I am a Marxist. Ask me anything

I am a Marxist. Ask me anything.

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Cen ta me

Do you honestly believe a doctor and a waitress deserve the same wages/bartering power?

would you like to be made into a lampshade or just cremated?

have you read lenin? what do you think of marxist-leninism -> stalinism

What do you think of Jason Unruhe? Is he a real Maoist?



What's it like to know you're manipulated by dead nation-wreckers and not care?

Why do you believe society should be equal?

How have you managed to not kill yourself while being this retarded?

What is your job, how much do you make and how much of it do you share with other people?

Strawman. In a Libertarian Socialist society, the worker would be paid relative to the value of the produce. So, if a worker makes eight burgers in an hour, and those burgers all sell for $2 each, he would be paid £16/hr. Do you think it's fair that a worker be paid less than the value of his produce, and the boss take the surplus value for himself?

In a Communist society, money would be done away with all together, and all work that can be automated would be automated, allowing humans to pursue better careers in an egalitarian society.

What are your thoughts on fucking kill yourself faggot?

What would you like on your tombstone?

Do you realize communism is literally the same as slavery?

>So, if a worker makes eight burgers in an hour, and those burgers all sell for $2 each, he would be paid £16/hr.
then how in the fuck do the other workers make any money

Terrible corruptions of Marxist theory, as they led to Totalitarianism

Because no one is superior to another. We are all equal.

I work as a Chemical Engineer. I make €46/hr. I give as much as I can to charity.

So if I got heating in my house, and another guy doesn't, should we both have heating? Or do you take away my heating to make us "even", potentially making my family cold and sick and unbearable for the winter, possibly leading us to extreme illness and/or dying

What's with the haircut?

How o you reconcile your egalitarian Marxist views with the fact that equality is a mirage?

Great question. I look forward to seeing the answer to this one..

They would gain all the profits of what they produce too. There would be no centralised authority that would take the surplus value of the worker's produce.

How do you overcome the presupposition of argumentation and the economic calculation problem with resorting to irrational violence?

Who pays for the material?
Who pays the light bill?

Who provides the bullet you kill yourself with faggot?

Congratulations! You earned a free helicopter ride!

>It-it-it wasn't true marxism guys, I swear
>we're all equal g-guys
At least, we know that you are a true Communist. Completely delusional.

>Because no one is superior to another. We are all equal.

Have you ever interacted with people?

You both have heating. You do realise there's actually enough for everyone to go around, right? The top 1% have enough money combined to end world hunger three times over. The only reason they don't is because the Capitalist class own the means of production.

I'm not talking about genetic or phenotypical equality. I'm saying that that doesn't mean one human is inherently superior to another.

we are not all equal. fact

>a worker makes eight burgers in an hour, and those burgers all sell for $2 each, he would be paid £16/hr
Where does said worker get the materials and physical plant in which to both produce and sell these burgers? Is that covered by the currency exchange from dollars to pounds?


Why do you hate workers? Do you just emulate Marx?

Yes. Being a manager holds value and in a truly libertarian society a contract is a contract, if they agree to it by definitin it is nutually beneficial, and no; be a mortal human is not "coercion". Unless you want to refute the very norms your libertarianism is built upon, such as " doing away with " implies.

But a simple glance at any society tells you that we are not all equal... Some are undoubtedly superior to others, superior intellectually, physically, fiscally etc.

>I'm not talking about genetic or phenotypical equality. I'm saying that that doesn't mean one human is inherently superior to another.

It quite literally does. If someone is mentally or physically more capable than someone else, they are superior by definition.

Can you provide a citation for this claim that the so called 1% of wage earners in the world have enough money combined to end world hunger three times over?

The time for questions is over

>Who pays for the materials

The workers would democratically elect managers, who would give the workers a choice to pitch in to buy materials to keep things going. The difference is that this would be voluntary, whereas it's not under Capitalism.

Yes? Have you?

Definition* etc. DAT phone fag

why dont you kill yourself bud

But who will build the roads?

He gets it through voluntary donations to the democratically elected manager, who uses it to purchase the materials.

Most of the hungry people are third world shitters that should just stop reproducing and die.

>feed nigs and other skitskins
>they produce more for them for you to feed

Why am i even responding to this bait

Can you show me an example of this working at a national level that doesn't involve brutal totalitarian suppression of the workforce? I'll wait.

why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>being this retarded on economics

no suprise

I wonder who will owns the media and education! :^)

What do the managers produce and how is that valued? Are you implying that management should have a share of the worker's labor?

How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?

Prove that we are all equal. Please try to prove it, I'm begging you.

Why must the richest of my people be forced with irrational violence to feed 6 billion nig Nogs who proceed to outvote my posterity, and yours, and ensure any of your "socialist libertarian" paradise is replaced with Afro-Communism?

How will you gain power?


Hows it feel to be intellectually dishonest

>run by committee
This is how you wreck nations, you subhuman eggplant halfbreed.
>elevator light bulb has been BTFO for 10 years so chinks just ride in the dark

You need to be hanged publicly so the rest can see what we do with deadbeat pieces of shit.


we must defend ourselves with a spiral, as kamina did. KAMIN

How did you get brain damage?

Do you agree with Marxist theory that all art is political? Could you elaborate your answer a bit?

But should they be treated as such by society? I think not.

>Being a manager holds value
Yeah, sitting on my arse as a bank owner collecting millions while the worker gets pennies is certainly fair.


The cost to end world hunger would be €30 billion per year. The top 1% have

Lets say an individual has decided that he wishes to sell an extra surplus of his produce to another individual in exchange for something of a greater value than that which he has, and that this process becomes common among the individuals in a commune, utilizing say bottle caps for example as a form of currency, if discovered, what would be the punishment for these individuals considering that in an Anarcho Communist society, it would be absolved of a legal system, and assuming there is a democratic system, which involves tribunals (which by the way, direct democracy is a form of government, but lets brush that over because why not). What would be the appropriate punishment for these individuals if there would be any at all, and how would you avoid this from occurring all together?

Except it's not egalitarian because that would mean everyone has an equal opportunity to make a living and become wealthy. Communism is a sick idea based off of equality of outcome.

Capitalism and a covenant society is by definition voluntary.

You're thinking of the state.

>Revolutionary Catalonia
>Free territories of Ukraine

Do any of these exist today?
Also Revolutionary Catalonia was known to have participated in conscription which demands the formation of a state and a monopolization on force.

>We are all equal.

No, we are not. I am objectively superior to you - I am a worker, you are not, you are marxist.

Not an argument

No, I'm saying it should be a voluntary donation to gain supplies. And besides, in Capitalism the big CEOs get millions. Do you really think they're using that to further the business? Don't fucking make me laugh


It quite clearly didn't work in Yugoslavia. Please do not use it as an example in the future.

t. Yugoslavian

>Using logic
>Arguing with a commie

All arguments they use fall flat under reason or turn into totalitarism.

How do you reconcile your ideology with the knowledge that Communism hasn't really improved the lives of anyone who lives under it? I'm not talking about the purges. Just that compared to capitalist systems, no Communist country has achieved a comparable standard of living, and people have far less political and economic freedom as a rule because otherwise they'd try to get rid of the Commies.

So why should people follow an ideology that requires extreme force to implement and enforce when it isn't even more effective than its main opponent?

>I am a Marxist. Ask me anything.

why are you so retarded you potato nigger?

how is the class fight going, comrade

Because they're fucking human beings, you racist piece of shit. Are you saying they deserve death just so the greedy Capitalists can hold onto their billions?

No, I don't. Art can be symbolic of other things beyond politics.

It would not so much be punished as much as discouraged. For example, I can set up a Commune in the current Capitalist climate. But does that Commune do harm to the overall Capitalist economic system? No. Same deal when the roles are reversed.

>tfw when to intel of gent too not be a Marxist

Can't seem to find any of these countries on a current world map. Help me out user.

>I arbitrarily decide what holds value

>its not fair, *signs contract anyway*

Management holds value, I manage a group of soldiers as an officer; it holds value. Capital and those who provide it holds value, all you are describing in your other posts is in a covenant society workers working in voluntary co-ops to provide capital, this is not socialism nor does it contractict, Hoppe etc; you just want to hope your 100 strong workers are more able to run a company than a genius billionaire.

If you are implying coersion can be justified, then you're just another irrational aggressive commie who needs helicopter ride.

Where do you possible Marxists movements coming to power in Europe and world in next 30 years?


Yes, because the choice of either starvation or wage slavery is certainly a voluntary transaction.

>Do any of these exist today

No, because Catalonia and these other places were crushed by Totalitarians and Capitalists through military force. But in Catalonia, literacy and education improved dramatically, As did gender equality.

You're still talking bartering, despite saying no wages should even exist. All money is is an agreed upon form of fair value to ease the bartering process.

Even if I'm living in a technocratic society, there would still be resource issues to overcome. Even if everything was "free" there would still be limited quantities of whatever item. These things would gain value and traded just like if there was money, creating inequality for those smart enough to take advantage of it.

Even post scarcity of food and energy won't magically make there be more gold or metals somehow, and even then things take time to produce.

yeah when will you and your kind fuck off back off to leftypol?

Waitress produced nothing. Only bring burger to client.

She works for free?

Because they weren't Communist. They were State Capitalist.

Provide citations for these claims about literacy and education being improved dramatically.

>So, if a worker makes eight burgers in an hour, and those burgers all sell for $2 each, he would be paid £16/hr.

>starvation is force
Breathing is too by that logic. Don't blame capitalism on the human condition.

Not real gommunism!!

>"They are human beings"

This holds value to me, why? I have Englishmen, I have no demand for "man" and no value for 6 million African colonizers.

>" are you saying that.."

So what are you implying, that a sufficnet number of starving people can mean I can violent seize property and distribute it?

In that case, your not a lib, just another commie, how do you overcome apriori rights (Hoppe et al.) to do this, logically so to speak?

libertarian socialist

>State Capitalist
I fucking hate you.

I'm not saying it would be perfect. But it would be free from coercion and Capitalist exploitation.

I would also like to know how your libertarian posterity will out vote the numerically superior Afro-Communist horde you have imported, and how you'll outvote them as a (to them) white and bourgeoise chump.

How do you gain power?

When do you kill yourself?

>a voluntary donation to gain supplies
So you'd have a farmer, a rancher, and a baker give up a portion of the value of their work so a cook can get the full value of his. Is the farmer required to eat burgers to recoup the lost value of his labor? What if he doesn't want to eat burgers?
It seems a fairer system to have the cook pay the value of the upstream labor in advance and recoup those costs by selling to customers at a price that reflects the cost of manufacture plus the added value of their labor (ie: capitalism).

In a choice between death and work, it's not a voluntary choice.

It wasn't. Communism is a Stateless, classless society. Not a Totalitarian society with strong class divides.

Governments cant "install capitalism". Capitalism happens automatically when people are left to their own devices

Can you read? Did you attend elementary school?

>being a mortal human is coercion
>being hungry is coercion

Either moron or troll confirmed.

How many hungry nig nogs have to exist (within what distance?) for me to be justified to seize your property and how much? Distributed in what way, and how do you overcome the norms argumentation itself bus built upon to justify that rationally?

I never claimed to be a Liberal. I am a Libertarian Socialist, specifically.

Violent revolution

>Communism is a Stateless, classless society.
Show me this society. Where does it exist outside of utopian fiction?

> Capitalism the big CEOs get millions
Well yeah, look up Pareto distribution. They do all the fucking work that allow you to shitpost here.
Also, you seem to imply that money can solve poverty. It can't by definition you ALWAYS have relative poverty. Finally, if money solves poverty, why do people who won the lottery end up worse after than before?
Money is a medium of exchange, if you're a useless person who makes bad choice, it's only logic that you don't have anything to exchange.

Happens automatically? Sure, that must be why Somalia is so Capitalist, right?