None of your shitty languages matters. So stop speaking it here. English is the master language. Ditto. The anglo lives on.
Reminder that only English matters
It'd be cool to know Russian just in case, yet that's not necessary, so you are still correct
>Anglo misli da je engleski najpopularniji jezik,a zaboravljujuci Spanski i Kineski
>dkn för intelligent för att prata engelska
Hold din kæft og bap noget mere pakistaner gren
Due to the fact that being able to speak English is pretty much a necessity in life even for people with a different native language, and the fact that literally all film, literature and music worth consuming is in English, I see the continuation of other languages as little more than petty sentimentalism.
Haista vittu, saatanan apina!
>languages matters
dude you can't even speak fucking English why are you preaching to us?
السلام عليك يا عزيزي. أنا معك و أفهم غضبك. الله أكبر.
His is true English, ours is an accent.
Cyka blyat!!
Zakaj mate angleži zjebane zobe? Ne razumem vas nič.
>due to the fact I'm a monolingual subhuman I deem everything foreign to be unworthy
bring dich um familia
Why would an English speaker bother to learn a second language. They can already hold a conversation with almost every intelligent, educated person in the world.
you are fucking retarded. more languages is better, so english alone isn't shit faggot.
but the english speakers cannot even be bothered to know enough Arabian to prevent refugee "kids" from sexually touching their sisters and duaghters in HS.
Not even Masha'allah.
Because English is a bad language to think in. Our brain is structured like a language. Dumb grammar makes you stupid.
I made this for Italy-user of yesterday because he was mean to us.
>ele só fala um idioma
but it is the most important language.
op sucks cock because he can only speak one language
>dvw te intelligent om Engels te praten
Moortugal will never be my friend.
Moortugal is racist shithole.
English language = AMERICAN LANGUAGE
Sorry it's Burgers who made it popular not you.We speak it with AMERICAN accent not british.
>English speakers... can hold a conversation with almost every intelligent, educated person in the world.
The English (and burgers for that matter) have time and again proven that this is not the case.
Why don't Mexicans learn English if the rest of the world does? Why are we stuck with the bilingual bullshit? Are Mexicans just too stupid? I'm not claiming to be smarter here since I only know English.
Eik naxui :^)
Bet rimtai, laikas mokytis lietuviu kalbos, Naidzelai. Mindaugas, Mohamedas ir Radekas yra naujieji britai.
åkei, grei skuring
YouTube did more to spread the English language globally than British colonialism, perfidious Albion can fuck itself
Nor do we want to befriend monkeys pretending they can speak Portuguese. Have fun being a 3rd world shithole while I live comfy in my 1st world country where I won't get shot everyday and girls here have XX chromosomes. Stay mad monkey
Almist every Hispanic born in the U.S. is bilingual. Matter of fact as a 1st gen Mexican American , me and countless other generations only speak English to communicate now even tough we also speak Spanish.
>a implicar que os brasileiros falam português
Vocês nem os pronomes sabem usar direito e metade das vossas palavras são estrangeiros mal usados. Matem-se por favor, e sim diz matem-SE não "Se matem" seus sub-humanos. Lnr2grammar
faggot language like fags for cigarettes needs to be wiped from the face of the earth.
>full of gypsies
>natives are lazy retards
>language is polish with orc accent
>economy worse than malta and cyprus
>literally an off-brand spain feeding off tourists
>1st world
Pero qué coño está pasando, ¿ahora Sup Forums solo permite que se escriba en inglés? Me vais a comer los huevos toreros que tengo. Hijos de puta.
>full of gypsies.
Top kek germanistan. Call me when you become a 1000yo nation
sm mata :^)
Hy лaднo, пaп
Я yжe пepecтaл гoвopит пo-иpлaндcки. Этo бoльшaя жaль, нa caмoм дeлe. B 19-oм вeкe пpocyщecтвoвaл нecкoлькo языкoв в Aмepикe. Ho, бeлaя "нaциoнaльнocть" yничтoжилa aмepикaнcкиe Eвpoпeйcкиe нapoды. A ceйчac тoт жe "нaциoнaльнocть" oпять являeтcя пpичинoй, чтoбы cдeлaть eдиный нapoд нacтoящих мyлaтoв, вмecтe Eвpoпeйcких мyлaтoв.
T. Гopный иpлaндeц.
Был язык в Oзapкaх cтo лeт нaзaд, кoтopый нaзывaeтcя "кyнacc-гaлcкий" ceйчac eгo нeт.
Nem escrever sabes meu macaco de merda
>merdapostagem óbvia
youre not deported yet lol?
>a implicar que essa palavra faz sentido em português.
Quanto muito mais valia escreveres em inglês em vez de traduzires a palavra literalmente. Volta para a tua favela palhaço.
E você volte para o seu amado reddit, novabixa.
>volta para a tua favela, palhaço.
Fixado, amigão.
>wants to fight globalism
>shills death of national principles
chupame la chota puto
>a implicar que sabia o que era o leddit antes de vir para o Sup Forums
Não sei como é que consegues fazer posts com a vossa internet de merda. Diverte-te a traficar droga e a apanhar tiros.
Ebonics is the language of the future, user.
Educação brasileira no seu melhor. Não me admira que vocês sejam o caixote do lixo da humanidade.
Continue louco, mouro.
Então adiciona essa raça às mais de mil misturadas no teu ADN seu atrasado.
Está tão bundadoída assim por não saber escrever no teu próprio idioma, João?
>disse a putinha falida da UE
Volte quando terminar de pagar tuas dívidas, camarada.
All music worth listening to is German (Beethoven, Wagner, Mozart, etc.)
>a implicar que o Brazil não tem dívidas
>a implicar que os vosso políticos não ficam com o dinheiro todo
>a implicar que mesmo com dívidas vivemos pior que vocês.
>mesmo vivendo na corrupta EU estamos 100 mais avançados que vocês.
Vocês ainda vivem em casas de chapam e matam só para roubar meia dúzia de tostões.
I hate Germans. But I must agree. German classical music is God tier.
Said the britfag who's language derived from GERMANIC. Talks about heritage. Well done ya fuckhead
Hoobastank jaberwakki. Nog'la moir doogen ke splacken shooba shooba ho ho ho.
English matters but not because of england. It should be called American at this point, because everybody learns it to do bussiness ith us.
Touché, faggot.
Pergunta séria, agora:
Vocês estão tendo problemas com imigrantes do Oriente Médio, ou os brasileiros ainda são o maior problema?
The reason everyone speaks English is because of America.
Detesto brasileiros que acham que falam Português.
Pensa outra vez somos uma sociedade >95% branca os refugiados não se querem cá
Tenho de ser honesto. Somos demasiado pobres para receber refugiados. Só temos dinheiro para os nossos. Alem disso só temos meia dúzia de brasileiros em Lisboa e um ou outro nas universidades porque têm papás ricos que os por cá a estudar.
>b-b-but America
>pay attention to us please!!!
>que os põem cá
>He thinks he's relevant in any way
Go smell the queen's farts
>UK thinks he is relevant
>2nd most powerful nation in the world
>not relevant
Wew lad
All finance goes through London, the biggest financial centre in the world by far.
English jews outjew jews in the US.
No one wins.
Entendo. Parece que no fim das contas realmente há males que vêm para o bem. Sempre vejo portugueses falando sobre os brasileiros em Portugal como se fossem uma praga devastando o país com tanta eficiência quanto os muçulmanos na Escandinávia. Ficava me perguntando como caralhos os "favelados" conseguiam dinheiro para viajarem até Portugal e se manterem aí. Isso sem mencionar os vistos.
Tredluki shtenmah. Ki esti to biskan ish tlikmon ti naskol, man ta ni to mashkin.
Reminder: gypsies are a thief cult, expelled from india 1,500 years ago for being the lowest caste and of absolutely no value whatsoever to anyone.
Were every last gypsy to vanish from the earth, no one would miss them and only positivity would result from their permanent disappearance.
Let that unite us.
Pá em Lisboa não sei, mas no resto do país nunca tive problemas com brasileiros. Já os refugiados fogem daqui porque temos estátuas de gajos com cabeças de mouros nas mãos.
English is an ugly bastard between french, germanic and celtic. It is the "my wife's mixed race son" of languages.
Spanish has 500 million speakers.
No real necessity to learn it.
Same reason why English speakers don't learn any other languages, they just expect everyone else to speak their language.
Also, illegals are the lowest of the low, don't expect them to do anything decent.
Just a knock off Hitler.
we have few of them. Even though they are despised by everyone since they're thieves and murderes.
Burning them or stabbing their hearts with silver is the only way to make sure they are dead.
Good luck.
I call it bullshit. Recently Portugal became the 3rd most spoken language ahead of Spain and we only have 300 million speakers
No, Wall street is
The City will lose its status after Br*xit anyway
>Já os refugiados fogem daqui porque temos estátuas de gajos com cabeças de mouros nas mãos.
Topkek. O que devo procurar no google pra encontrar fotos dessas estátuas?
Why are you so cocky when we can speak your language and you can't speak ours?
Latin is the one true language.
Why don't Japs drop their shitty moon runes and write doujins in English from the get go.
Gott strafe England!
This is a shill thread trying to divide us.
moortuguese blown the fuck out
1667 nimmer vergeet
Medway beste dag van m'n leven
Groot-Brittanië uitgeblazen
ask yourself why anybody on the planet would ever want to speak a small, useless muslim language
Not hard to look it up.
Whole of south and central america apart from brasil.
Spanish speaking.
Can't call bullshit on a readily verifiable fact.
It is irrefutable, as for trying to predict the future, someone might do another inside job and wall street goes into the toilet.
Really has no sense to make claims for a non existent timeline.