Why is America unable to create peace?

Why is America unable to create peace?

Why are they unable to stop their wars?

This smug entitlement makes me want to skin you alive

You live in America. Youve never experienced true poverty, youve never experienced hardship, youve never experienced anything other than the most incredible 1st world nation the world has ever known.

Youve experienced these things because of our military strength. Youve experienced these things because of our wars.

saged kys

They start wars in order to preserve their nation user.

They don't want to stop wars.

Reactionaries and fundamentalists who are trying to reject the inevitable outcome of global influence and government

Motherfucker, I'm in the military

I want to know why some of the guys I went through training with aren't alive anymore, for what did they die for?

(((military-industrial complex)))

There is true povery and hardship in your country you dope, don't act like you have it better than the rest of us because you don't!

our "poor" in this country
Have flat screen TVs
Have Cable TV
Have internet
Have PCs or Laptops
Smart Phones
eat 3 meals a day FREE
get housing with heat and central air FREE
most own at least 1 car
get education FREE

Tell me again how bad our poor have it

Soldiers fight and win wars. Politicians fight and win peaces.

Do not concern yourself with such matters until you get out. Your job right now is to fight and win wars.

quit giving us reasons