Hey goyim, don't forget to vote for (((Geert Wilders))) tomorrow haha.
The Netherlands belongs to Israel now.
You can also vote for FvD, they will make it mandatory to teach all kids in all schools about the holocaust!
Hey goyim, don't forget to vote for (((Geert Wilders))) tomorrow haha.
The Netherlands belongs to Israel now.
You can also vote for FvD, they will make it mandatory to teach all kids in all schools about the holocaust!
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Shut it down!
Wonder where the Jews fled too after being kicked out of Spain. Oh yeah Holland where they set up the slave trade.
>where they set up the slave trade.
yup, flooding the US of A with niggers, then later bringing those niggs into german, irish, english, dutch etc neighborhoods, and lowering the property value so that they could buy it all up!
If he is /ourguy/ then just ask yourself this one basic question.
he would kick out geert and the other jewish lobbyists (amsterdam is full of them)
The more we try to get control for ourselves the more they are positioning us where they want us. Geert is a Trojan horse.
BTW glad someone else isnt drinking the kool-aide. Watching everyone jump on this faggot because they believe his interest and theirs are the same has been a hard red pill to swallow.
fuck off with that shit excuse.
Quick question, Im new to this board. What do you have against jews?
Not all jews are bad....How bad could he be if he hates muslims and immigration r-right?
Isn't it crazy how jews always win? You can vote for the most right wing candidate and they will still win. Especially in America. Republican winning is not a problem at all for them.
A little shorter, please.
better than being full of sandniggers
controlled opposition.
which why Sup Forums is taking much less interest in this election than that of France, USA, or the brexit vote.
Most of us are work on the GW question. Good luck with the turmoil.
0.02 shekels have been deposited in your account
> Gas the Kikes, Race war now.
Seriously though, don't look for proofs if you can't be bothered to read. It just makes you a useful idiot, a sheep to follow the crowd.
- This Protip was Sponsored by REDPILLS™
But I dont want to read an essay when Im on a site I go to for fun.
Its truly a black pill to know that our reactions like chess moves have been planned or foreseen in advance. The catch 22 is do nothing and we lose but if we act we can also lose because they want us to act that way. Mass civil disobedience wont work because they have balkanized all countries that can offer real resistance through multiculturalism.
Israeli leftist say he is a nazi antisemite.
the rest of israel supports him/don't care
>Israeli leftist say he is a nazi antisemite.
there is always a group of jews calling you nazi no matter what. the fact remains that he's an israeli lapdog
Then take the blue pill and go back to your normie way of life.
You're describing a scenario much like how they continue to prove the existence of gods.
e.g. Believe in God, or the Devil has already got to you and made you a non-believer. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Do you believe that?
I believe that our reaction to globalism is nationalism and they plan to use nationalism to lead to global conflict like they did in ww2. Its different this time because the west is openly advocating for (((them))) this time. Same playbook is used. WW1 -> Push for league of nations WW2 -> Push for UN -> WW3 -> Push one world government. All we hold dear will be blamed and vilified. Im not a defeatist though because I am a christian and that he new the end from the beginning. I just was hoping we could avoid it is all. This WW will most likely be contained to EU and ME while the USA is busy with civil war or being made to look like a police state when attempts to restore order are made like they did with the 3rd Reich. I think they will fail ultimately but at what cost?
>literally shit tier
Why can't you give me a quick summary you fucking cunt?
>The Netherlands belongs to Israel now
It has always belonged to Israel. You're painfully unaware how many jews reside and have resided in amsterdam alone, and our entire government is made up of nothing but jews, crypto-jews and good goys. Personally, I'd rather put a crazed zionist in power who'll remove kebab and restore order to our borders than vote for any of the other cultural/economic marxist knuckleheads.
Thats called being caught between a rock and hard place. What does it matter if the end result is the same (war). At least without the jews you are choosing to be your own master.
holy fuck, this is creepy
just a couple years ago these luciferian churches started cropping up around the world
So if we want to survive we have to take the Light Pill
>It has always belonged to Israel
>denying the obvious
>Me: the cook
>You: the jew
>claiming our country for israel just because kikes infected it
you are the kike in the oven
you know i've noticed less israeli paid posts here lately. maybe they've finally decided we're a lost cause even though we don't hate israel, we hat dunecoons first and foremost, and the subversive goy masters in our own country. has anyone else noticed less merchant shilling?
meant hate, fuck me.
there's way more kike shilling, but they now disguise themselves as (controlled) opposition
>wanting literal traitors in the government because the opposition is pro-israel like trump
The only kike in here is you, chaim. You have to go back.
Better Israel than Islam.
Fine, I'll take the light pill.
In retrospect, my whole life was preparing me to reach this conclusion. Ever since I was first exposed to the christian mythos I felt a deep sympathy for Lucifer, I identified with him and I felt sorry for him in his abject loneliness. I'm humbled by his conviction and bravery, his eternal devotion to the truth even in the face of the supreme authority. Yes, he really is a god of mankind.
Ha I thought the light pill was Christianity. Nah user dont do that.
It's either jews or muslims.
Jews aren't the ones invading and killing you.
You faggots are stupid if you fall for this.
This is just your muslim population trying to save their own asses.
this is really the redpilled approach to this.
In defiance of the supreme authority of the universe I hereby name Lucifer as my personal savior and the savior of true mankind.
>b-but muh shitskins
.......that pvv and fvd don't even want to deport
>In defiance of the supreme authority of the universe
lmfao what a waste of effort.
Fighting against God is like fighting against the air that you breathe.
Defeat God and Lucifer will die too.
Jews = hole in boat
Muslims = water
Your country has been pozzed along time ago. Thats why your only choice is a non choice. You literally get what the jews want to give you. You become their dog and attack the muslims or they will have the muslims attack you. You literally sound like a cuck explaining to someone how if you dont let that guy fuck your wife someone else will.
>It's either jews or muslims.
kill yourself.
Saudi arabia (the ones behind 9/11) are buddies with israel.
Huh? What about the Israeli?
welp that settles it then.
>they will have the muslims attack you
OK, then it's fucking ISIS or Israel.
You faggots are as good as dead anyway if Geert loses.
If he wins you have a chance.
You fucktards are really fucking bad at this.
If you're all gone, it's fucking over, the Jews win faster with muslims flooding in.
An honorary guest, as long as he keeps his word and bans muzzies the moment he becomes minister. There's little left he can fuckup on a worse scale than the last couple of cabinets, like I said before we're already the lapdogs of israel anyway, might as well use one to clean up the mess they've created here.
The muslims are just there to get you riled up to go along with the jews plans. Problem =Muslim invaders that they sent in with their policies and agents Reaction = muh cultural heritage Solution = You and muslims kill eachother for Israel.
Again WWHD? its a litmus test.
No, they're coming to replace everyone.
How fucking stupid are you?
>BTW glad someone else isnt drinking the kool-aide
>going full ITS DA JOOS!!1!
>not drinking the Kool-Aid
Have fun being a revolutionary accelerationist rambling about his utopia while the rest gets shit done.
What you say would only make sense if they were planning on eventually leaving but they're not.
so in the western world the left is a jewish plan to exterminate the white race, but the rightwing is a jewish plan to control the opposition and to make it jew-friednly as a backup plan in case the leftist one fails.
allright, i get, it might be this way( or maybe the rightwing is not controlled by the jew but understand the necessity of not going the hitler way to be elected). but you can't ask me to vote for the left or some 5% party that won't win in any way.
i will still vote for the biggest party that wants to uncuck my country even if they accept the existence of Israel.
don't worry: when it's time to throw off the kikes i'll be there, but until then i won't waste my vote for parties who can't win.
Depopulation is the goal. The dont want muslims to share with them anymore than they want whites.
> He post from occupied territory
Oh well, better let the roaches infect your country then, that will show ((((them))).
>ISIS or Israel.
it's both, they're the same side. saudi arabia + isis + US + israel
>someone calls out mudslimes
>shariablue immediately labels them a closet jew
every fucking time
Can we just hate merchants AND mudslimes
You're a fucking moron.
Go kill yourself faggot.
go blow muhhamed's cock you goat fucking wannabe race traitor op. oh i'm op and i love my little shit skin pity party token minorities reeeeee waaahhhhh i'm a giant fag reeee
fuck reading that fucked up my eyes, what is this kike sorcery
>closet jew
his grandmothers' side is jewish
he used to live in israel
he puts israel above netherlands
>Still whiter than USA.
But non-arguments aside, I fucking hate idealistic utopian revolutionaries and accelerationists like you.
You're the same ones who said don't vote for Trump because hurr durr jewish daughter.
Yes, the kebab raping your daughter is there because of the jew. You still need to kill the kebab raping your daughter first.
First you have the Reconquista, then you have the inquisition.
It's not that difficult.
(()) are good at controlled opposition
The masonic plan to bring about global government . This was written by the head of masonry in america in the 1800s to an italian pal of his.
yup, and nu/pol/ falls for them easily.
so what is wrong with it? Why are we fighting it?
>dictatorship over entire planet
hmm I wonder why that is bad...
does not sound too bad, why would it be bad for me?
you sound like the ultimate cuck. you should hang yourself.
> Hurr whiter than you
Kikes arent white. Who gives a shit that you are surrounded by commie "whites".
I voted for trump. The accelerationist are the ones with all of the Duex Vult rhetoric. Sup Forums is fucking young and forgets a lot that was learned during the post 9/11 truth movement.They forget the ties to the Templars (masons) and (((them))) but sure fags don your templar armor. Go fight Iran for the saudis and the Israelis.
>Kikes arent white
what? There is no escape from one world government if the planet is going to survive, better to team up even if it means giving up your freedom and try to prolong the existence in a universe that is heading for death anyway if the model of he universe we are presented is true and you can achieve that only when all of mankind comes together.
If it take reducing the population in large quantities so be it.
I dont know specifically. If I was guessing I would say your tiny country will be swallowed up by Russia during the resulting chaos that will be instigated/false flagged into happening in Europe. Thats just a guess though on my part. Its up to you to decide "whats in it for me".
So if i die today or tomorrow whats the difference?
And i am fluent in Russian so i would not even see the big deal
local government is the only way you can have individual freedoms. the bigger the government, the less will represent the will of the people.
no war between western europe and Russia.
the one retards who might make that happen is ameritards.
Gert is there as a mossad agent to kick start a war between Arabs and Europeans
>the one
the only*
So have an Oligarchy instead of a monopoly is what you are saying?
Good thing you're too smart to fall for ((nationalist)) parties, I'm sure Achmed will reward you.
America will be out of the fight. We will be busy with civil war which is why russia will use that to their advantage.
>I'm sure Achmed will reward you.
the jews are the ones flooding europe with arabs actually. if you think arabs and jews aren't in it together, then you are brain dead.
There's no stopping it now :^)
And what is the point of this all, it's not like we can do anything even if we know this info. it's meaningless to waste your energy on it.
Give me something that i could actually do to stop this if you can't do that this info is meaningless
>it's not like we can do anything
nice try kike. this way of painting the white population as helpless weaklings is not gonna work. fuck off back to jidf
LOL. White men are so fucking pathetic. You idiots can't get anything done unless a Jew is leading you.
>muh ancestors!
>muh gunz!
>muh Jesus Christ!
...On the note of Christianity it's funny how you Christfags keep fucking losing and the Jews keep winning. You must be worshipping a false god? Yes?
well give me something then, how can i stop this?
Why are you attacking me?
Are you trying to sound like a schizophrenic conspiracy theorist on purpose or are you actually this deranged?
>how can i stop this
get off your ass and become active. create communities of redpilled uncuck'd people. demand personal freedoms and don't bow down to kikes.
>Why are you attacking me?
because you're a defeatist cuck who wants to submit to kikes.
And you call me the shill
>yes goym go stand up to the state so we can isolate you more easily if the reason arrives.
>stand up to the state
when did I say that?
How's them gas chambers? You like that zyklon b? Need any more soap,sir?
Creating a community like that is illegal already, at least in here so it's de-facto standing up to the state. The train is long gone, when they crash the market with no survivors it's going to be a dog eats dog world anyway.
>Creating a community like that is illegal already
are you a north korean with estonian proxy?
We made that up idiot.