This man is enforcing the laws of his new home while you boys whine in your mother's basement.
How does that make you feel Sup Forums?
This man is enforcing the laws of his new home while you boys whine in your mother's basement
Good for him, wish him the best of luck.
He's so black he looks like a Smash character you haven't unlocked yet
This desu
He's a success story.
Yes. Restrict the white man from having any say or action in his society and invite these kinds to take his place, goyim.
We know ((who)) is behind this post.
A man who came from a part of the world that had no laws, to a land to enforce laws.
Proud of him.
Boot black bootlip.
Good for him, he's a rarity. Hope his son and grandsons will grow up to be as decent as him.
Seriously, Good for him.
I'm glad somebody is able to see their dreams come true.
They have to go back.
Maybe he can shoot nigger criminals in Sudan.
I have a feeling most of Sup Forums would be police officers as well, if they were actually allowed to be.
There is no department in the entirety of the United States of America that would hire us.
>has a job
>sticking with his son and obviously making an effort to raise him right
>son doesn't have dreads and gold teeth
That's great.
As a side note:
>be the niggerest
>become cop
>nigger crimminals can't out nig you
>you are the ultimate cop
Guys this motherfucker policing niggers in ATLANTA could become more red pilled than some of the people on this board
So many shill posts in this (((thread))). They're just trying to make you feel bad about yourself instead of hating the system that affords this man a badge and you a spot on mommy's couch.
Fuck off outta here.
good for him
I'm sure he got his 60 credit hours in criminal justice so its ok.
The best blacks come from africa.
The worst niggers come from america.
>Lost boy of Sudan
This is what an actual refugee is not the "I turned my own country to shit" roaches infesting Europe.
Eww smelly nigger needs to go back to Sudan
Fuck off Schlomo you're not making me like them.
This board isnt /stormfront/
that is one BLACK dude!
Much respect for the boys in blue. God bless!
Fuck you cuck. Time to prep your wife's bull KEK
As long he isn't a nigger. I don't give a fuck.
Good for him! Africa is cucked anyways
Jokes on you, we don't have basements in Florida
Holy shit he's so dark.
He's so dark that you wouldn't be able to see him in the dark unless he smiled.
The only reason I don't want to be a police officer is because of the overhead bureaucracy that is involved, and I'm too much of a pussy to want to risk getting shot at for dumb reasons.
That's nice. And look at that little suit his boy is wearing. I am proud.
I hope the niggers in Atlanta don't murder this upstanding black gentleman.
If he could keep his mouth closed after dark he'd be invisible...the perfect cop.
As an ATLanon this is EXACTLY what the city needs. So many fucking gang-gangs and chimps out here, someone actually making something out of himself can do a lot of redpilling and eye-opening in this position. I wish him the best and hope he stays safe out there.
This would be true, but unfortunately I live in Australia where our blacks come from Africa but act like American niggers because they can.
Good for him.
Also he's stealth as fuck; hide him in the dark to catch Mexicans.
My cousin lived in the ghetto for a while, he said every night he got home from work he would see teeth and eyeballs floating around.
What area do you live in?
But in all seriousness good for the kid, We need more blacks like him.
This new night stealth technology the police are using is pretty scary
We pretty much tend to cleanse immigrants of all the good qualities of their culture while they keep all the bad ones and then adopt our bad ones.
Ive always said, big difference between blacks/africans and niggers.
Niggers are degenerate, ghetto and racemixed pieces of human garbage who deserve ethnic cleansing. Mainly south and west africans and african americans. These are the weakest, most monkey like uncivilized pieces of human trash.
Blacks and many races of african can be different. Not every african race is the same, and the diverse range of east and northern africans, with some central and a fee surviving west and southern, are well meaning people who live well in their own societies and have their own culture. Sure, they struggle with education and technology on the level of europeans, but they are proud of their heirtage and kind to others, while being strong and maintaining their nationalism.
The Zulu for example, while primitive, were culturally great and similar to the ancient Spartans in culture. They were not niggers, though the British assumed they were and slaughtered them, filling south africa with the dumbest niggers on the planet.
holy shit hes blacker than wesley snipes
Is there more proof that American niggers are inherently fucked up. I swear, African immigrants are much more successful and assimilate better than our native blacks.
I used to buy some tasty and cheap pizza from a shop ran by a Somali family, I've yet to walk into a black american owned business.
Meanwhile African Americans are on welfare, shooting each other, and sitting around doing fuck all.
Like 3rd world corruption is inevitable within the 1st world police apparatus.
> enforcing the laws of his new home
which laws? Is he really?
also this
>Foreign nigger tops local fowl in one generation
Not surprised desu
>We need more blacks like him.
No, Fuck you noone needs niggers in their countries, Go fuck yourself kike.
>I have a feeling most of Sup Forums would be police officers as well, if they were actually allowed to be.
What? I sure wouldn't be. It's a garbage job and since I'm actually, literally racist I'd probably end up embroiled in one of those terrible lawsuits and shit.
I do know a Sup Forumsack who is in the police academy though.
This guy is the kind of black people we WISH we had in the US instead of what we're stuck with.
Holy shit. That blond hair gene was strong that one sweaty night.
Hope other american anons feel proud about him!
This doesnt occur daily!
>speeding at night
>get pulled over
>the darkness hands you the ticket
i'm not saying that nigga is dark, but i've seen black holes reflect more light
Good for him. Respect. Hope he doesn't let disgusting American Black culture infect his kid.
Wow that is a whole lot of black .
good for him. always respectful of someone who is serving their community.
I wonder how he'll feel after a few years of mowing down people of his own kind on a daily basis
Good for him, I wish the best in all his future endeavors. But he's gonna have to watch his 6 even more because BLM will have it out for him.
Anyone else notice the super pitch black black guys like this are generally way more decent than the black-ish black guys? Like chimping out is some kind of parabola.
Compare this to your average hoodrat nigger. Real strong africans are much different, and are in fact a completely different race.
How did he get past the twenty HEY YOU AREN'T A RACIST RIGHT? questions in the lie detector test?
>the whole rape continent is cucked suddenly
lol, only the middle east is left.
Native Africans don't like African Americans
he'll probably be the most bloodthirsty cop on the force
He might not be a racist. Or he could be a good liar.
I don't see what the big deal is, he'll be shooting at nigs for his whole career down in Atlanta anyway.
Seems like a cool guy.
By having lie detector tests not work. Lie detector tests literally only measure how nervous you are. They're not even acceptable im court.
Fuck off cunt.
Why cant you just be happy for this good nignog.
Africans hate American Blacks, this guy will probably beat more niggers that the rest of the PD combined.
They are also very good workers when motivated and in structure.
He's so dark, I bet he absorbs the light that normally bounces off of white people. Like, if I stood next to him, I would look black too.
did you make this?
>being blacker than your black uniform
>I have a feeling most of Sup Forums would be police officers as well
No. I like to pick and choose laws to follow, rather than submit to everything the government says is bad.
Some of our families have earned our keep, new comers should be expected to have at least one family member serve the country in some form.
He's be made police chief or president.
He is a productive and integrated blackman who has assimilated. Wow, who knew that all blackies weren't niggers
But of course his government is cucked so.
Never 4get
Two birds, one stone.
>enforcing the laws
With all the Black on Blacks murder, we need black police because of their keen eyes.
(All nogs look the same to me.)
You don't know fucking shit about this guy and why the FUCK do we let foreigners become cops?
APD don't fuck around, most of them are black because everyone in Atlanta is black, but they despise the nog culture and degenerate hooliganism.
Usually nice guys too, you have to have a real passion for law and order to sign up to police a black city.
Why don't you become a cop then cuck?
Is that one of the guys that was shot up in dallas?
Dont post his facebook post pls
It's the police, not the feds. City cops do more good than you realize.
>bbbbbut i like to drive fast and smoke the herbal jew
says the 10th grade leaf who steals his parents cigarettes
What are the chances that he's cannibalized a man?
why dont negros have hair?
>mfw im joining the coast guard in a year
Go eat a chocolate, Swissfag.
good racial purity