Is this man the ultimate red pill?
Is this man the ultimate red pill?
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Maybe, but the ideology of Sup Forums directly contradicts what he's saying.
Sup Forums doesn't have a fucking ideology you stupid leaf.
Sup Forums is supposed to be a anonymous people arguing, memeing and shitposting, ultimately uncovering the truth (the red pill). The only people with ideologies are ShareBlue leaf shills like you.
>Sup Forums doesn't have a fucking ideology you stupid leaf
Whatever you say bud. What I'm saying is most of Sup Forums shouldn't agree with two thing this man says.
says you? Say hi to David Brock's cock for me
The man believes in the Holocaust, do you? Chance are you don't. So explain to me the feelings you have when you read works of Holocaust survivors?
How do you feel when you read Frankl?
Don't want to answer? Typical leaf behavior.
Sorry your thread didn't turn out the way you wanted OP.
Pol doesn't have "an" ideology" but pol is almost entirely pure ideology.
sort yourself out
Not prestormfag Sup Forums
I want to know his opinion of guns / the right to own guns
when this nigga aint cryin about pinocchio he can b tite
That's a woman
He's too real for you.
He doesn't like the huge nose memes and what they represent that he does all the time
ru implying he lies so his nose will grow and he can masturbate money out of it?
Do you want to actually make a point or not?
Maybe you should understand the story of Pinocchio.
praise kek
I beg to differ
does anyone have the link to the free self authoring sweet for a poor bean who wants to sort himself out?
Consider it is possible that paying for it yourself, sacrificing and shouldering your own burden is a part of how you must sort yourself out.
the lecture he posted today was great.
roughly speaking
He's not even a racist. Go back to 2eddit, cuck
Many thank-yous for this rare gift.
along with my Father's status.
What's pols favorite book from this list?
Crime and Punishment by a long shot