>his country's leader isn't an alpha male
Feels good to be American
His country's leader isn't an alpha male
Other urls found in this thread:
Why don't you suck his dick while you're at it you massive faggot.
self-hating cuck
what a legend
>when she skips up all happy and brings him his coat
The father figure idolization is quite pathetic
>tfw you'll never know what that feel is...
>not willingly falling to my knees and worshiping a man makes me a cuck
really makes me think
What? I like Trump. What I don't like is underage faggots shitting up Sup Forums with 'alpha worship' because you saw him throw a football. For those of us with actual fathers, it's embarrassing.
It's not even that. It's semi-gay as well, I'm convinced. These little faggots on this board are channeling their suppressed homosexuality into Trump and other 'alpha males'.
I'll bet you anything this little bootybandit would give anything to suck Trump's dick, along with any faggot who ever uses 'alpha' or 'beta' in every day language. Fucking faggots.
Warrior Aristocracy
>It's not even that. It's semi-gay as well, I'm convinced. These little faggots on this board are channeling their suppressed homosexuality into Trump and other 'alpha males'.
I laughed, wouldn't be surprised if that's the case.
>that webm
Because it's too big to fit. You can only admire and be impressed by it.
It makes me even prouder hes my president.
Trudeau is a better football player, and he's not a fat useless orange lump. Let's see Drumpf throw a football today.
>tries to make it through hole 5 times
>misses all 5
>finally makes the 6th
>my hero
>haha that 70 year old isnt even good at sports any more!
No, what makes you a cuck is that your immediate reaction, upon seeing man who's impressed with another man's uncommonly high degree of alpha-ness, is to assume that it's some sort of homoerotic fixation. That webm is pure masculine badassery all the way through.
>laid back young billionaire joking around with other celebrities
>nonchalantly throws a perfect spiral through the target
>his hot wife obediently flounces up to him with his blazer
It's just awesome. If you think appreciating that moment makes a person gay, then maybe you need to sit and reconsider why self-debasing faggotry is so prominent in your subconscious. You know, like a cuck.
>Candian football
is this a joke or are you legitimately this triggered over a webm. laughing my ass off at you either way
t. bitter loser
>wanting to be like Trump when you're older is bad
Sorry you didn't get to know your father Muhamad, but you should know that he's burning in hell right now for raping your sister-mom.
how do i become alpha like you
Hey, buddy. It isn't your fault that you love to live life through the eyes of others. Man, what a hot little piece, his wife is. What a nice throw, he made. What a bunch of money, he has. We can all appreciate that. You know what, let's take it a step further. Let's not just watch... this guy seems on top of his shit, so why don't we let him tell us what to do, too? I mean who wouldn't take orders from such a high test alpha male? It would be dishonorable not to.
You just dunked all over that cuck, user. Made me laugh but also upset.
>laughs good-naturedly about the misses because he's not insecure nor much of a narcissist it seems
I've got a father, I'm not some son of a single mother like you.
You're literally putting words into people's mouths based on your own insecurities.
you voted for obummer bro
>Warrior Aristocracy
>evaded draft
If I wanted to be like Jesus, would that mean I don't have a dad?
why do you hate your father user?
Thanks for keking!
Are you really conflating Trump with Jesus? jesus christ faggot give it a rest.
>The God Emperor is so alpha, I want to gobble his cock
>b-b-but obviously we can't expect him to do anything because he's too old
Face it Drumpkins, your president is an old loser.
Way better than American shit. Just like hockey.
>is this a joke or are you legitimately this triggered over a webm
No I like the webm, I just don't like fags. Anyone who wets their pants over 'alpha men' is legit, by definition, a faggot.
Do you disagree? It's okay to admire someone, but Sup Forums straight up has sexual fantasies everytime they see a man stand up for himself or display masculinity. The homosexuality theory or the single motherhood theory can both account for this.
It's pathetic and it needs to be eradicated from this board, like all vestiges of degeneracy and homosexuality. Stop wetting yourself over other men and improve yourself, you massive faggot.
No, I'm saying that having a role model doesn't negate having a father.
Where's your daddy?
There's having a role model then there's having some homoerotic obsession.
>weird autistic over analysis of casual male social behavior
>not homoerotic and/or cuck
You got serious fucking problems dude
When's God Emperor Trump going to host a WrestleMania at the White House?
I think you're reading too much into it. Sup Forums's trump fixation is less overtly homosexual and more like an elementary schooler's obsession with Superman
you literally said it was bad that he cant play football now. Now you're saying its bad to be old in general
nice backpedalling
Guy in glasses Collinsworth?
> thicc
Literally no one acted how you're claiming. This is you projecting. It's old already and the thread is still young.
no one mentioned homosexuality until you did, faggot.
but Sup Forums straight up has sexual fantasies everytime they see a man stand up for himself or display masculinity
this literally never happens. shut the fuck up cunt
Lol we're just trolling no one thinks you're gay bro
It goes beyond Trump though. Sup Forums obsesses over big strong sweaty alpha men and always, regardless of their beliefs, makes a point of belittling small men as sissy boys.
You haven't noticed that this place reads like a right wing tumblr blog? You aren't paying enough attention to the Jew's tricks.
You can become "alpha" too, if your daddy got those money, sweetie.
you sound like a dweeb who read a couple of manuals on how to be a man and got overinvested in it
>>he unironically hates homos
Pence get off Sup Forums and do your fucking job for once.
>no one mentioned homosexuality until you did, faggot.
Making you uncomfortable? Seems like I'm touching a nerve.
So which is it? Single mother or do you like having your little boyclit tongue punched by those big strong alpha men like Daddy Trump?
It's okay to be honest, I won't judge you. I'm only here to help.
We like strength, why praise weakness? That's for Jews. Jews hate strong, tall, alphas, regardless of gender.
actually he's right, you sound like a fag.
>strong, tall, alphas, regardless of gender.
And you fucking love them, don't you sissi boi?
>casual male social behavior
do you have schizophrenia?
No, you're here because you're paid to be here or are a shill. Trying some new tactic to subvert us by using our own language against us, although poorly done. We know your Jewish tricks, turning us against the strong.
Why are you so obsessed with dicks. Your hypocrisy is palpable.
I embrace strength over weakness, it's what moves the world forward. The strong will eat the weak, and you're on the menu faggot.
Mine is the ex-Army Leader who was in a civil war w9ith half the country plus Israel simultaneously.
Agreed. This is a thread specifically about Trump's throwing arm and how women are attracted to him. I would prefer if that poster kept his homosexual discussion points away from this thread, which is for hetero real American patriots ONLY.
>666x666 @ 333
Self loathing faggots are something else, man. Always the first to lash out. Here's to a strong arm.
>admiring strength means you're gay makes you feel insecure doesn't it ahahah
every thread
>I embrace strength over weak
In your anus, right?
Embrace your own strength, not other men's. That's fucking gay.
You've never stopped to contemplate how fucking gay it is to sit on Sup Forums for hours on end fantasizing about being like Big Strong Daddy Trump? Honestly, it comes off as very gay.
Or maybe, like other anons said, you just never had a proper father figure.
Either way, it's goddamn pathetic. Develop yourself and stop latching onto others' masculinity, because that's homo shit. And no, you can't do both, because there's nothing less masculine than appreciating masculinity. That's for women and fags.
Stronger than Allah goat fucker. Don't you have a a call to prayer soon?
I mean, at this point we know you're some sort of shill. It's just that we're doing this for free (for fun) at 2 AM, while you do this for a job, which is pretty sad.
You're boring and your spiel is tired. You've triggered my ennui. Seek help as you're clearly dealing with severe issues. I genuinely feel bad for you.
not sure why you're so dedicated in convincing others how gay it is to call out male strength for what it is. Should we all be women and belittle fit females out of jealousy? You imply too much and it makes me think you're the ashamed one thinking gay thoughts
You have no arguments then? No defense of this obviously suspect behavior?
I got an idea, how about you go to a gym and lavish praise and admiration onto the biggest guy there? Wouldn't that be 'embracing strength'?
Why shit up Sup Forums when you can fulfill your faggot desires at any gym or leather bar, the locations of which you certainly are well informed of, you fucking underage fatherless faggots.
Jesus christ. You really do worship him don't you.
This post makes me want to fuck other fellow faggots.
Was that Marla Maples at the end?
I'm sorry that your candidate lost, user. Please try to get over it. Maybe seek counseling.
trump is obese, pays for pussy, and has the weakest chin ive ever seen in my life.
>but boy can he throw a pigskin
If you want a dick in your butt just go down to Cherry St. Ask for Jeremy.
I don't need shitposting of this caliber in my life.
MODS wtf is this...
I honestly think you all need to die. I can't fucking stand faggots like you parading around Sup Forums thinking you can just get on and post whatever the fuck you guys want.
This is a POLITICS board. For POLITICS. This isn't politics, no matter how you see it this is in no way related to politics.
You do realize there's a board that actually talks about this stuff...right? It's called Sup Forums. I suggest you get your asses over there and make a thread instead of putting this stupid shit on a board that obviously doesn't want this shit on here.
For crying out loud I'm sick to death with this stupid shit. Why won't the mods do anything about it? Oh yeah, that's right, because the mods are a bunch of fucking retards like you lot in here.
So it's time to fuck off you faggots, nobody wants your retarded shit on this board and I hope to God that somebody tracks down all of you and mutilates you in the most painful way possible for doing shit like this.
Do you think you're better than everyone else by doing this shit? Do you think you're the BOSS or some shit like that? Because you're not. In fact, you're the opposite. You're a bunch of little nerdy losers talking about some irrelevant shit on a politics board.
Everyone is sick to death of people like you just waltzing in with your tiny dicks, masturbating at other people act like stupid retards on a moronic website that has no value to it. You are all a fucking stain on society. There, I said it.
You need to fucking leave, I'm so fucking pissed off at this shit and how the mods aren't dealing with this obvious non-politics related content.
You know, it feels so fucking good after I realize how much better I am than all of you. It makes me feel on top of the world while you pests flock to shitty threads like this like a fly to a huge log of shit. So it's time to fuck off you fuckbags, it's obviously time to go..
I've got the memes of dreams. Thanks for Checkin.
Why the hell'd you buy it in green? Not very fashy.
>You know, it feels so fucking good after I realize how much better I am than all of you. It makes me feel on top of the world while you pests flock to shitty threads like this like a fly to a huge log of shit. So it's time to fuck off you fuckbags, it's obviously time to go..
better than glass jaw joe trudeau
everyday I have a new reason to love Donald Trump
I've got red as well (signed by Pence.... twice... one for each Pence), this is the Sup Forums Heirloom Special edition hat
yea. she looked pretty cute, deshita.
America was built on idolization of larger then life political figures, it worked for them and it'll work for us.