Israel general

General discussion about Israeli issues
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I would die for Israel


Thank you user


let my people alone or a great plague will hit your synagoge

This fucking thread again? I saw you YESTERDAY.
Stupid brainwashed fag.

is there a more Sup Forums country in the world my israeli comrades ?


Stop taking free money and become independant instead of being a wanking child/autist crying for food and money because immature and can't care for oneself.

At least you're not Palestine

i hate jews.


Shill elsewhere kike faggot

>his country dosn't have fully-communist closed communities
everyone does senpai, especially us . jews are subversive parasites and no country suffers from them more then ours.
pic related they are putting dolls of hanged IDF soldiers and rioting\attacking IDF soldiers . israelis are looking for a solution for the jewish problem but their numbers and political power are hard to overcome.

What do you think of Saddam Hussein?


>based memri
literally the greatest bantz channel, if only they did a joint show with australian shitposters it would be perfect.
but yea he was a piece of shit , i mean he did threaten us and we took his reactor but the shit he pulled in the gulf war is fucking infuriating .
israel wasnt part of the coalition nor did the members of the coalition want israel there but that piece of shit launched rockets at us.

noice, better then
bland shit, saved.


Based Israel takes cares of its own citizens first and doesn't give a fuck what the globalists in the UN think. I wish all Western countries would follow Israel's example.

Hey Schlomo. Assuming you are not a proxy, is it safe to go to israel and study for a white man? Will I get shoah'd by brown people when I am not at the education facilities?

reminder that she's my waifu and you filthy kikes must keep your dirty hands off her

Stop it, Synagogue of Satan.

she's a batshit nazi senpai, would still bang tho