Why are Liberals so tiny?

>Pic related
How much do you think he Weights?
Could you take him in a fight?

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>Why are Liberals so tiny
Raised by vegans.

I swear to fuck testosterone makes you conservative. I was a literal card carrying socialist until I started lifting. It really changes you.

Also explains why women behave the way they do desu.

His body and haircut look like a 12 year old but his face looks like that gay art teacher in middle school everyone had. 120; yes.

Looks like he has some kind of disease or something.

I always think this picture is of Ahmed the clock boy after he gets kicked out of MIT and moves to Portland with his boyfriend, Haim.

I don't think this guys looks normal at all
He looks diseased. His picture makes me feel unconfortable.


why are liberals so fat?


jesus that's pathetic

>doing it to get laid

White people are goofy as fuck.
Trump should supply testosterone therapy or institute manual labor or forced physical improvement programs on the population.

This shit is wack.

Holy shit guys is it a female tranny?

They rely on state power to protect them, since they are unable to do so.

In fights this guy's hands drop off like a lizard's tail and then he impales you with two bony knife arms

Conservative man Instagram
>Golden One brother


lil dude needs a steak

Forgot link

so tiny yet had a double chin, is it all the soy they eat?


He would drop from an open hand much less a closed fist

Ahem. Excuse you. SHE is a proud queer woman

I really don't know myself. I think it's just their lifestyle choices. Most of them are faggy fucking bloggers who don't know what a gym is. As big as they are on health you'd think they'd have a bit more muscle.

It wasn't cancer, it was festering rectal AIDS butt

I've been looking for this picture.


someone post some manlet pics of desTINY

ty fake wikileaks


There's no way this guy doesn't have a medical condition.

Processed shitty foods are laced with estrogen

Moder of Jesus Christ

Nigga not strong enough to hold his own head. Nigga couldn't lift his chin up when he's sad

so they do have a disease. Its a woman who's mentally retarded into thinking it's a gay man.



testosteron... it only cost you 8 $
you can change your life with two months, everyday use of it
be a man, do HRT

Cue Podesta

Holy shit, that guy ought to put that fruit back before he strains his bicep.

15. Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist's real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

16. Words like "self-confidence," "self-reliance," "initiative," "enterprise," "optimism," etc., play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary. The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve every one's problems for them, satisfy everyone's needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.

>an adult male weighs at least 200lbs
-Mark Rippetoe

you mean straight woman.

but muhhh soymilk


Weaker = more feminine = that feeling of more dependency and "care for me" = please government, make more social programs for me
It's just a general feeling on Independency = small gov, dependency = huge gov.

is l-lysine really HRT?

Are there any studies correlating longer ring fingers with higher testosterone furring development?
Femanon here, this is the case.

> tfw fat 6' vegan



Golden one looks awesome with short hair

unless you were morbidly obese, lifting wont change your test by much. that said, there is a correlation between test and conservative positions.


Or being conservative raises your testosterone

>being so skinny and still having a fat head

Same, lifting for me corresponded directly with me becoming right wing. Also started actually caring about masculinity, stopped saying "I'm a pacifist", started caring about my culture and people actually existing in the future, etc etc

I think this is basically it honestly



Why are Mexicans such manlets?

>Your voice is your power. Hi Beautiful Diverse World, you often misunderstand me so let me share again I'm a transman ... this means I transitioned to male at 16, not the opposite. I'll be 35 soon so it's been a long + liberating journey! My pronouns are he, his, him, etc. & Princess or Queen if you're feeling frisky (meow). I'm feminine as F & own it ... this means femininity is an inside sense of self + expression that I happily + openly allow on the outside as well. It doesn't make me less of a man. It makes me more of ME! I felt like a boy in a dress growing up & still do! Work it bae! I'm pansexual ... this means I'm attracted to ALL variations of gender identities & beautiful hearts. I'm sex & kink positive, body positive, support feminism & strongly agree that YOU are whoever YOU feel you are! Leave the cookie cutters for the cookies honey. Be your own kind of beautiful! I no longer choose to allow myself to be ashamed of my body, history or story. It's helped shape me & gives me stories to share, experience, perspective & personal growth. I'm me, you're you, that's fabulous too!

>higher test levels in men causes them to have shorter life spans
>testoterone literally kills you
>conservatives will die out before democrats

Well played jews

Fuck me I'm thin as fuck and that guy makes me feel like a fucking feminazi

>could you take him in a fight
I could, but wouldn't be much of a fight. Kinda like kicking a rat

Estoy seguro de que ese wey te parte tu madre, pinche maricon lame huevos gringos

That's because it's a woman.

Fun fact: Steve Job's cancer actually grew at an extremely slow rate, and he had basically been dying for over 20 years before he got diagnosed (in the late 80s his co-workers described his "yellowish hue", which was actually because his liver was under attack by metastatic cancer from his pancreas). By the time he even got it diagnosed, he was likely way too far gone for scientific medicine to help him anyway.

I don't speak taco vendor

So what, testosterone makes life so much better. Quality over quantity.


That's a FtM tranny.

i think he may have been sick.

no excuse for those retarded tattoos or that nigger hat though

In the state, you wonder why all the left wingers and dependent people are the ones who care about state programs and welfare and shit like that... but right wingers care more about the military crap, honor, duty, and that side of the Bullshit Coin.
Remember this, then.
Welfare and domestic "social programs" = the providing mom.
Military, homeland security, police = the protective dad.
Either way it's just a big fucking violent circus stealing from people and their children through taxation. As it has been forever.

Hmm, you might be onto something. I started a regular lifting routine three years ago. Hmm... I unsubscribed to TYT three years ago after feeling disgust and it all took off from there.
And no, it wasn't just me reaching full maturity, I'm 29, so I was 26 at the time.


I was 3x this guys size when I was a 130lb coke addict at 5'11. He even has a fat face, likely an alcoholic with a medical condition.

i take that back

God, imagine if that guy wanted to fight you. You'd almost want to run away in fear he might die if you touched him.

Injun genes

More avocado fat for his cheeks, but only eat one, too much protein!

I'm not superstitious though, I'm just playing along.

Tu madre no despertara si no me respondes

I'd much rather be a scrawny but healthy Liberal instead of a testosterone laden, obese, dipshit, Republican.

Found him!

I could, without a doubt or any word of exaggeration, kill him with just my pinky. Though from his looks, I think he legitimately has some kind of disorder.


Physiognomy: the art of discovering temperament and character from outward appearance


Ironpill, is that you?

What the fuck would you do? Fucking stick you pinky down his throat till he suffocates

We shall name him "AIDS Gollum".


Punch it in the throat with the knuckle of my pinky lmao


I want to die

what's wrong are you transphobic?

you fascist swine.

My pinkey finger alone is probably stronger than an entire small frog or something. Think about that shit for a second. Pinkey is strong as fuck bra.

basically they are elliot rodgers

cant beat him
cant join em
so destroy em in disgusting fashion

Kek that too

Jesus Christ
I've never imagined the possibility of an innie nipple


>why do tiny people tend to be liberal?

^ the correct formulation. Answer is r-selection.

Don't be stupid... oh I forgot where I was.

He has a beard and is larping as a woman... I mean at least put in some effort if you're gonna do the whole tranny thing

This shit is a carbon copy of the lies by Goebbles. U lot r assholes.