NY Drops Literacy Test to Recruit More Nonwhite Teachers


>Teaching authorities in the state of New York have dropped literacy tests for those wanting to become schoolteachers, saying that a “white workforce no longer suits the needs of the school population.”

>Members of the New York state Board of Regents adopted a task force’s recommendation “to eliminate the literacy exam, known as the Academic Literacy Skills Test,” given to prospective teachers, because “an outsized percentage of black and Hispanic candidates were failing the test.”

>46 percent of Hispanic test-takers and 41 percent of black test-takers passed it on the first try, compared with 64 percent of white candidates.

>Some of the nonwhites who failed the test took the NYSTCE to court claiming to be victims of “racial discrimination” in 2015. The federal court found that there was absolutely no evidence of any discrimination, and dismissed the suit.

>Despite this, Leslie Soodak, a professor of education at Pace University, who served on the task force that examined the state’s teacher certification tests, maintained that a test that screens out so many nonwhites was “problematic,” and went on to admit the core of the problem this way:

>“Having a white workforce really doesn’t match our student body anymore,” Soodak said.

>Another liberal, Kate Walsh, who is president of the National Council on Teacher Quality, blamed the nonwhite failure rates on whites, saying that the reason why “blacks and Latinos don’t score as well as whites on the literacy test is because of various factors like poverty and the legacy of racism.”

>Walsh however admitted that there was “not a test in the country that doesn’t have disproportionate performance on the part of blacks and Latinos.”

Thank you liberals for literally dumbing us down.

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I mean they're kinda right the teachers should reflect the student body. They should've found a better way though.

>I mean they're kinda right the teachers should reflect the student body.

Low IQ brown ppl?

no, they shouldn't
teachers should be all white educated and then when the subhumans fail they get thrown back into Africa

I wonder if they even asked the students or parents.
Like did they go "Hey there, miss Shabooz, would you rather have your 7 children by 5 different fathers taught by literate crackaz or illiterate Afferican Americans?"

Just separate schools already. I swear we're on the way towards it.

let's take this further because this is why I fucking hate liberals so much
You think blacks can't look up to whites, or respect them, or try to emulate them? They can't be rolemodels? Then why is it okay to replace everyone whites are looking at with blacks and other minorities? Why do only these subhumans need rolemodels that reflect themselves? How the hell do you think it's possible to have a multiethnic nation where every race only respects its own as authority figures?

It's absolutely right, of course. People are tribal by nature, and it's insurmountable. But continuing to encourage desegregation and immigration while admitting this is absolutely the white genocide they claim isn't happening.

Yes by getting rid of no child left behind not pushing us closer to the idiocracy that shit like this leads us down.




Why are there teachers in the first place who can't fucking read? Fucking kikes.


If there aren't enough QUALIFIED non-white teachers it's because there aren't non-whites who are qualified to teach.

Insisting on teachers' race matching the students = lowering the standards for teachers.

There is no "better way".

The only other option is giving a massive bonus to non-white teachers to attract more of them...which would be 100% racist.

Even paying for college for non-whites to become teachers wouldn't help much because many of them would STILL fail the literacy exam (if given).

You fucking faggot.

Gotta love how these professor's "solutions" always go beyond just making things incrementally a little more shitty, instead skipping straight to the plan that plainly results in an accelerating downward spiral.



just have to turn those whites into faggots and childless losers a little more still.

I want to leave this state.

They used to do that years ago. Through quotas and test score "adjustments".
But since Obama they now think "why fuck around?" And they're right, who can stop them?

Worst teacher I ever had was a black female English teacher.

She would always be in class stoned out of her mind.


we all do, user. we all do.

I get that cultural biases can fuck with a question on a test. But this just means that you revamp the test, not cutting it out entirely.

How does 2 + 2 have any room for cultural bias?

Math is math, either it's right or it's wrong.

Same with science.

English CAN be a little more nuanced, but only in terms of interpreting literature. Grammar, again, is either right or wrong.

You retards DO realize that the teacher unions are dominated by white WOMEN right? That's the real issue here.

>we need more black teachers
>admit you have to drop standards because they are that shit

My best English teacher was a old black woman who would let you overwrite bad tests with a book report. She would give a bonus if you talked to the class about it.

almost like there is a trend in the hardcore leftist, socialist states.

they're all fucking retarded and suck the seed of niggers and spics.

Of course. Women ruin everything.

What? So, my father who works his ass off in the freaking coal mines somehow didn't work because some user said it on the Internet? You're confusing media narrative and your own biases with reality. Also, the white trash people you are so quick to put down are very important to society. And niggers, really? You might be surprised but some black people actually do work.

so when every teacher cant read or write wtf happens in that school district?

some africa level shit?

no it's not

teachers are supposed to be held to a higher standard

you don't dumb down the teachers to teh level of the students

Or else we would never times tables or anything beyond that.

You fucking moron.

Teachers are supposed to be held to a higher standard, so they can create students who move forward, to a higher standard

GOOD GOD. ....seriously.


The fuck are you going on about?

The only solution is to kill them all.

Ironically before feminism, """affirmative""" """action""", and all that """progressive""" shit from the 60's, nearly all schoolteachers were women.

If you reply to this post, your family will die in their sleep tonight.

Now this is how you make your country retarded.

>“an outsized percentage of black and Hispanic candidates were failing the test.”

statistics are racist
race is a social construct

niggers and spics literally confirmed out of their own mouths to have lower IQ


> score significantly less in simple reading comprehension and literacy

> "ayo, but like, the test is racist tho"

> leftists: "ok umm, but do teachers really NEED to be able to read??"

100% checks out. embarrassing.

Nothing much, K-12 public schooling is basically glorified baby-sitting with some brainwashing thrown in.

I think that was just more of a stigma/time and place thing. You also didn't have any male nurses, either.

The world needed men in manufacturing and other labor jobs. Now, not so much, so like you said, the only thing keeping men out of those professions are other women.

*teleports behind u*

pshh, nothing personnel, kid.

*reverses your weak meme magic and curses you with permanently reduced confidence around women if you read this sentence*

LeL, they are the real hypocrites... If they believe anyone is equal, why should they create such quota they sold to public as inclusion&diversity to unqualified minor, but selling white-only quota as racist?

This is time where anti-racism literally equivalent to racism. And objective test taken as system created by racist... Screw virtue signaling, only qualified person to be put in position...

Hey everyone, flood her pace email: [email protected] , from a concerned pace student who hates its leftist culture

>yes goy, it's women who are the true masterminds behind this, not Jews and self-entitled nonwhites

This is new shill pasta, same thing on Mandela thread

You do this for the "racial equality?"
Yes, so that we can have unqualified, terrible teachers. But you don't know... there may be a highly educated Hispanic teacher... who can't take a literacy test?
This is just retarded.

After reading the article more carefully, I suspect that it's less about giving all races an equal opportunity to be a teacher and more about forcing X and Y races to be hired more. That is, diversity isn't being used as the conduit to expand the pool of possibly worthy candidates but is itself the goal, even at the cost of ability to teach.

>David Coleman admits he helped write Common Core to end white privilege

>David (((Coleman))), the Most Influential Education Figure You've Never Heard Of
>“The idea that kids can do more than we think they can is one of Judaism’s most beautiful contributions,"

The CCI was drafted by a committee consisting of five people, two of which had educational backgrounds. Neither of them approved the standards and now travel the country speaking out against it. James Milgram was the only mathematician part of their commitee and he completely ripped it apart.


Headed "Common Core Standards Validation Committee". (((Coleman))) has no educational background. Quote from him: "Teachers will teach to our tests. There is no force strong enough on this planet to prevent it."

Feds offered $4.3 billion in grants to be distributed to their Dep of Education, the only stipulation of the grant being to adopt Common Core Standards. This is how the Feds got around the 10th Amendment which prohibits federal regulation of education curriculum. Our taxpayer stimulus money was used for these grants as part of Obama's bailout in 2009.



Latinos don't belong in this country, so no, they shouldn't.

Can't you guys just demand their resignations or something?

Undermining the education system in such ways should be a punishable crime ffs.


as long as the culture of easy job with sneeky wiseguy don't tell the teach bs remains, then nothing will get done
end public school




the people who would drop a Literacy requirement in order for the fucking retards to be able to spew nonsense should be given a one way train ride to a free shower...



Prisons also represent their student body, but that doesn't mean school should prepare them for it.


But is this public schools or a private university?

I'd be overjoyed to know that universities are dumbing themselves down by lowering the bar. They'd be forfeiting the power they hold.

But I have a terrible feeling that NY taxdollars will now go to paying teachers who can't pass a literacy test.

If a teacher can't pass on knowledge, what can they pass on?

answer: ignorance

Okay there has to be something that can be done right? Like a petition or something because this is getting fucking ridiculous.

"The test isn't unfair, life is unfair. The test are just measuring the results." - Thomas "show me the evidence" Sowell

So what exactly is this literacy test like? I'd like to see what it entails.

>I mean they're kinda right the teachers should reflect the student body.

America is on the fast track to 3rd world status. Liberals can't wait for designated shitting streets.

why on earth should teacher reflect the student body?

Are students so racist that they'll refuse to learn from someone who looks different from them?

Should we expect that the demographics that created 40 year old teacher must perfectly reflect the demographics of 12 year olds?

Why are people assuming that just because the teacher looks different doesn't mean they can't teach kids?

Can anyone seriously imagine what would happen if the school systems in flyover states publicly stated that they were getting rid of black teachers to get more white teachers because they didn't reflect the student body?

This whole thing is bullshit.


>black and Hispanic students get lower grades, have lower graduation rates than white students
">that's racist! white people are to blame!"
>nonwhites fail test to become teachers
>"that's racist! white people are to blame"
>lower standards instead of hiring qualified white people
>students performance is even worse
>"that's racist! white people are to blame!"

>morons teaching morons


Yeah, the three Rs:
You know, easy subjects to teach. Meanwhile, men who reach higher levels of understanding profess Stem at the University level.

Please fucking end this degeneracy. If it takes fucking Adolf Hitler himself reincarnated bring him back and make him President just so we can go back to fucking normal and not give brownie points and jobs to 85 iq retards in the name of "equality".

>drops literacy test
>for fucking teachers

So teachers trying to educate our children will be illiterate. But at least they will be diverse!

Holy fuck liberalism was a mistake.


>this test is designed, at least in theory, so that any high school senior at grade-level in reading can pass it.

How is the average black or Hispanic pupil expected to improve over the failures of the past if standards are lowered for them and they are taught by illiterate googles? It will only make sure they stay at cattle level aside from the intelligent few who progress regardless. Teacher quality matters most to the average and below average. That's where teachers can make a difference. If the teacher is illiterate enough not to pass a literacy test, how is that teacher going to foster a spirit of intellectual inquiry and thirst for civilization in the cattle?

At first I thought that this was just some idiot who was going to blow his own head off because he had no trigger discipline.

Then I realized he was holding a magazine and a fucking revolver.

>How is the average black or Hispanic pupil expected to improve over the failures of the past if standards are lowered for them and they are taught by illiterate googles?
That question is racist, goy

Yay! A generation of marxist mulatto obama jrs! (((They))) really are hell bent on destroying everyone aren't (((they)))?

Just how stupid are people

The memes just make themselves these days


Holy shit.
Rebbit used to say Christians where the enemies of science...

I say liberals are.

I used to love this country.

The worst part is we still seem to be better off than everyone else.

Why dont they belong here? Doesnt America belong to people want to be American?

Is this even legal, it is clearly racial targeting.

If you can replace "white" with "black" and see an issue with it, then white is just as racist. Its not hard.

from a thread yesterday

>race is a social construct
>white people are too smart to teach black people
>we need dumber teachers to teach these kids!

i hate.

There's a better article where the guy who oversees the testing parameters said the test was basically retarded and intentionally obtuse, as in the wording is shit you'd never see in common literature and there's multiple correct answers.. just a mess that isn't very useful for its purpose. He himself scored 50% and wants it to be revised since it's a waste of time and money (it's a waste because you have to pass other tests that would be impossible to score well on with low literacy).

The "removing the test because it's racist" is a(n unintentional) race baiting SJW narrative meant to make the city dep of Ed seem more racially-inclusive.


We already have defacto segregation in most schools.

I sure as hell wouldn't send my kids to any school with a student body less than 80% non-Hispanic white.

>statistics are racist
If you got dumb fucks who can't even read, they shouldn't be a teacher regardless of the subject

More like the article you read is just a way to deflect from the real (retarded, liberal) reason it was removed, and the guy quoted was probably finding another excuse why it was removed because everyone can see how retarded this is.

It's like how when liberals pressure media companies to remove something offensive in their films, music, games, etc., and then the producers change it, effectively self-censoring, but then they come up with an excuse like "no, actually we planned on changing it anyway and we didn't like it that much" to satisfy everyone (liberals who get what they want and feel like they didn't hurt the artistic integrity, and conservatives who feel like it wasn't changed because of liberal pressure). Essentially just PR, but we can all see why they got rid of the test, several of them admitted it.

Why should professional exams be at the level of "demonstrate you know enough about reading to be able to eat and shit". It's not about survival. It's about you being able to plan for something (outline), work to accomplish a goal (study), execute your plan (test performance). How are you going to teach kids to do those things and be successful if you can't do it yourself?

>64 percent of white candidates [passed it on the first try]
>less than two-fucking-thirds

the problem isn't lowering the bar, it's keeping teachers there. Any teacher (black, white, brown, yellow, red) worth their salt is not going to want to stick around in a shit school for shit pay. The only people that can stick around now are the White liberal women with savior complexes and a significant other with a legit job that subsidizes their "charity work".

its their grave


fake news

Most latinos/mexicans/hispanics don't want to be American though. They insist on speaking that garbage language spanish, their neighborhoods are noisy and dirty (but not as bad as blacks usually) and they have too many children that they let run everywhere.

Some are okay but too many are eager welfare leeches and they breed like rats.

the free market will fix it tbḩ

Looks fine to me. The wording of the test questions is abundantly transparent and the test materials are sourced from published literature. If you can't pass a test like this, you shouldn't have graduated college, much less be allowed to teach.



