seeing trannies and leftists parading around
>thinking it isn't a mental illness

You just leave the meme war. It never leaves you. I saw combat in the upstate NY primaries, and again in the general. It haunts me user.

What can man do in the face of such unrelenting Ted-posting?


Have faith brother user, kek works in mysterious ways.