Was "stop and frisk" effective?
What is the issue with "stop and frisk"?
Was "stop and frisk" effective?
What is the issue with "stop and frisk"?
it's bad because it proves black people are breaking the law 99.9% of the time when randomly stopped so it's racist.
>Was "stop and frisk" effective?
No. Crime went down across the country while Jew York implemented stop and frisk. Misattribution.
>What is the issue with "stop and frisk"?
It was for me. I went to NYC to get stopped and frisked by a big burly cop who could easily over power me. I dresssd like the bumiest bum and it worked.
Yes, it was incredibly effective. The only argument the jews have is "c-crime fell across the country though...", one left wing economist went as far as to say crime decreased solely because of more liberal abortion laws.
The truth is crime decreased because of mass incarceration
>Wake up, smell something
>Look in the mirror
>You're a nigger!
>Go outside to grab your crotch and harrass people, or whatever it is black people do all day
>Find hashish in your pants
>See two cops waddle towards you at an alarmingly high pace
>Try to grab for your gun to "pop a cap" in them, but forgot it at home, unbutton pants instead by mistake
>Pants drop
>Cops waddle up to you and tell you to submit to a patdown
>The cop pats you from top to middle
>When he tries to get further down, his stomach prevents him from bending and putting even the slightest kink in his knee would ruin the joint
>>>Alright Sir, do you have anything on you that I should know about?
>>Naawww nigga, shieet, man, just cause' I got shit for skin and sewers for scent don't mean I'm a criminal, nigga
>They let you go as they spotted more niggers to pat down
>You walk off with your pants down
>From now on you'll never wear them up again
>ITT: Sup Forumstards sucking authoritarian dick
With the amount of people they were stopping and frisking it was obvious that they weren't following the law correctly and more like... stopping and frisking any black/Hispanic that they saw/wanted.
kek, pretty much, them and the SPLC and all other marxist faggot leftist lawyer heavy conglomerates.