Geert Wilders

Does he have a shot? Any Dutch anons how did he do in the debate? What's your opinion of him?

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Rutte and Wilders both completely fucked up their debate. It was like a white trash musicless rapbattle

only if Kek wills it

What are you talking about?
It was just a normal debate nothing special.

Shoo shoo libero shill.

Do you think he'll win? Who are you going to vote for?


he kinda won but also lost. He mostly pointed out the faults in the current Prime Minister.

However he did not adress how he will excecute his plans. This was how Rutte could counter Wilders at some points. I think it was kind of a draw between the two.

If the polls are right then the PVV won't be the biggest party.

>Does he have a shot?
No. He is unlikely to become the largest, and there is almost no chance he'll be able to form a government seeing as nobody is willing to cooperate with him.
>Any Dutch anons how did he do in the debate?
Both Rutte and Wilders were cringy to watch.
>What's your opinion of him?
Some of his views sound good and his stance on immigration may very well be the right one, but he's too much of an idiot to ever make a competent ruler.

red pill:

erdogan and rutte allied behind closed doors

this facade of a fight will boost their polls

globalists win again.

I am voting Geertje, but the debate was bad none the less

why are his eyes so small and slanted? is he part chink?

My mom said she heard on the news he wants to ban Islam, is this true?

Part Indonesian, 1/4 I think


Why was this his first debate? What was he afraid of?

Geert saved the Netherlands

>he did not adress how he will excecute his plans
Trump didn't either but still won.

He'll be the biggest party but wether or not he gets to rule is questionable. He'll probably be better off not being part of the coalition though.

He did pretty well at the debate but kind of overdid it towards the end getting more fiery as time went on, allowed Rutte to play the "Sensible candidate".

My opinion is that he's a battering ram, an incredibly blunt tool of destruction that we sorely need, but I don't think he's leadership material, which is why i'm throwing my support behind FvD.

You have to give our population credit for being a little bit more educated and a little bit less susceptible to rhetoric than the American population though


Well some security leaks made him cancel a lot of meetings. Not sure if this was the main reason tho.

I think that if Rutte wins and he fucks up with the other party's (most likely some leftists), then a lot of people will start to distrust them and party's like the PVV will gain a shit ton of votes. This is also the main reason why Wilders has a chance a all. Rutte promised way too much things.

He got absolutely raped at yesterday's debate. You could actually hear him getting BTFO'd because only like 10 people applauded for him.

Rutte is not like hillary, who is probably really fucking corrupt.
Not only that but Wilders seems for most people too aggressive which will lose him some votes.

He's the biggest party in the polls. He married a Jew, worked in Israel for quite a few years and has stated many times that the Netherlands should help Israel more with getting rid of the Islam. Controlled opposition imho, but white aryan > jew > mudslime

It was a debate like usual nub

>be mainstream media
>invite an actual representation of the population
pick one

I think PVV will become the biggest party and will co-operate with the VVD and FvD. Personally voting for FvD.

Fake news 8^).
Als je dit echt denkt ben je kanker dom. Ze kregen beiden evenveel applaus.

haha niet gekeken zeker of wel? :)

>I think PVV will become the biggest party and will co-operate with the VVD and FvD. Personally voting for FvD.
Completely delusional.

how do you pronounce Geert Wilders?

Hurt Vildurs?

The applause is actually not that important, but just an illustration. Wilders lost because his arguments were much weaker than those of Rutte. And when asked for solutions to problems which Wilders blames Rutte for he has no actual answer. That's losing a debate in my book.

Thanks Dutch anons! Love your country been there numerous times. Good luck tomorrow and in general!

Totally agree. Rutte confirmed it in the debate for the nth time that he would not work with Wilders in a coalition.

On another note. I had to use the Amsterdam Metro today, no other choice.

GOD-FUCKING-DAMMIT. I barely see these low-educated monkeys in my daily routine, but holy fuck the metro is trash. The line between Amsterdam Zuid and Amsterdam Sloterdijk is utter trash. The disgusting flats with only Hijabs and stinky mudslimes that can barely speak Dutch. I hope I never have to take that route again. We need to culture clean the Netherlands.

The debate was pretty good. I watched the whole thing. It was a good 1 on 1. Rutte vs Gilders. I couldn't understand a word so I had no what they were saying but it was interesting.
Try the second one

Mostly right but we have a hard G in our language so it's not 'Hurt'

In which they vote somebody else than /ourguy/? When they "gain" in "education" they lose in honor and self-interest.

But diversity is our strength.

He will be huge because of the Turkey happening and all the terror attacks. But I'm voting FvD, hoping we can actually get things done some time.

GGGGGG like a dog before he bites.

How are Turkish Conspiracies so good?
>How are Turkish Conspiracies so good?
How are Turkish Conspiracies so good?
>How are Turkish Conspiracies so good?
How are Turkish Conspiracies so good?


nonwhite scum

He's afraid of getting assassinated by angry muzzies.
I heard he wore a bulletproof vest to the debate but I'm not sure whether or not that's true

Wilders hasn't been able to go anywhere without security or muslims would kill him in the name of tolerance and diversity. Rutte doesn't want debates because he's a massive failure and can't argue a point to save his life. It's all we MUST this, we MUST that without actual reasoning behind it.

Meanwhile taxes went up to close the 11 billion euro deficit, but nothing was done about the 75 billion euro SOCIALIZED HEALTHCARE which is a fucking tragedy which is going to end the Netherlands unless it gets cancelled, since old people who benefit from it didn't have the kids to actually fund that garbage.

He is a ally of Israel and the jewish people. He gets a lot of his money from donors like the american jew Horowitz, who is a cuckservative.

So all the Dutch anons are voting FvD , based on this sample sounds like Americans want Geert more than the Dutch lol


Based kebab remover.

Its too bad the Netherlands of full of leftist cucks.

How about providing a source for these numbers friend?
And saying Rutte doesn't provide solutions is a lot like the pot calling the kettle black . Wilders never provides solutions to national problems.

And so it was written.

Ami Horowitz? That guy has some hilarious uncomfortable truths in video form on youtube.

This is what i mean, not enough right wingers. I am voting for Geert.

>tell me a story uncle user
wat do?

The consensus between dutch/pol/ is pretty much that FvD is the best pick. PVV is too semite-oriented.

Is an American of Austrian ancestry non-white in America these days?

That's not wilders, he's the chinese ambassador to amsterdam.

good. lets throw that Nazi ideology out of Europe


Interesting, how does he plan on doing that? What's the punishment for being Muslim? Disenfranchised and targeted minorities have a historic tendency to keep their faith on the down low, which generally results in radicalization (especially with Islam, I'd imagine)

The solution to this would be to deport them, but how?

No I mean David Horowitz.

toch wel :D

Just checked this site for fun to see how pol would do on the elections,

Jesus how can I have not heard of FvD before, they seem like the most reasonable choice ever

Thanks for reminding me of my bird-aficionado ex that had a pet Toucan, I'm gonna go kill myself now

Dan had je je ogen en oren beter open moeten doen maat. Misschien je mobiel ff wegleggen ofzo. Ik snap dat een half uur opletten moeilijk kan zijn voor je...


What are the differences between the two? Is FvD libertarian-oriented (hands off in the Middle East altogether) or Neo Nazi? I'm gonna guess the former since only retards throw their votes away


What's your stance on D66? New netherland user here votin for the first time and am a little lost.

Depends on how well his meeting with The Penguin goes beneath Gotham, imo.

Just a reminder that a kebab removed Van Gogh

he deserves to win

Had quite a few people ask me about who I'm voting for. When I told them FvD most of them had not heard of them before, but got back to me a few days later telling me they'd vote FvD too. The party program is so solid that I don't need to convince anyone.

Too bad there is a lot of dilusional left trash and people mentioned in who will never read FvD's program.

Its for faggots who dont have the balls to vote for Geert.

Fvd is smart PVV
Fvd actually has plans larger than 1 piece of paper. PVV is still usefull for gaining the idiot vote though.

Neither, I'd say. They are a national conservative party. They support free market economics but oppose TTIP and CETA. They focus on more direct democracy (referendums), leaving the EU and ending mass immigration and they want a re-appreciation of our own culture and national symbols.

PVV is basically just NO MORE ISLAM :DDDDDD and nothing else while FvD wants a stronger military, less influence from EU, to end the inheritance tax and simplify the tax system, to end media bias to certain political parties etc.


netherland is woke

A kebab removed Van Gogh

different regions have different G's and R's.
"ee" sounds like "ey" (in hey). W doesn't sound like a V.
Here's a videofragment in which the announcer says "Welcome to the debate between Mark Rutte and Geert Wilders." You might be able to figure it out with this vid.

Dutch are Nazi Remnants and disgusting hatemongers and bigots. Fascist Geert targets the most peaceful religion on earth because Dutch are racist and stupid and just hate brown people for no reason other than their racist stupidity

The 75 billion I got from the debate, as it was represented in the film on healthcare going down the drain.

Fuck off, leaf.

I know. Kebabs is the biggest problem in this country and we need the biggest kebab remover to win the majority of votes.

D66 are weak cucks too, they are democratic socialists like Bernie. None of these established parties want FREEDOM, which is what made the Netherlands great to begin with. They instead bicker about how to spend the loot they steal from the Dutch tax payer best.

It's ridiculous. Imagine taxes being just income taxes at a fixed rate of 15% without all this socialist/communist nonsense:

Your wallet is your property. Nobody gets to take your money for their own benefit, that's theft and a crime. I'm voting Forum voor de Democratie because I want this crime against the Dutch to end.

Hello racist Turk-hater. Dutch women belong to Islam now

Wish we had a party like that here, I think it's what the Moderate party could've turned in to if it weren't for pic related

Sweden Democrats is kind of like PVV I guess - goofy leader and attracts white trash voters (which has its uses)

nice bait, got me to reply/10.

Vote D66 if you want Brussels to determine how many times you shit per day. It's the biggest EU lover.

Mohammed is a pedophile and Erdogan is a goat fucker like you roach.

thanks for the links. But there is absolutely no way to make the aforementioned 75 billion euros go away. We are a rich nation with a growing economy and a growing life standard. Naturally, people become healthier and live to be of an older age. This problem is only going to grow in our lifetimes. However, Wilders does not have a solution for this. He didn't even use the rekenkamer(don't know the translation) to see if any of his plans would be attainable by using calculated estimates!

Also during an economic crisis your first priority as PM would be to solve your deficit and make sure your economy can survive the ongoing crisis. Then after the crisis is over and you start to grow again (which is now), you can turn your attention to problems such as the growing burden that is our health care. You can't do both at the same time during an economic crisis.

I bet $100 on Wilders. I hope he pulls through!

I'd vote SD though, even if they are far from ideal. You guys are even more fucked than we are. Moderates are thoroughly cucked, more like our VVD.

Wait this guy is actually trying to ban islam? How is he going to do that? How do you ban a religion without a huge militant force willing to physically remove its practitioners?

Geert is a first class jew, vote FVD

Thierry Baudet is a Zionist too. And that's great.

Try living in Belgium then. Our only major far right party (not even as extreme as PVV) is banned from ever appointing a minister to the government even if they get 100% of the votes

we're fucked if he loses. The PVV is the only sane party that has some sort of shot at ruling the country.
FVD and VNL are also good parties but they aren't that popular.

No, he's losing in the polls.

idk about this kek guy but I believe him