Why is America the only country that uses corn syrup in their coke rather than real cane sugar?

Why is America the only country that uses corn syrup in their coke rather than real cane sugar?
What did our economy mean by this?

"""fuck your pancreas""" (((sic)))

Because sugar is commie (embargo on Cuba).

There is nothing more American than high fructose corn syrup

But the Coke or Dr Pepper I buy contains pure cane sugar

better question would be why do americans drink so much soda in the first place? shit is poison.

corn subsidies

corn subsidies - MUH GASOHOL

Sugar and corn syrup have the same unhealthy effect on the body. You should limit your consumption of either.


How else are we going to be stupefied and mentally drained enough to do whatever (((they))) want us to?

So if they are so bad, tell us what is your favorite artificial sweetener that isn't as bad?

They use corn for everything because it is cheap and the US has no competitive agrarian sector, all american farmers live of welfare if they know it or not. The government just pumps money from the coasts into the middle west, so that they do not loose massive votes. Having to much corn in everything is also one of the reasons why americans are so fat

This is the correct answer

Farmers are subsidised to grow corn, thus the yanks have massive corn production and they set up lobbies to further this - making it much cheaper to buy corn syrup (a sugar substitute) from the US than import expensive sugar from abroad.

Basically, lobbying and money in politics is propping up the production of a crop that would normally fail in the free market, 9/10 people prefer real sugar to corn syrup.

USA is corrupt as shit.

our food industry is super corrupt
for all we know they could very well be in bed with the medical industry too
anything to funnel more money into a corrupt system and turn citizens into worthless blobs of illness and laziness
they're easier to control that way
also, they just save a lot of money in general by putting the worst and least nutritious shit in foods and they are allowed to market it as healthy so people get tricked into spending more on "organic" and "diet" foods that are actually still super unhealthy
they sell memes like gluten free and vegan and people eat it up

Actual fruits

Actually 100% correct and bluntly stated. Thanks for your post.

The entire country is suited to growing corn, from Maine to Florida to California. The same can't be said about sugar. It's no wonder why we grow corn, subsidize and do everything else we do with it when literally any moron can grow it.

Nothing to do with corruption. Corruption is the Queen and her ilk getting millions in EU farm subsidies every year though. Although I guess that's done with now.

>they could very well be in bed with the medical industry
Totally happening. I'm sorry nyanon. Last time I visited America it was really hard to find real food and almost impossible to get used to your diet. I don't even know how do you manage to survive.

Oh wait, you mean homosexuals. Thanks, France.

Because corn syrup has natural ssri's and keep the population complacent. Once you stop drinking soda and eating sugary shit, you become clear headed and aggressive.

>Nothing to do with corruption
"Lobbying", same shit, just semantics

Why are you so aggressive? I can't help it if you're too fat.

Paris isn't France anymore, that's a given.

It's cheaper.

Lobbying is legalised corruption, stop being so defensive America doesn't need you to defend her pride. That queen comment was pathetic.

Almost right. Nice try. While real sugar signals the brain that you are full, corn syrup does not. Makes mountain dew an optimal gaming fuel, since you can pound them back to back without ever feeling full.

Corn subsidies and import duties on cane sugar.

we use corn syrup because it's cheaper and more convenient than real cane sugar
it is much easier to grow lots of corn


and diabeetus

So Bill Gates' Monsanto can slow kill all Americans.

because the price of corn is artificially low due to government subsidies which simply makes it cheaper to use corn syrup instead of sugar

Midwesterners have no problems getting 'real' food, pity the city folk.