Congressman says "we need more white babies"

Congressman from Iowa is under fire for saying that "we need more white babies" and "Western civilization is vastly superior"

Well he's not wrong

Finally someone said it.

he can yell all he wants lol

no respectable white woman will have a white baby

What a racist xenophobic bigot, amirite. Somali-americans are just as American as anyone else.

WTF who does he think he is, a nazi? I'll tell you who he is: a problematic, bigoted, sexist asshole! #BashTheFash #CurrentYear

Did she get her belly carved like a pumpkin?


>these things could never had been said 5-10 years ago

Can you feel the wind change boys? The floodgates of the true redpill is coming out and it cant be stopped.

> We need more white babies to put my penis in