Trump wants a skills-based immigration system like Canada and Australia, who he praised in his speech to Congress

>Trump wants a skills-based immigration system like Canada and Australia, who he praised in his speech to Congress

Wait, you're telling me America didn't actually have this kind of system? Holy fuck, what century are you niggaz in?

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They probably have it, but trump is too dumb to know about it.

The Democrats let in millions of dumb brown people to increase their voting base. If you are dumb and brown it is easy to convince you that the reason you suck and keep failing is because "systemic white boogie man".

Our immigration policy as is follows: LET THE DARKIES IN! GOOD NIGHT WHITE RACE!

You and your country are irrelevant. It makes you mad and it shows.

If you exclude all the illegals that they tolerate coming into the country.

pretty much this. there are entire communities and areas in states that aren't even American anymore, yet taxpayers have to support their worthless chilluns and keep them comfy with gibs. When will Trump address the welfare for illegals issue? Still waiting on it. Imagine the money that would be saved.


They do have it....

for everyone except brown people.

We had a merit system in name only.
Ways to get to america
>Family living in America
>Hop fence
Then you just never leave and you're classified as "undocumented immigrant"
In the case where you have a valid visa you can apply for citizenship after a few years.