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once the afd is in charge we need a few anyways.

High yield nuke with no delivery mechanism would be useful. If they're going to be overrun by niggers they should have a self-destruct button.

>no delivery mechanism

fuck off, you need to be divided again

b.but user... AfD wants to abolish women's rights and public health insurance

>coming from Mudlaysia; the epitome of a country being a scapegoat cuck

AfD will take away my right to an abortion after we have sexy time

both of you are islamic empires

Unfortunately not even the AfD wants to scratch on the almighty public healthcare. Every single German party is cucked in that regard. Obviously I'll vote for them anyway, but still.

Just pay the migrants to carry it into America. They have tones of experience entering countries illegally.

We need to destroy germany once and for all now

We wont get off so easy next time if we let them try to destroy the world again

That's not what a German girl I was talking to believes. I imagine it's a common belief the German media is selling. She thinks she will be very poor and possibly die from her chronic illness as soon as AfD gets into power.

>American education

>singaPOOrean education

I swear some European governments and leaders are unhinged. I don't get what they're even doing.
>Waste tons of taxpayer money
>Want every rapefugee they can find in here
>Think they have the moral high-ground
I love how Trump triggered them, they actually compare him to Putin and Erdogan.

Neither are an Islamic empire. However, there are far too many Muslims in both places. Malaysia more so with about 60% Muslims of the total population.

They are trying to reduce some aspects of the gibs, granted, but at the end of the day they are as cucked as the rest of most European political parties on that matter. The media has spoonfed the population that taxrates below 50% are literally fascist and evil. Be thankful for your country, burger.

ok no this is not ok.

fuck this shit, 3rd time in a row
If I don't make it please, kill them all
germany must be annihilated, there is nothing good coming out of that hellhole of a country

>refugees taking over A-Bomb
>blowing it up somewhere in yurop
>epic shitstorm

This is just of exactly what liberals do in any country. We have exactly the same problem here, although we're turning it around a little bit.
>Think they are the permanent regime and are willing to do whatever to retain that

>Anglos can't stand the heat

The day of the Aryan retribution is coming closer and closer everyday

another islamic nation with nukes, wonderful

*just a list of


>a fourth reich with nukes
>tfw this has been their plan all along


99 Luftballoons

lol all germans are 50% slav or higher

Seriously though, we can't let these Krauts get their hands on the nuclear codes!

That's the delivery system right there

I want our race to have nukes but I don't want this commie traitor Merkel in charge of those nukes

Nuclear weapons are a sacred sword that can protect a people against any army in the world, it is an injustice that the UN kikes and Yankees try to prevent us from having this sacred weapon

daz racist

>calls us 50% slavs
>not 50% muslims

What has Sup Forums become?

Do it again bomber Harris

Anyway, the Krauts have about 20 B-61s with the PALs under US control at Büchel.

>German race

Nigger, I don't think you understand the concept of race.

Germans have nukes allready, they don't own them, of course they are American bombs, but there are available to the Germans. A couple of nukes are in Cochem at the luftwaffe airstrip. A couple of Americans are there to guarding

>fourth reich with nukes
>expendable immigrant army
>hand in every business subgroup so they can take a portion of the economy hostage

A true gambit

>Implying they don't already

So what, all non-muslim germans will be required to straddle the warhead until sterile?

You wouldn't believe how many lefties here in Cuckmany chant this shit on demonstrations. Even fucking politicians have been recorded doing so. Still active and successful politicans I might add. This timeline makes me sick.


i mean genetically you damn sausage swollower (ps how de fuck do you spell swallower)

>Angela going to use nukes to threaten Britain not to leave her precious EU

Fuck off you spinstery old commie kraut

So what if one of them """"accidentally"""" went off in the silo? Would that be so bad?

Eh. genetically we are far more mixed. But that slav part is probably the most dominant part. Pretty much everybody I know has at least one chzech grandparent.


We Aryans are a unique race with a unique history and culture on the world stage and should position ourselves as such. Pretending that Anglos or Slavs are our equals is self-deception.

Depends on what you mean by "go off"

You've had a Titan let go

This looks more Dutch than German m8.

You are slightly more anglo slavs.

Nothing more nothing less, and the treaty forbids you for saying such things, go back to your lederhosens and stop pretending that you are a military powerhouse and not americans bitch.

They already have control over EU.
It's over before it even begins



>Germany gets first nukes


>*german bows heads and hands nukes over to Israel*

We will hand it over.

Oh god my hands are trembling from the beautiful thoughts of war and destruction we could bring upon this world with those weapons

I still wait for Israel to demand the lifes of six million Germans as compensation for the lologaust.

Nukes don't exist


It's just one sing nuke m8 and that single one is nothing more than a bone the NATO throws at us, assuming we even get it in the first place.

It will be the other way around.

Once we have nukes we can officially state that the Holocaust never happened but we had to pay for six million dead kikes and that is what we want now. Deal is deal.

oi u fucking cunt,stop shit posting m8

>not rearming secretly

I wouldn't mind if Germany want run by that withered man faced cunt Merkel, or if she hadn't made Germany overrun with Islamic shitskins.

Even though Hitler was Austrian.

m8 they jews are in total control of Germany if anything they drop them straight on Germany, even if they are launched from Germany.

>yes Mama Merkel, we are guilty!

>pushing all the immigrants down the business end of a missle silo and triggering the nuke within

You did that after WWI and you certainly had enough time.


The Eternal Kraut will destroy the entire world this time round.

Sadly. The Jews have a grudge over Germany for some reason. (They did even before Hitler took power.)


It would be a balancing factor in Europe. Germany is the largest country but has no nukes. French or english could in theory force them to do what ever they want.

Sure thing achmed.

>Launch nuclear missile at Germany
>Instead of retaliating, they make a statement about how they won't give in to hate and vengeance
>You win

Cucks can't play the deterrence game.

Underrated. Nuclear world war cant come soon enough.

shut up, my dad could beat your dad in a fight

OP is a Jew

>he hasn't converted yet

>giving nukes to the same people who started two world wars
>Americans will defend this

MY DICK! Finally! Even considering moving back now. But that shall wait until even more wake up to the Mudslim crisis.

Heil Hitler!

3rd world war when?

thats funny you cant even stomach removing kebab and already you plan of fighting another country

i think your plate is full for the foreseeable future

Ahhhhh..... In love the sound of jewish tear drops in the morning!

>he still believes the "there are any muslims in Germany at all" meme

This... its a maskirovka

Where do you live?

>we had to pay for six million dead kikes and that is what we want now

Never forget the children, that should have never been born according to (((official))) history. It will take much more than 6 million to really fix the timeline.

Ok, it was a bit of a hyperbole, but it feels like it. Bohemian ancestery is pretty common around here, though. (Eastern Bavaria)
