In the modern world making yourself feel special it's getting harder and harder, bu it's a biological imperative.
I can see from here that you are an unoriginal drone, that can produce one original tought.
Prove me wrong fucker I dare you.
Nathan Smith
only if it has an evolutionary advantage. you idiots listened to ayn rand and her individualism bullshit. it is about the fucking species you degenerate faggot. Tell me there is some physical reason (does this give you super hearing?) else it is just a bunch of faggots like you pretending to be special instead of making the world a better place.
liberal fucking faggot
Anthony Allen
Why if I attack, you inmediatly believe that I defend this shit.
This it's a personal attack against your lack of cultural identity.
Closet homo.
Connor Murphy
>I can see from here that you are an unoriginal drone, that can produce one original tought. >Prove me wrong fucker I dare you.
You are clearly retarded. If you do something to look a certain way or be special, you need to fucking kill yourself. My INAH-3 is fine, and in general cultural traditions have a scientific basis and it is incredibly rare to see ones that do not survive.
Aesthetics aren't enough nigger faggot.
Robert Moore
Yeah because dreadlock chad with his expanded ears didn't took your woman.
Cry more fag, I heard that if you cry enough someone would rape your boipucy.
Ryan Wright
any woman that dumb faggot gets he can have. it sounds like you might have these gauges
is that why you so butthurt?
realized everyone who looks at you thinks you are retarded and a joke. did you need a place to hold your cigarettes fag? I'd continue, but you are from chile so your life is already total shit.
Easton Evans
Alexander Smith
Dylan Allen
>both post like they are from reddit you know you can both fuck off, right?