This is a CALL TO ARMS ANONS! This is the idea and we can change it, but we use projectors to project a message on buildings in major cities, preferably ones with live streams, that trolls shia! The message is up to you! This could hit the news!
Other urls found in this thread:
there was one on another board "He will nut inside us"
I'm working on exploring viable options to live stream webcam footage of a flag in a remote location with the words WE ARE UNITED written across it. What would be even better is if a bunch of anons did it. Drive the HWDNU crowd bonkers trying to track them all down.
I was thinking when shia did this you could use a green screen and have multiple locations set up so nobody will ever find the real flag. We could totally use this!
Hmmm! All these ideas have potential.
Shadilay Brothers...
>target liberal art works / murals etc
>we spray paint HWNDU all over them
>liberals get upset that HWNDU and Shia fans are ruining their art
We turn them against themselves. Find those places sacred to liberals and hit em up.
Hell yeah! The most epic game of capture the flag the world has ever seen!
Throw in a couple of real flags, just to give them enough to take the bait.
That is fucking evil lol! Some crazy social eng. shit right there!
I agree. All these ideas have potential.
KEK that would be perfect!
can someone post the pic with all the flag info?
Yes it would!
I vote we set up a flag on a live stream and see what happens.
I'm looking into options to do that. I'm in a pretty rural area and have property I could set something up on.
You might get some reddit and 9gag fucks try to take it.
I'd like to see them try. I wouldn't give them very much to go. Would not have the camera aimed at the sky, for starters. neighbors all have dogs that have free reign of the neighborhood, and they do not tolerate trespassers well. LOL
That's the whole point ain't it? It's capture the flag. The goal is to get people to try to take it. The fun is in how well you can hide it.
Fair enough. Put the camera at a downward angle maybe?
We could even consider moving the flag from place to place reset it after 48 hours of stream time. Or better yet just loop the stream outside under the sky when the flag isn't there in the first place.
My thoughts exactly. Peak of a roof, aimed down at the pole.
reddit and 9gag might be able to pull it off, but I have my doubts about the SHIA cultists
Gold my friend!
fuck off user we're not stepping to Jewish cemetery level false-flagging
So here's the plan raise a flag get yourself a 48 hour or however long to not seem noticable loop.
Run it as a "live stream"
When they show up to take the flag leave nothing but a trump hat and a note at the base of the flag pole.
Yeah that definitely could go south real quick!
Check out the EarthCam Charging bull
What are they doing now? lol
Is there a way we could control Shia's livestream?
PEPE sign and USA flag
Draped Fearless Girl in an American Flag. Great!
Looks like they put a MAGA hat on her too.
AND a MAGA hat
21 degrees in NYC. Brrr!
This is unironically probably the best way to go about it
Is the cop redpilled?
I wish we could hear whats going on down there. Where's my spying Samsung TV when I need it.
This we have to be better than globalist tactics.
>that wink at the end
Consider this your laft warning.
Stop stalking Shia.
Your life is in your hands.
Back off. Now.
We should convince Shia to hang himself on air wearing a HWNDU shirt
He laffin all right
Tendies have landed!
> Or better yet just loop the stream outside under the sky when the flag isn't there in the first place.
Better yet, booby trap the flag, somehow.
>pic related not in the swastika level
I wouldn't go that far. It's a game the point of trolling is to fuck with people in ways that don't put them in a wheelchair.
That's vandalism and nigger behaviour you nonwhite shitskin fuck.
It was fun while it lasted
the swastika level has the best song tho
dīvide et īmpera
>projection mapping memes
This is some great subversion. I love this year
Anyone got that smuggie mocking people who quote everyone in the thread?
Fuck, I KNEW I should have saved it.
The jew tactic.
Where do we post this live stream?
Consider this your laft warning.
Stop stalking Shia.
Your life is in your hands.
Back off. Now.
How about I just park this here for ya Skippy......
that's bullshit but i believe it
Now I want to see that one. Also check'd.
C'mon man. Put your flag up again. Please?
Sorry, this isn't Shia here. But, an American Flag with the slogan WE ARE UNITED is in the works, for shits, grins and lulz. Live stream from a remote location, just to see if any of the HWNDU dorks are actually smart enough to find it.
pls gib back flag, much sad
rip the flag in half
B-but, Jaden won't let Shia Enter his tight boi pussy again without it