There aren't a lot of genuinely far right women out there Sup Forums (especially excluding the ones who are desperate and just agree, than divorce you for being """racist"""), and even if you don't want a wife that's into politics there still aren't a lot that haven't been totally brainwashed into being either subliminally or overtly Marxist. So it would seem that in these times a man looking for a good wife will have to put in the effort to make a woman wife material, which is better than the alternative (not breeding). So how do you 'redpill' a woman Sup Forums? Not necessarily in politics, but in what role will bring her the most happiness (since they are more emotional, I assume that is the best way to go about it)?
TL;DR: How do you suggest going about redpilling, or in another way 'cleaning of feminism, marxism etc.', women Sup Forums?
sex is a drug. this task requires a fucking scientific team. Like honestly as a guy, if I could ignore allt this shit and constantly orgasm, shit I probably would.
Connor Powell
Care to elaborate user? Do you mean to say it just isnt possible?
Camden Cox
Just date a traditional asian girl.
Kevin Turner
>put in the effort to make a woman wife material >expending literally any energy so a woman can improve enough to attract a better quality man than you
Connor Fisher
>How do you suggest going about redpilling it won't be done here, anytime a woman outs herself, regardless of whether or not it's relevant to the discussion, the scenario plays out like this: >anon1: man, it's so tough to find a nice, traditional, redpilled girl with morals, all women are sluts >anon2: it's tough for us women too, finding a guy who isn't a degenerate liberal >anon1: SHOW ME YOUR TITTIES OR GET THE FUCK OUT >anon3: hey, she's not attention whoring, what she said was relevant to the >anon1: FUCK OFF WHITE KNIGHT KEK, TITTIES NOW
Aaron Rodriguez
For a second I thought the whore on the left was riding a skateboard
Adam Morales
I'm saying you can't redpill drug addicts. Men have to carry the load and show the dumb bitchez why this world is worth fighting for. If you wanted to attack the problem directly, it would take 60 years of science after however long the current pseudoscience period ends to show them why sex is degenerate. Drug addicts don't fucking respond to reason, this is why liberals are fucking intolerable evil faggots who need to be part of the actual holocaust when it happens, for real.
Logan Carter
Jayden Edwards
Check'd, Id prefer to date a white girl personally. Full 1488. Part of the process, I would assume, would be making her dependent/loyal to you. Though I'm not sure how this would be done. You have a valuable point. The sad truth, but I'm not looking for a girl on here. I have a GF and we are fairly young so I am hopeful that I can guide her to a good fufilling role. Thank you user.