Et tu, Pence?
Et tu, Pence?
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Is there gonna be a red wedding :(?
Cool fake twitter account.
>"Julian assange us dead and wikileaks is compromised!"
>"now that it fits my narrative I believe all I said before is wrong. He is alive and well fighting the globalist!"
>Sup Forums is one person
You left out the first tweet where he says this is being organized by Clinton
what is IC?
Different sets of people, but both retarded.
Intelligence community / Deep State
Intelligence Community
I don't know if he's dead but he never ever confirms he's alive
and where are the proofs of what he said in the OP?
It is, though.
It is one 12 year old YouTube watching nationalist larping fat autist who can't get a gf not even a fat ugly one.
interracial coitus
Why else do you think they keep Clinton around after being a serial loser? She and Bill still has her vast network of criminal underlings. This isn't being "organized" by her. She is getting marching orders from above that she is rubber stamping and then parroting.
Itchy cunts
You know that he doesn't have acces to the internet in the embassy right?
It's a fake account dumbos.
isn't what is suggested in the OP treason, or because there are 2 mentioned, sedition? wouldn't they be arrested as soon as a move was made?
No, it's an 11 year old Irish autist. I should know, you should know, we should know.
Assange confirmed gay now
>isn't what is suggested in the OP treason
Depends on method and motive.
There are actual legal mechanisms in place for the VP, with the help of the cabinet, to be able to remove the president from office, put in place for if the president ever becomes unable to perform their job, but not to the point of death.
Pence could go full mutineer and have Trump tossed out pretty easily.
Pretty sure in his AMA or something he noted that being resolved. Also, Wikileaks announced the account themselves:
Two tweets in thread:
There's a path there, but it's by no means easy
The account is real, just not yet verified because Jack doesn't like it when his liberal buddies get called out on their shit.
>Pence could go full mutineer
So could we. I don't think the IC knows what kind of fire it is playing with here.
Wondering if Jack will ever verify him....
Never trust the word of an anonymous source within the intelligence community. It is the same as saying "I know a guy whose cousin's sister was dating someone who's brother roomed with a guy who said...."
Thx for pointing that out
Pence was always a neo-con cuck like ryan, I don't understand why Sup Forums rides his dick so hard. He was never a nationalist.
Supposedly they've been trying, but we know how politicized that shit is. Jack will never use his platform to lend Assange even the slightest bit of credibility or make his life slightly easier.
The news has subtly been planting for months that Trump is mentally deficient. I'm sure they will drum up an old physicians record stating he has early stages of Alzheimer's or dementia.
They have been setting subtle hints since late 2015. This, to me, is going to be their approach, considering they have been subtle yet consistent with planting this in the publics psyche. Im also sure Trump has been evaluated over checkups as he ages. I'm willing to bet the moment he screws up or forgets something during a speech will be taken to the extreme, followed by a physician claiming he's releasing his prior "findings" during a doctor visit from a few years ago, based on moral ethics despite being illegal.
It's the only wast to impeach Trump, and it's law that if he is cognitively deficient, he can be impeached. Given the subtlety of how MSM seems to slip this in without delving further, is indicating this is their real strategy.
t. Man who just had a seizure due to a .gif
Also: He has ADHD but caused by thyroid disorder, very obvious. Also explains Barronius. No offense to the God Emperor pls no bully CIA-cucks, I am on the spectrum myself.
/t_d posters like him, I never liked him but his memes are funny
If Sup Forums doesn't think this has already been suggested to Pence at least by Paul Ryan then they really are 14 year old autists from the UK.
Pence could have probably done this if he wanted but it speaks to his soul that he didn't. Trump chose perfectly.
It's members of Congress seeding this future story. I'm sure the IC has blackmailed or convinced a prior physician that has seen Trump to come forward and release his false assessment claiming Trump had been diagnosed or he had advised Trump he may have early signs of dementia. He will break HIPA law when he releases his records in Trump, but the left will hail him has a hero.
It's really their only play, and very orchestrated with members of congress, as they seem to be hinting at Trump having a mental illness when interviewed on MSM and then they sorta drop it and move on with a discussion. This is how you build on to something. The Russian hysteria is just to chip away at his character and make the public more susceptible to the real strategy of falsely diagnosing Trump as having cognitive decline that puts the US at risk. The odds of Trump or any President having a public screw up, like both bushes and other Presidents have done is likely, but the it will be the start of a coordinated effort by MSM and Congress to attack and begin impeachment proceedings.
It will be backed by a lefty physician or prior extorted physician of Trumps... Only afterTrump publicly screws up or faints... like many presidents in the past, for them to start their attack.
and twitter is refusing to verify his account
DonĀ“t drum up my fears user. My heart can only take so much at this weight.
civil war goes hot this month?
I'd better stock up on hotpockets.
>globalists will risk a civil war to keep control
And leftists will unironically support this.