Why does Rand call it Obamacare lite?

>14 out of the 20 million covered under obamacare will lose insurance, mostly voluntarily
>All Obamacare taxes gone
>Old people who actually get sick foot the bill
>No medicare expansion

What would happen with Randcare? Is there even a difference?

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>TFW you owe dues to king nigger for existing his country that you never paid and Trump is going to wipe them out.


>individual mandates still exists in some form

It's just more handouts to the insurance cartels

Most of the structure of Obamacare is still intact. The main difference is that millions of people will drop their insurance plans because they don't want to pay for them

But any individual mandates is still bullshit and any premium hikes to pay for other people's plans are still bullshit

The left says they hate corporate welfare yet turn around and screw workers as much as possible

If you didn't sign up for Obamacare, ever, you owe back taxes, a number of them.

He "owes" money for not getting Obamacare

You understand the individual mandate right? The government fines you for not buying a corporate product

OP you are asking us explain why a politician (Rand) is angling against another politician for political gain.

Next you will be asking us why the MSM lies about stuff.

Rand is one of the only people in DC who gives a fuck about the American people. Go shill elsewhere.

I'm just curious, the two plans seem awfully similar.

What if I didn't file for the past 2 years?
You think they'll still charge me the penalty?

Rand is still upset over how poorly he did in the primary and now he's just taking whatever small shot he can at Trump. He's just as petty as the rest of the republicans but significantly shorter.

"He repeatedly referred to the bill as “Obamacare lite,” saying it keeps the major components of Obamacare in place: it includes insurance subsidies, keeps certain taxes in place for one year, keeps the Cadillac tax in place indefinitely and still contains a penalty for people who don’t get insurance."


Fuck off leaf - go play with your dragon dildo.

Rand says that he and Trump are getting along

They're friends actually.

not my prob

Paul Ryan is a mega-shill for the bloated corrupt insurance agency. He is trying to slide through a slightly altered version of the original Obamacare to protect his donor base.

Rand wants to put healthcare decisions back in consumers' hands, which would make the insurance companies compete, thus lowering prices.

Yes, you're in the same boat as me. I started doing under the counter jobs like a fucking mexican when obama started charging people for being alive in his fucking realm.

But Trump should cancel out what we owe.

>XXXXX is one of the only people in DC who gives a fuck about the American people.

You prove the point.

The whole system could collapse by then... This is little reported in the news, but China is busy dumping treasuries.

fake tits are so fucking ugly

Subsidies (your fucking TAX $$) will continue for Big Pharma. Obama fleeced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac funds to pay for Obamacare.

"The total number of donations is comprised of 108,205 individual donors with an average of $65. What’s more, a whopping 85 percent of all donations were for either $50 or less, and 96 percent of all donations were for $100 or less. Those numbers prove that Paul has raw grassroots support nationwide, and hardworking people who aren’t part of the permanent political class—the folks who can’t max out in thousands of dollars of donations to various political candidates—are doing whatever they can to help him out."




Good, I'd happily watch the entire world burn if it means the ones in charge die in the fires as well.

I was an absolute bullpilled fool for most of my life, wanting to find a good woman and raise a family in this shiteating world.

Everything I ever hoped for has been subverted by people who hate me and my country.

The hate I feel for these kikes extends to a point where I would die happy defending any person who stood up to them.

Either way, it doesn't matter if this passes or not, it's going to cause irreparable harm to the GOP and Trump.

If it passes 10+ million people will be without insurance by this time next year. 2018 will be a bloodbath for the GOP during the midterms.

oh, no sweetie, no. that's not how it works honey.

nice ((talking points)). oh look, a fucking LEAF. watch Clinton News Network more, faggit

Same. The American system is rigged against hard-working, tax paying, family starting, God fearing, white Americans.

Since the early 1990's, average Americans have not been allowed to participate in our country's massive economic growth. The CEO/average worker pay has ballooned past pre-Great depression levels - this always leads to societal collapse.

The kike nation wreckers who own the banks will foreclose on all the property again, and start a world war as a scapegoat for the massive economic theft.

Our founding fathers are shaking in their graves.

Insurance is a cancer on America, you understand little.

rand endorsed mitt romney

Ain't you sweet as pie.

If you were actually a women I'd shake your knees.

Are they literally shaking?

>Talking points when talking about the truth

Even Fox News and Tucker agree that it's basically a tax break for the wealthy and that it'll provide less coverage at a much greater cost to the poor.

This bill will harm Trump supporters the most.

Both Ryan and Rand's plans are absolute shit. Both force insurers to cover pre-existing conditions, but without the mandate, so insurance costs are going to skyrocket.

14mill free loaders can choose not to pay for health insurance because they know if they get into a car wreck and need $100,000+ in surgery the government and taxpayer will still bail them out.

Meanwhile households making up to $200,000/year, who already have insurance, are getting paid $4,000-14,000 of entitlements to buy health insurance.

So who really gets screwed here? Not freeloaders who refuse to pay for insurance but when they get hurt walk into an ER say "gimme dat." Not the wealthy, who already have insurance and are getting tax breaks and $14,000 tax credits.

Its the responsible members of the working class, who pay for insurance so their children can have basic preventative care. Because of the uninsured freeloaders and the GOP's bill that forces insurance companies to cover them anyway when they inevitably get sick, the insurance rates will skyrockets.

Someone raising a family, making $30k-40k will have to pay tens of thousands in health insurance for their family, while a household making $150k gets a free check from the government for having what they already have.

The GOP plan is 10 times worse than Obamacare.

Oh I know that, but the only way to take away the insurance companies is to give the government control over it, which would be single payer.

We need the higher mortality rate to purge the freeloaders from the gibs system. This is the cold hard truth.

I am assuming by your post that you are part of Generation Z. Good luck - you will be even more fucked than my millennial generation. No American Dream for you.

The higher mortality rate will affect whites as well though. There's probably more poor white people then poor black people if you include those in the Bible Belt and Rust Belt.

>14 out of 20,000,000
Sounds like a non-issue.

Why doesn't Rand rewrite or amend the bill?

I remember the days when these bills who get edited and shit.

Rand's viewpoint is that the free market will fix everything. This simply doesn't work when it comes to healthcare though, it's never worked before.

Government has proven, century over century, to provide the most inefficient allocation of resources out of any market participant. More government intervention almost always equals less economic productivity (therefore lower standard of living).

Total number, maybe. Pro-rata share per race, not even close.

Lets hope.
I'm hoping I don't owe too much.

You'd really trust the insurance company kikes over the government?

Single payer works all over the world. I know our wait times might be long for things like MRI's and psychiatry, but our average lifespan is still three years longer then the US's.

>it's never worked before
>canadian knowing anything about working health care
Stockholm syndrome

"Humans are reward driven. This has never been removed from individual motivations or those of groups of people. The moment you offer people an opportunity to deliver mediocre work and still survive, you remove the pressures and temptations for hard work and ingenuity. This then creates a downward spiral in which generations of people get less-motivated to deliver their best until the entire system collapses."


Only 3 years? I'd have guessed it would be longer with niggers dragging the average down. I'd put money that white Americans on average live longer than white canadians.

I prefer anything over government autocracy, including anarchy.

Government control always ends in oppression/slavery, as bureaucrats are a protected class who do not need to compete to win. Absolute power always corrupts.

Who's talking about communism? Everyone knows communism doesn't work and will never work due to human instincts.
All I know is that if I have an emergency, go to the hospital and get it fixed today, and not have to worry about premiums or deductibles.

14 million out of 20 million, retard.

Life expectancy is longer because of where FDA subsidies in America go. They support big agriculture production of corn, soy, and grain products versus fruits/vegetables.

The average American diet is disgusting, and obesity/diabetes rates are off the charts - particularly in black communities. It is not uncommon for poor black communities to have a 50% childhood obesity/diabetes rate.

>Who's talking about communism? Everyone knows communism doesn't work and will never work due to human instincts.

Welfare and communism just sorta go hand in-hand, much so to the exact reason you just pointed out.

>looking up numbers to see what the UK's present healthcare spending is
It is £2200 per person per year ($2673) to fund the NHS. Yes the NHS aint all that but we also have a private healthcare industry and insurers and honestly the dynamic between the two systems works pretty good.

At first I thought £2200 per person per year was a hell of a lot, if the same system was applied to the US healthcare spending would be around $860B annual which is ridiculous but then I discovered that its pretty much the same amount of spending taking place anyway with $831B spent in 2014 so basically Obama fucked it. He could have had the whole NHS for the same amount of money and sure the NHS is pretty shit but for the most part it works to a decent standard. That's an awful lot of public jobs as well. I don't agree with that type of healthcare and I believe the Americans can have a better system IF the republicans don't fuck up which would be a shame - here is a golden opportunity for them but public healthcare is probably one of the better things to have public if you are going to go down that route. With regards to the new bills/plans I prefer Rand's plan especially the pooled insurance policies but doesn't this already happen in the US? Seems odd not to utilize a tried and tested private healthcare policy like that - the idea goes back all the way to the time of the classical liberals as a healthcare solution. Also the no cross state competition stuff? Why not do these obvious things to improve the system. What exactly was Obama thinking? The more I think about it the more I think it was Obama just trying to make the populous dependent and hooked on gibs so they continue to vote dem.

The cheapest meals in America, the bulk of what the population eats, consist of grain and fat.

yeah, then wait in line for six fucking weeks for a broken arm. fuck outta hear communist shill. go drown yourself in your homo bag milk. you retards are really proving how inept you are at running a country. you let yourselves get run over by allah snackbars, have rediculous wait times for "muh socialized" healthcare, have a beta male bastard of a son from a Cuban dictator as your ((leader)) and on top of it all more than 3/4 of your country is uninhabitable.

so, remind me again what is soooo great about your country...

>Six weeks for a broken arm

Nope. I can go get my arm set and put in a cast today. Or if I have a heart attack I'll get surgery that day to fix it.

Emergencies are always dealt with the day of.

All insurance is just subsidizing "other people's plans"

Why do you think insurance companies even exist


Also, you are not comparing apples-to-apples as America is $20T in debt. We have no funding for public healthcare. In addition, Canada has much lower pharmaceutical costs as the American pharmaceutical lobby has raped the American consumer for decades.

That's still cheaper then the cost for Americans, especially considering that's in $CAD, not $USD.

That's ~$9000 USD per average family per year, when American prices are over $16,000 USD per family per year.

They should have a rule where if you don't have insurance need emergency medical treatment, if you fail a credit check, you're just euthanized and cremated on the spot, and your estate charges $2,000 for the service.

1. The average American has much larger medical issues due to crushing obesity/diabetes and its large effects on overall health
2. American pharmaceutical costs as much greater due to the cumbersome and corrupt FDA lobby which protects giant American multinational pharmaceutical companies
3. Family healthcare costs have skyrocketed AFTER Obamacare was implemented. See graph.


If you still don't understand after this exchange, then go fuck off to your Marxist hellhole and enjoy a rapidly declining quality of life over the next decade.

Oh wait, I'm sure Fidel Castro's bisexual stoner ski instructor son will fix everything...

look at all that substance (gibs)

king nigger really did look out for the little guy

The best system:
Free market system
With the individual paying the bill.
They can have insurance to reimburse them but that is completely independent of the healthcare.
You should carry ID at all times so if you need emergency medical treatment they can run a credit check or get a guarantee of payment from your insurance company.
If you fail the credit check the healthcare provider can deny to treat you but is only obligated to provide euthanasia and cremation services which are charged to the person's estate. If the estate is bankrupt the hospital can get a $2,000 reimbursement from the government for every uninsured person euthanized as they were a burden on society.

Covering preexisting conditions will eventually tank the industry.

Or, how about we switch FDA subsidies to fruit/vegetable farmers, and encourage a leafy green plant based diet without processed shit foods. In addition, we kill soft drink companies massive lobbying chokehold, and allow for gym memberships/athletics to be paid out of health savings accounts.

I very rarely get sick because I eat raw and unprocessed foods, brush and floss my teeth daily, do not drink any soda and stay away from sugar in general, and workout 3-5 times per week.

Americans need to grow the fuck up and take responsibility for their own health.

This - particularly obesity and all of its related health issues.

This could be expanded upon to drive costs of the uninsured even lower:

An uninsured person can carry an ID marking it as uninsured, and in the event that it is critically injured it can be immediately, humanely euthanized as cost effectively as possible, and the charge to the estate can be reduced.

This way the uninsured are incentivized to identify themselves for quick disposal when they become an purposeless burden on society.

>mostly voluntarily

What does that mean?
We have our freedom back?

Obamacare forces everyone to pay into it so the insurance Jews get their money. The insurance Jews also don't have to compete, allowing them to work together to charge whatever they want, like how they jacked up the premiums for this year.

oyy veyy shut it off

If rand was taller, he would have probably won against Trump. People simply doesn't respect manlets.

>posts manlet victory comic