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Turkey has a banana on their flag.
Why do brits say Banana like "Bah-naaah-nah"?
Netherlands is acting like a banana republic because they wont let the Turkish government campaign in their country for a referendum that will literally turn Turkey into a banana republic.
Turkroach logic 101.
are there people that actually respect erdogan?
I feel like all these muzzies getting up in arms about geert is only going to help him
but I suppose I shouldn't underestimate how cucked the people in western europe are
>Turkey about to vote on referendum that would give Erdogan near-dictatorial powers
>But it's the Netherlands that is the banana republic, because they don't want to deal with roaches roaching out
Wilders can't get elected soon enough. Kebab removal time is long overdue.
That doesn't even make sense. Netherlands has tourism, stroopwafels, women, weed and tulips.
What the fuck does Turkey have?
Yes. Turks believe he's some sort of savior that'll bring back Islamic law to Turkey.
Those that are secular though hate him.
Turks in general have a good chance to actually make a decent country yet they're too dumb to.
Erdogan must be removed. After the referendum he will become a Sultan.
is that why the roaches go there? to eat the banana?