Mix it up

Why are most mixed race people so fucked?

Every single person I have known that was of mixed race has serious mental problems.

>One was a homosexual

>One went skitzo at 17

>One didn't talk to anybody at school than >next thing you know he raped a 13 year old >girl in his neighborhood..

I could go on. I have only known one mixed race lad who seemed halfway normal until he put his white girlfriend in the hospital after beating the fuck out of her..

Why are these people so fucked?
Is the future truly great?

Other urls found in this thread:


One was a guitar hero.

because they were born with a mental handicap, race mixing and the only purpose is race I can prove it as no other interest matters other than Jews attacking the white race and only race matters.

In your house the only ones who belong are your family, love my people, this does not mean I hate others, I just love my people more than all others, I can love others but I assume they love their own more as I do.

All undesirables deported from country will receive 50k a year throughout their life in their new location, any problems?
This is practically charity and self sacrifice for those who do not believe in race and is the solution to those who believe in their race and people.

>de su odio a otras razas y de que son super superiores
>Us the People can be for any economy, any system, we simply ask for racial purity, yet this is the ULTIMATE denial, it shows the only interest that matters is their ability to attack and subvert our race.
I ask for racial purity and will also give a subsidy of 20% of national budget to be distributed to non whites elsewhere also destroy all armaments for war, what issue do you have?
We are for US, we don't care about THEM so long as they don't invade our land and people.

It also shows that everything they speak is only done to attack the race.

Go look at all propaganda of the enemy and see the only constant is denying the racial purity, because the ones doing the propaganda are not of the race!
The source is the Jew and he needs a people bastardized so they can hide in the recesses of darkness and destroy the people from within like a bomb.

Us the People can be for any economy, any system, we simply ask for racial purity, yet this is the ULTIMATE that they deny, it shows the only interest that matters is their ability to attack and subvert our race.

And the constant of us the People, is defending our race.


I have a quadroon (1/4 black, Jamaican) friend whose entire family went through the worst acne I've personally seen on anybody. His siblings were all on prescription acne pills for a decade but it cleared up by the time they were 20 or so. They were also really prone to anger and would whip the closest thing they had in hand at the time, like fully autistic.

The future is bright

No idea what you're talking about
Mixed people are the most attractive people I've seen

Who still struggles with drug addiction..
>Nice try

Black mother white father

Seems like they turn out more normal than white mother black father

>fuck off shill

>Why are most mixed race people so fucked?

Because 90% of the time the dad is a deadbeat and the mother is a dumb slut.

hes one ugly motherfucker