how do you expect women to retain their purity if you yourself have not?
talk about a double standard
how do you expect women to retain their purity if you yourself have not?
talk about a double standard
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A key that opens any lock is a master key, whereas a lock that opens to any key is a shit-tier lock.
This is now an Otoni thread!
>implying your average pol user has lost their virginity
Sup Forums is extremely satirical and also degenerate while condemning degeneracy. You really shouldn't be trying to understand the Internet's largest Engine of Chaos anyway.
How can I be a hypocrite if I'm not interested in premarital relations?
It's time for you to leave.
About 70% of Sup Forums are virgins
Hence all the shitposting about purity to relieve sexual tension caused by not getting laid.
Damn, first post, best post.
Women will be gotten rid of entirely when artificial wombs are invented.
(you) in a nutshell.
settle the fuck down, it was just taken from google image search
Neither beta nor a virgin but women are full of double standards. I could go deeper into it but you wouldn't get it because you are either a woman or a virgin whiteknight yourself and wouldn't understand. No offense
>he uses (((google)))
You are forgetting that Sup Forums is filled with twenty something wizzards that have never seen a pussy for themselves before.
They have less sexual experience than the average 16 year old girl.
How many fucking times do you have to make this thread you fucking leaf?
Implying we want man sluts too. Just because we want our populations to increase Western Civilization doesn't mean we don't want both parties to not refrain themselves and make good mating decisions.
I have never fapped and rejected outright offers for casual sex. Your move.
It's an easily accessible tool for those of us not worried about getting Chris Hansened for looking up lolis like apparently you do.
I don't care about women.
yeah so what? what are you gonna do about it? whine? fuck off roastie, I dont like used goods
Oh look, it's here's one now....
go back to Sup Forums fag
Because /pol has a shit ton of trolls to piss people like you off. Also be thankful you live somewhere where you can have sex with multiple men and not get stoned. Or until Trudo makes it like that.
>shills telling people to gb2 Sup Forums
What a world.
I'm a v*rg*n
>how do you expect women to have vaginas if you don't have one yourself haha didn't think of that did you racists
This post is so fucking stupid that only a woman could have written it.
>grasping for straws
>trying this hard to think of a way to insult me
Whoopty-wew laddy-lad.
Spotted the white knight mangina.
good well now that you're done complaining about the source of pictures back to posting as per usual
Men and women are not equal
This. Fuck off roasties.
Women are property, you maple nigger!
Yeah and a pencil that gets sharpened too much is eventually reduced to nothing. A pencil sharpener can sharpen tons of pencils and be just fine.
This analogies are retarded , both of them .
>implying I've ever had sexual relations
Why is it unreasonable to seek out others who are inexperienced in the flesh of the opposite sex for a life long mate?
>complaining about the source of pictures back
It's not just the source. Your pics are rubbish-tier, buddy boyo.
>not being degenerately promiscuous in the current year
I don't expect you to be a virgin. I expect you to have some structure left.
Why do you expect me to fix your nigger kids that you've already spent a decade futily trying to raise without a father figure?
Should have aborted it like the black women do.
you think a dirty hippie is better than a THICC Icelandic Valkyrie? Maybe this isn't the board for you.
I do have purity
why would you assume otherwise?
that said, men and women are different biologically. a woman can only carry 1 man's baby at a time
a man can impregnate multiple women. therefore polygamy (a man with several women) makes sense, whereas the reverse does not, especially considering that men fight overtly for mates, whereas women are covert
>Yeah and a pencil that gets sharpened too much is eventually reduced to nothing
My dick doesn't lose any value the more pussy I get, you idiot. You make it seem like my dick is going to fall off someday. Turbo kek. What a retarded attempt an an analogy. Gas yourself immediately, you pussy-worshiping beta.
>This analogies are retarded , both of them .
No, just yours. Eat shit, dweeb.
You misspelt "fat".
Quit being so based and having morals you nerd.
>you think a dirty hippie is better than a THICC Icelandic Valkyrie
>omg she's so fat with her trim narrow waist and big t&a amirite fellow heterosexuals?
you know how I know that you're gay?
her cooch probably smells like the musty cardboard she surrounds herself with
.. wow thats not actually cancer.. i'm impressed
Women get laid by constantly saying yes.
Men could do everything perfect and still not get laid because she doesn't "feel" right. Seriously, perfect game puts some women off, that's the level of insanity our western dating game is at.
She doesn't even have nudes. I tried finding pics of her butthole and nope
Can't fool me, fatty. The upper arms are the giveaway. If she's not THICC at a body fat level where she doesn't have flabby arms then she's not THICC, period. You can't eat your way to being THICC.
Holy fuck user. Poeticly perfect.
she has lots, but I'm not posting them here. You'll just have to get better at internetting
whatever you want to believe chum
I hit up women on Craiglist with a fake picture of a nerd looking guy and a buff tattoo guy. Guess which one they want to fuck? Its funny because I actually found some of their Facebook profiles and some of them were in relationships and married.
The point of an analogy is to liken your claim to a similar situation and subsequently offer some sense to it.
It doesn't work the other way around though. You can't assume something to be true, then find a similar situation that likens to your claim.
>Penis doesn't lose value during sex, but vaginas does
(Your) Proof:
>well see a key is very much like a penis you see, because it goes in holes
>a lock is also like a vagina, since it accepts penis like objects
>notice that a key that can open many locks is valuable, since it can unlock any door
>a lock that can be opened by many keys is not valuable, since it cannot protect doors as well
>therefore vaginas lose more value to sex and penis does not
Error in proof: First two statements likening penis and vaginas to key and lock.
Direct me too them nigga
>muh cute meme invalidates a perfectly good point
your fucking KEY is ruining women, reign it in you fucking pigs
>mfw non-hypocritical wizard.
>how do you expect women to retain their purity if you yourself have not?
10 bucks says half the people here are wizards
speak for yourself fag. I'm 26 year old goi by on 27 and never made coitus. i caved twice and got a blow job but never went in the vagina very close but i grabbed my dick and said no!
women seduce men just as much, and they can be very very slutty and horny that chick was literally begging to suck my dick and begging so bad for me to put it in i said no!
I agree to an extent but the fault lands on both parties. but pisses me off because MEN should have better control over themselves and maybe then theyll get a girl beggin for their cock.
but I'm trying my fucking hardest!!! to wait for marriage it's so hard and depressing when all these MEN WHORES AND WOMEN WHORES ARE EVERYWHERE PUSHING THE SEXUAL CULTURE ON EVERYONE IT'S TIMES TO STAND UP AND SHAME THOSE who HAVE PRE MARITIAL SEX
Men are overwhelmingly the aspirants and women overwhelmingly the gatekeepers of sex. That's the point of the analogy; that's why it sounds clever; that's why it's worth quoting at all. If all you can see is the ancillary physical relationship then you're either autistic or just plain simple.
You're fucking retarded. Haven't you ever seen pussy before? (Of course you haven't). Cram enough dick in there and it'll end up looking like the grand canyon. That's my "proof" you fucking autismo.
Except a pencil sharpener does dull over time. Also a dick isn't a pencil. More a refillable pen. The lock analogy works because guess what men can't be "virgins" just as much as women can't be men. Purity literally means a woman untouched by a man. Men are the keys that unlock the purity locks of women. It's not a double standard because men are incapable of being virgins and having purity by definition.
heh jokes on you But i am a virgin.
t. lifter autiste
Yes, but you are our mothers above all else and you have a responsibility to set an example to all the little mummies of the future to be chaste, otherwise everybody's going to be fucking every fucking thing that moves and not just the men.
Men were, WERE expected to have self-discipline, were expected to take a bride, raise a family, and maybe, decades ago, see a prostitute to do things he couldn't do to his wife.
Both sexes have spiraled completely into the shitter and nobody can be assed to take accountability, but it's cute that you think your base animal instincts excuse you from being the responsible man of yesteryear. LMAO. You're like niggers.
>saying something this gay
>mfw this leaf cares more about one-upping me out of spite than he does preserving his heterosexuality.
Maximum kek.
i've had two husbands in my life, my first one died (i know, my fault for not having a husband with super-human reflexes) and my vagina is fucking monstrous it's like a train tunnel you could fit a whole semi trailer full of mexicans in there. Because i'm tall and my hips are wide. My first child crawled out of my pussy.
How are you going to sit there and spout bro-science? Because you fucked a lot of chicks like the rutting pig that you are? You think that's proof to anyone? Fucking kill yourself.
whats wrong with her thumb?
>How are you going to sit there and spout bro-science
How is it "bro-science"? Pussies get worn out, dicks don't. How hard is that to grasp, you absolute dunce?
why you think they make boner pills?
Pussies don't get worn out from anything but constant child birth or fisting, dipshit. A penis doesn't do shit don't flatter yourself.
What's your point?
inb4 false equivalence.
I'm pretty secure in my heterosexuality for having an interest in women like Otoni, but thanks for your concern.
Because we are not equal, know your role
because it's a MUSCLE and not some passive tube like you monkey-brained cunts seem to think
>Come in straight out of Reddit
>Don't know shit
>Post shitty thread.
By this logic, there will be no women who are pure, because all the men would have banged them.
Except for you of course.
So uhhh.. you ever fist yourself, since you've got nothing to loose?
Wut? You just said that a hot girl's "pussy must smell" simply because you're buttmad that I've got better fap material than you.
Cute cognitive dissonance, faggot. You're nothing more than a puppet dancing on my strings.
>nothing to loose
>Cram enough dick in there and it'll end up looking like the grand canyon.
>Pussies don't get worn out from anything but constant child birth or fisting
He literally said cram *enough* dick in there and you basically admitted he's right while saying he's wrong.
Glad you liked that. I dated a 6'3" tall admitted-slut and her vagina was normal on the outside but a plastic bag on the inside. Too bad, fisting looks fun.
better fap material for someone with a wool hat and a phish t-shirt maybe
>By this logic, there will be no women who are pure, because all the men would have banged them.
You low IQ bro? Multiple women can have sex with the same man. There's a reason there's more male virgins than female virgins. It's because 80-90% of women are fucking a handful of chads, leaving the rest of the male population high and dry. Sound familiar? I bet it does.
This isn't a difficult concept to grasp. You might be literally retarded.
Someone's triggered.
its only a double standard if we are equal to begin with.
its easy for a woman to get laid. they have to put an effort into not sleeping with guys.
just like its easy to gain weight and look like shit.
it shows weakness.
its hard for men to get laid, and they have to make an effort to get laid. thus its an achivement to get laid if youre a man.
its a sign of strenght.
sure, there are the odd exceptions, but in general this is how it is.
and let me put it in a way thats easier to imagine.
a fat lazy girl and a fit hardworking man.
>how do you expect women to retain their purity if you yourself have not?
that is the couple without any "double standards" as you describe it.
Sorry. Its just not the same.
Women are the gatekeepers of sex. They decide who gets it and who does not. If scores of women are choosing one particular man, its because he has something exceptional going for him.
The same is not true of a woman who has lots of partners. She just has low standards. It is not an accomplishment, not indicative of anything special about her, and nothing to be proud of.
The double standard decried by feminists exists for a good reason. You don't deserve MLB level recognition for playing T-Ball. Fuck off.
someone have the pasta with the slut dichotomy?
>bump a thread 2 hours after the last post
seems like that someone is you