Red pill me on McCarthy and the Red Scare. What exactly happened and why do people today look down on him?

Red pill me on McCarthy and the Red Scare. What exactly happened and why do people today look down on him?

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Witch hunt. Accused people of being Anti-American and Communist with no evidence.

Communist subversion does exist in the US (academia and media mainly) but the way he went about it was wrong.

>Red pill me on McCarthy and the Red Scare. What exactly happened and why do people today look down on him?

The man was right and a hero

He didn't kill Pedowood when it was small and week, he was a failure. But his goal was noble. Make Commies Bleed Again.

>Witch hunt. Accused people of being Anti-American and Communist with no evidence.
>Communist subversion does exist in the US (academia and media mainly) but the way he went about it was wrong.

He was right

"Using new information obtained from studies of old Soviet files in Moscow and now the famous Venona Intercepts — FBI recordings of Soviet embassy communications between 1944-48 — the record is showing that McCarthy was essentially right. He had many weaknesses, but almost every case he charged has now been proven correct. Whether it was stealing atomic secrets or influencing U.S. foreign policy, communist victories in the 1940s were fed by an incredibly vast spy and influence network.

Because the commies took over.

Read the Venona files, he was right. Maddow hates him, but he's a paragon of lefty values.

There's fucking commies everywhere u look now.. so yeah this motherfucker was right the whole time.

The Crucible. It was a witch-hunt based on pointing fingers and play-play. He fucked over many wonderful artists in the film and music industry as he made good Americans turn against each other and allowed the use of no evidence as a means to ruin someone's life and declare them a traitor. Probably a cuck. If people side with him on this board they are delusional

He was right, but by that point the commies had already taken power.

Bullshit. There is plenty of evidence to support McCarthy's claims. You are regurgitating Jewish lies.

He named the Communists in film (which worked, considering)

Well shit, looks like I got some reading to do.

Maybe he was onto something.

Did he go overboard?? yes but he was still right for the most part.

>with no evidence.

bullshit. he only went after federal agencies which were eventually proven to be infiltrated by communist spies.

we literally had commies steal nuclear secrets out from under us and only eisenhower, nixon and mccarthy seemed to care enough to investigate it.

He was right.

Now comes more from vaults of the National Security Agency. In the 1940s, the NSA had a top-secret program called Venona which intercepted (and much later decoded) messages between Moscow and its American agents. The recent publication of a batch of Venona transcripts gives evidence that the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were rife with communist spies and political operatives who reported, directly or indirectly, to the Soviet government, much as their anti-communist opponents charged. The Age of McCarthyism, it turns out, was not the simple witch hunt of the innocent by the malevolent as two generations of high school and college students have been taught.

The sum and substance of this growing body of material is that: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, executed in June 1953 for atomic espionage, were guilty; Alger Hiss, a darling of the establishment was guilty; and that dozens of lesser known persons such as Victor Perlo, Judith Coplon and Harry Gold, whose innocence of the accusations made against them had been a tenet of leftist faith for decades, were traitors or, at the least, the ideological vassals of a foreign power.

Even the washington post admits he was right.

H hit the nail right on the fucking head and he got destroying by leftist shills for it. He was pretty much correct about every fucker he went after we now know. But retards with brainless babyboomer parents just ignore the facts that the files from moscow backed up him being right.

Your digits lead you to the truth. Ann Coulter wrote a whole book about it:

Look, when it came to ousting commies from within the government I am sure he did good but the paranoia he created went into every facet of american life and people's lives could be ruined on the basis of "he da commie huererh"
Ronald reagan was a cuck and went on trial to oust people MUCH MUCH more talented than him. Think Charlie Chaplin.

>The Crucible. It was a witch-hunt based on pointing fingers and play-play. He fucked over many wonderful artists in the film and music industry as he made good Americans turn against each other and allowed the use of no evidence as a means to ruin someone's life and declare them a traitor. Probably a cuck. If people side with him on this board they are delusional

So why do the files from Moscow confirm that he was correct in every instance you brainwashed lefty cuck. The man was a hero.

>only dealt with commies in the federal government
>somehow blame him for every anti-communist sentiment of the time

you're clearly regurgitating main-stream liberal propaganda against him. I bet you think nixon is a monster too.

where did it all go wrong

He was right about everything. But it was too late. Communists had infiltrated every facet of society in the 30's and 40's.

They smeared him with lies and it drove him to drink himself to death in his final days as he was demonized by the world for attempting to stop the communist takeover.

He ended up being right about every person and every branch of government he accused of communist infiltration. The "poor individuals" he destroyed were all directly connected to the Soviets when their documents were declassified in the 1990's.

He was fighting against the media, the celebrities, the unions (huge in his home state of Wisconsin) and the government agencies who were all compromised at that point. Plus his lawyer Roy Cohn was a fucking jew.

Bingo. You can't purge the communists from the government when they were now running the government.

Watch any of the congressional hearings and it's clear that there is a conspiracy amongst them to destroy McCarthy for exposing them.

Also read "Blacklisted By History" by M Stanton Evans. It is an amazing book on the subject and a complete vindication for McCarthy.

>Look, when it came to ousting commies from within the government I am sure he did good but the paranoia he created went into every facet of american life and people's lives could be ruined on the basis of "he da commie huererh"

"The leftist counter-offensive against McCarthy was beginning to take its toll in late 1953. Many Senators became fed up with McCarthy's showmanship as the liberal media relentlessly launched baseless attacks against his character. On a dark day in American history in December 1954, American hero and patriot Joseph McCarthy was censured by the US Senate.

Following his censure, McCarthy sunk into alcoholism from which he never recovered. He died of hepatitis on May 2nd, 1957 at the age of 49.

Even after his death, McCarthy's critics continued to crucify him posthumously. Not satisfied with merely ruining a man's career and driving him to alcoholic suicide, the liberal media courageously dragged McCarthy's name through the mud for the next fifty years, continuing to this day. Leftists have never forgiven McCarthy for his crime of exposing them for who they truly are, inventing phrases like "The Red Scare" to demean McCarthy's anti-communist efforts.

The VENONA Project files, declassified in 1995, provided indisputable evidence that nearly all of those McCarthy accused were traitors to America. Not surprisingly, the media ignored these documents completely, instead choosing to run yet another round of anti-McCarthy propaganda. As if that wasn't enough, in 2005 Hollywood released the greatest propaganda film since "Triumph of the Will", an anti-McCarthy slander picture known as "Good Night and Good Luck". Dead for fifty years, McCarthy's body has now been tarred, feathered, crucified, cremated, and his ashes shot into space by a leftist media who cannot handle the truth of their own miserable existence. The anti-McCarthy media claims the Senator wrongly implicated many. Despite their accusations, no critic has ever brought forth a single documented case of someone being wrongly accused by McCarthy.

McCarthy's achievements to America are undeniable to those that view history with an unbiased eye. At a time when America was being infiltrated by agents of the most murderous empire in human history, McCarthy was the lone voice who stood against tyranny. He exposed hundreds of agents determined to destroy America. Had McCarthy not had the courage to speak up, it seems possible that the USSR might still exist today.

no critic has ever brought forth a single documented case of someone being wrongly accused by McCarthy.

I wonder then, if perhaphs McCarthy himself was right, but there were copycats who levied accusations unfairly to a bunch of people.
How does it follow that writers or actors would be on the list?

Just bought it on Jewgle play. Thanks user!

Joseph McCarthy enlisted in the Marine Corps. He served his country honorably, flying eleven missions and earning a Distinguished Flying Cross award.

RIP Joe McCarthy. You have the laugh laugh Sir. You were right. Thank you

>How does it follow that writers or actors would be on the list?

Very important subversion agents of influence.

Can you imagine the subversion if he hadn't called them out back in the '50s. Imagine a world where the hippy movement began immediately after WWII? What a nightmare.

If only we had listened to Henry Ford and Charles Lindburgh.


I'm not a fan of either but Joe McCarty was just an honest decent patriot and he got destroyed for calling out traitors. He is one of the great heroes of thee USA in the 20th Century. There should be a Joe McCarty day

I agree, and I was being ironic about Ford and Lindbergh. Disney had some really good ideas though.

>but there were copycats who levied accusations unfairly to a bunch of people.

Im sure there were other people doing this, the soviets used to be a true existential threat.

i just dont feel its fair to lump all of the red scare paranoia on mccarthy. he knew there were infiltrators in the federal government and it was his job to sniff them out. it was a noble goal and he didnt just throw around baseless accusations to innocent people like the history books like to teach kids nowadays.

Communists and socialists control public education

what were Disney's ideas? Haven't heard them before.

Thanks user, looks like I got some reading to do.

He basically named everyone as a commie spy..... and somehow he got a couple right! Imagine that...

>he just spontaneously decided to call everyone in the government a commie and just got lucky

lol ok

Watch this video if you need something on McCarthy.

Wait a sec, you mean he acted all on his own without any background of a cold war or whatever made up nonsense the leftists want me to believe was occurring at the time?

>he only guessed there were spies in the gov because there just happened to be a cold war going on
>it had nothing to do with his military experiences or with his opinions on people like roosevelt and george marshall a decade earlier.

lol ok

We live in a free country and he wanted to use the state to scare communists when you should use social pressure to do that

>Witch hunt
That was HUAC you spaz. The Hollywood shit. And ironically HUAC was a democrat party committee invention. People always fuck this up and blame McCarthy for HUAC and "muh suicides"!

nice try faggot
he was right everytime go do your homework kiddo those equations wont put themselves in y = mx +b

God bless his soul

this needs its own redpill thread... exact moment cultural marxism began....

Biggest and hardest redpill for me to swallow was that McCarthy was a real human bean and a real hero after growing up knowing nothing about it but The Crucible.

That said, I still know nothing about it so maybe he was misguided or incompetent or whatever else. What he did have, though, was a pure seething hatred for commies. That, my friends, is a real virtue.

Anybody who looks at the past 50 years of American history and thinks McCarthy was full of shit is an indoctrinated shill.

They did. They were called Beatniks.

And they were scorned.

Actually the McCarthyism scare was made up by actual Communists in the US federal government. It was declassified in 1995, McCarthy was right.

Molyneux has a *3 hour* debriefing on this.

>House Committee on UnAmerican Activities
> Senator Joseph McCarthy

It grinds my gears how so many people don't bother to realize it was impossible for McCarthy to have been on HUAC.

McCarthy was killed for it.

Good lord... I had no idea.

But you know what, this assures me there is a God with a long term plan.
Because this good man's sacrifice and unrelenting crucifixion by history is undoing the left.

We can now point to "The Red Scare" to immediately shut down the bullshit about Trump and Russia.
In fact we don't have to too anything because an opposition to anything close to the Red Scare has already been drilled into every leftist. Jimmy Dore and Kyle Kylinsky constantly attack Dems leaning on the Russia nonsense and refer to it as McCarthyistic Garbage, and because of this the Democrats now have a 37% favor-ability compared to 47% for Trump.

And the more shill Dems lean on Russia, the more the party fractures.
The indoctrination that started more than 50 years ago, coming back to bite itself right when their movement/mission is most vulnerable.

I'm hoping we get a new McCarthy era when Pizzagate breaks.


Yes, and also I cry....

(lol your post was too dumb to take seriously)

So basically... you agree with me, he wasn't some rogue savant, he was following a trend and taking it to the extreme.

>following a trend

no sir, i'm stating that he started the trend and didnt do anything extreme. In fact, he did exactly what he should have done, legally setup a federal agency to investigate government workers and give each of them a fair trial.

So apparently you don't know what a trend is. But that's cool, keep on mistakenly purporting that McCarthy was the genius that first thought Russia could have had any thoughts about going against the US.

>purporting that McCarthy was the genius that first thought Russia could have had any thoughts about going against the US.

those are your words, not mine. i posted my thoughts already.

Actually you're pushing that narrative and can't seem to disagree. Thanks for not knowing how words work.

He was cheered on until he started going after top military brass.

(((Rosenbergs))) gave US secrets to the reds.

Your right. Suspected communist should have been publicly executed.

mccarthy was the first person in the US government to properly address the major problem of soviet infiltration of the state department.

note that i didnt use the words genius, trend, or soviet threat to the US as a whole.

im sorry i had to spell it out to you like a toddler, but you're simply not getting it.

It was nothing more than what is being done today with muslim terrorism / patriot act. Just a fear mongering tool the government uses to do whatever they please. Just look at unit 731. US discovers Japan is injecting children with the black plague and other horrific human experimentation, US fully pardons them in exchange for the research notes, public outrage, US claims that everything is communist propaganda, Russia says fuck that sends a dozen or 2 of the Japanese researches to a firing squad.

So nobody important?

>why do people today look down on him?
He locked up a lot of commie jews.
Jews used their influence to villify him, just like they did with Nixon.

This. He knew that the jews like the rosenbergs are all dirty communist scum.

Crucible was written by a Jew, Arthur Miller.

So basically you're backpedaling.

The third man in line to the White House during the Truman Administration was a communist agent.