Any right-wing Sup Forumsacks in the Minnesota area?
Any pol users in Minnesota?
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There obviously are. Quality thread
The state often votes blue in presidential elections
Minnesota-Nice, eh?
How can a very white state vote so blue?
MN's state culture is heavily influenced by New England. It all goes back to the cultural divides which existed in America before the civil war started.
I'm trying to see if there's anyone here worth networking with, so I'd say the thread serves a much bigger purpose than the usual 'pointless debate that goes on for 380 posts and achieves nothing tangible' ones.
it's literally the Sweden of the U.S.
We went blue by less than half a point this election
UMN here
There are rumors of an ex nazi leader living in the hills of Minnesota that draws cartoons now
what do you want?
St. Paul fag reporting in
Umn alum here. Got chased out of northeast by the Somalis