Smuggies thread

Post em.




manlets with too much time on their hands

>unironically calling it smuggies


You expect me to read all your retarded bullshit, CTR?


Pretty good so far, but a little wordy.

This arent smugies, those are condensed leftard butthurt packets.


ant meme

>crewTR/leftypol/assblasted faggots think they can act smug and show their absolute """""superior"""" framework of beliefs by copying memes and pouring unfunny strawmen in them to fit their illusions about Sup Forums

try harder faggot

also pic related and sage

i like this one saved

Appear to have struck a nerve in this one

Are these like ironic Smuggies, or smuggies mocking how unfunny or delusional lefty/pol/ is and their memes?

Good lord lefty memes are bad. What is it? Why are their memes never as good? Are they thinking too hard about it?

Leftypol is so pathetic. Back to 8gag you go.


Yeah, whatever you say rucks! That's right, we're all calling you rucks(right wing cucks)! Am I right fellow /Politically Incorrect/ers?

>unironically believing in the wage gap
I hope nobody on any chat is stupid enough to believe this.

The left literally cannot meme, they take their views too seriously

any chan*

the concept of "hate-speech" is ridiculous as it is. Its either free speech or a criminal insult of some sorts. you cant make up a third "it depends on how you meant it" category

Nah, I just got tired of explaining and showing them (and probably also you) arguments for why they are stupid and their memes are not only bad, but also full of strawmen (kinda ironic, huh?)

These are unfunny as shit.

It's kinda hard to try and make your own equivalent of Sup Forums while having none of the edge.
>I'm le edgy internet troll also black lives matter and we must respect and protect the rights of our LGBTQ citizens!

someone make a smuggie based on how leftcucks try to copy our memes and fail miserably.

oh nvm im a retard its been done

Oh, you have to cross your fingers? So THAT's what I've been doing wrong.

>why have a consistent and coherent ideological framework when you can post pictures of Roman busts and call people "degenerates"

lost it

see this one is funny, the rest are all too fucking wordy and completely miss the point

>all these unverified claims
I get it's a straw man comic, but this doesn't demonstrate our hypocrisy in ideas (like does) it just makes a lot of statements that (if true) would make us look like fools. However, these statements are by and large either not true, or missing the point

Tl;dr: Low energy, try again

I got another!



This is now a polandball thread

Lowering taxes would leave people with more of their money to spend, the only reason this would bother you is if your worthless and are a free rider.

Memes made by leftists just aren't funny at all. They're just lies and impotent rage.


Nothing more hilarious than watching conservacuck snowflakes get triggered in their safe space.

No wonder you kids cant hold down jobs.

How does it feel to know that even the niggers you hate will do more with their life than you will?

That's a parody of a real human, no point in trying to be accurate though, it's boring...


>how did someone miss the point of smuggies so badly?

Your comics are genuinely not funny or smart though. Ways you could improve - rather than just saying "I hold inconsistant views" in every single one of them, point out the inconsistencies. That's the point of these comics, to point out inconstant arguments, doublethink etc. It isn't enough to just draw a picture of a trump support and write "I am silly" six or seven times in different ways.

Why are leftists so unfunny

Fucking on point

>pretend im not incredibly rustled
so thats why they're not funny

Please someone make one of this.


This one is really bad.

how many on foodstamps in 2008
how about 2016?


>implying implications

>Obama is a pussy

But at least he was president.

FUCK Bernie and FUCK you spamming anti-Trump cocksuckers. Burn in hell, faggots.


You faggots call this a raid?

Yea these are just missing something


Don't teach these retards how to meme. It's funny watching them fail.



>Sup Forums
>specifically pro israel

Hmm. Clearly you don't actually bother to read any threads here. You're just making assumptions about what people believe here.

Little cheat sheet for you:

There's no grand consensus about middle east policy here. But typically we support reactionary middle east policy. (i.e. bomb ISIS, but leave "rogue" ME nations alone).

And it's about a 50/50 split on Israel. They exist now. It's done. There's nothing you can do about it. And they have a right to defend themselves. But we don't agree with foreign aid to Israel but understand that kissing Israels ass is kind of mandatory these days in the west.

We don't like that Trump is still using Saudi Arabia as the US go-to relationship in the ME. But Hillary would have doubled down on that shit anyway. Hillary wanted to bomb Iran, but we think Iran is based compared to the rest of the ME.


Why is it thqt the american left can be so unfunny. I felt myself unlaughing as i read these.

The alt right memers is funny because they use politics to make a joke to be funny. The left just uses humor to put peopele down and make a smig point.

I think the CIA is just bombarding us with un-funny memes in the hopes that we'll tell them what is wrong with their memes in order to teach them how to meme properly.

keep it going


>smug point

To be fair, this meme is called "smuggie"

My favorite

>forcing counter memes

This is why the left is losing the meme war.

In the United States women gained the right to vote in 1920. And for blacks it varied from state by state since emancipation but became nationally protected in 1965 So I'll give you that one.

Also nobody here considers a dissenting opinion to be a form of censorship you dumb fuck.

Are you being censored right now? If this thread gets deleted it's because smuggies threads get deleted half the time.

They need to bring back CTR's meme artisans, they were on point desu


I'm pretty sure they all mysteriously committed suicide by duct taping their limbs together and crawling feet first into a wood chipper and then cremating themselves and dumping their ashes in the Marianas trench when they failed to win Hillary the election.

Here's another hint:
The alt-right doesn't exist. Not the alt-right you think exists anyways.

Hillary named them because her geriatric internet team gave her bad intelligence. So we just ran with it before she realized it was bad intelligence so that we could make her look like a retard.

Pro tip: It worked.

that was after the two self-inflicted gunshots to the back of the head

Look how wordy and unfunny these are.

Why are liberals so bad at meme magic?

waaaay too wordy to be smuggies
>being able to craft memes

I could answer that, but I don't want to help the CIA understand memetics.

>when you need an entire fucking wall of text to parody your enemy and attempt to make them look dumb

I covered this already:

Cmon share blue shills. You obviously can't meme. So use your big goy words.

Yeah really way too wordy.

I mean most conservatives know... what... like twenty... twenty five words?

gotta keep things simple. Otherwise you might sound edjucated

And that is when we move on to our new memes. One step ahead of everyone

That faggot maldraw did most of the hillary ones god damn i hate him


>The quality of what you say doesn't matter. It's how much you say that matters.
Post modernism at work, ladies and gentlemen.

okay. Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you
Hah. I win. I must have a phd or something.

I know but god damn, how long did it take to make that wall of text

It's honestly sad

All lefties to the Helicopter.
We're taking a little trip!


hey did you hear that?

What was that was that a plane? Don't worry about it. I am sure a lot of things go over your head

>"Haha the jokes on YOU I was only pretending to be retarded!"

So is your operation like a call center where you are given a script that your responses have to come from?

Or are you allowed to say things that are original?

You're both wrong.
These are called 'Counter Signal Memes for Fashy Goys'

These are fucking pathetic



>Implying you even made a point.
>Being this stupid.
Another slow day in the outback eh mate?

Because it's a fucking eyesore. I don't know who you are. I don't care who you are. I'm not going to endure that migraine-inducing wall of text for somebody I neither know nor give a shit about.

If you have something to say; say it.

I know we have this "wild west of the internet" reputation here; but believe it or not most of us are fairly intellectual people and appreciate thoughtful text and image formatting.

You're free to post garbage here as long as it is political and thought provoking, but the only thought that wall of text invokes is
>There's a 0% chance I'm going to read this.
>Am I out of Advil already?


>posts are so stupid they're not even worth responding to


>Iraq one.
Oh the one where the guy had a bad GPA went into the army, saving himself from a shitty life, earned respect because he dodged bullets and suicide bombers, went to college on an Army education grant, graduated with 0 debt and got himself a decent upper middle class job and now has a house, a wife, children, and a newer car.
Thus proving that you can choose your circumstances in how you end up if you exercise a little initiative, demonstrating entirely that nig nogs in the cities have literally 0 fucking excuse for their situation.
Thus, I refer you to the first pic:
Is your head up your ass for the warmth?