that inspite of all your autistic screeching, NOT EVEN A SINGLE REFUGEE is ever leaving these countries. They will soon acquire citizenship and equal (probably more) rights as you autists, and if you dare oppose this, you'll be branded fascists and ostracised from society
Daily Reminder
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And yet Trump got elected, so there is still hope
Also lol you guys have internet?
Unless right-wing leaders takes power. Otherwise Eurobia is headed for civil war soon.
>Muh Drumpf
What does 'these countries' mean?
>lol you guys have internet? xDDD
Full-blown autism on display
Eurabia ain't Murica, neighbour.
Hofer got BTFO in Austria and so will the bottle-blonde Dutch kike, Le Penis and as for Binland....Kek
I'm so glad some curry nigger knows exactly what's going to happen with 100 percent certainty and is not only knowledgeable of the political climate of America, but also every European power as well. If only he could poo in loo...
>we're not already branded fascists
You better hope Europe uncucks itself, or else the brown tide will insure India no longer has any friends as they all circlejerk with Pakistan instead.
Then you, too can experience multiculturalism as you get reamed by Islamic states. India should be banging the "SEND THEM BACK" drum loudly and often if they don't want to get in on the whole cultural suicide thing.
youre such a stupid shill , refugees that commit crime get deported all the time , seriously low quality work bro , BTFO
only thing that was slightly amusing was niqab Trudeau
These turds cant stop the invasion of the ezstern horde. Their countries are ours, their women, daughters, Everything all belong to the middle eastern horde.
Shut up pajeet no one cares about your shilling job in some shitty computer cafe
Fuck the Theocracy of Islam. That shit is going down... on a camel. If they survive the walk home. We've already made them a good Rubble Pile to sleep on. They may need to dig their Mama's from the bottom first!
Islam has lost their Caliphate. The Imams are calling for reinforcements but those calls are going to voice-mail!
Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!
I already had a talk with the Canadian securities, because they thought I was a possible next mass shooter, because I am opposed to things and don't love Islam.... though, they never questioned me about my views on muslims and Islam..... Just things like race and women. I told them: I got no problem with women or other races.
I didn't get criminal file, at least.
And about that image..... God, Trudeau looks like a cuck... Just submitting himself to Islam.
You sound upset
Word of advice if you somehow pull that shit off in Europe take the win and quit while you're ahead because America isn't guna take that shit bud. GL shitskin.
go away pajeet, your country is litterally the people your talking about, minus a religion, smelly stupid poor street shitters
Its that thing that wants socks in harry potter except its the color of poop!
>Daily reminder that more people shit in the street in india than anywhere else on the planet. Combined.
>t. Rape victim of Emus
Pic related: A typical Invasion Day parade in Straya
N-Nippon? Are you okay? You look sick
>(probably more) rights
You're talking about the child marriages protected under religious freedom, right?
Better to die on your feet fighting than on all fours praying to mecca
Stop the dole and benefits and they'll Fuck off back to the desert.
Did that work on your Poles?
>molow for bo
What does this mean?
Poles actually work though.