Red pill me on the flat earth theory Sup Forums
Red pill me on the flat earth theory Sup Forums
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Nogs will believe anything
It's nonsense. Of the flat Earth posters here, 99% are larping and the rest are stupid, crazy, or both.
There, you are now red-pilled on Flat Earth Theory.
we are INSIDE the CONCAVE earth
But how do you know this
Flat earth is babbys first redpill. Hollow earth is the true redpill
Why doesnt the ocean have a bottom to it, why is it translucent. Why can we even see the sun for that matter, it would block all light trying to pass through
By using the occam's razor and realising that maybe the entire fields of astronomy and cosmology are not bullshit just because you can't even handle a kids book.
lurk his channel
concave earth explains all observable phenomena
Without linking me to some 5 hour long youtube cideo, please explain it in your own words
You're asking too many questions goyim..
>please write an essay for me
Drop molten metal from a plane, then watch the shape of the metal as it falls, what shape is the molten metal?
Take train. Make globe. Fuck off. Take train. Notice they never move when they stall. Realise only a flat earth can accompany any notion of tracks and trains. Take a look at cities. Where do we plan for non Pisa towers? Nowhere. We build tower. It doesn't lean. Nothing to it. And Polaris doesn't move. And the Sun is not a furnace. And gravity is electric
Im a good goy please dont shut me down
Gravity is electric? Hows that
Remember Beyblades
This is what Japanese gods used as their stadium long ago. That's the theory
I dont understand, how would i be able to observe molten metal as it falls down to earth.
What shape does it make and how does it relate?
Good post user
Plasma cosmology. Fission might be real but not fusion. Some say 9/11 was cold fusion. But basically there is no burning of energy and hydrogen and all this bullshit. Everything is electric. It's called plasma cosmology. That these are all gasses that make up the negative electrons and postive ions. We are taught about this but it might be a 4th state of matter. Ionised gasses work more on this stuff out there in space rather than lensing. That all matter changes based on how these gasses interact with electricity. That inertia is not what we understood it as
Earth is flat.
NASA deliberately enhances their live feed for corrections.
The wall must not be seen.
The answer is in the poles. Journey to the 'true' north pole have been halted by governments.
It's bullshit
Everything is a fucking sphere when it falls. Everything
The earth isn't flat, its a dome. Haha, paper yeeeah!
Talk about something that matters or leave.
>people actually want to ban Canadian posters
Google the flat earth theory and look at why people argue that it could be. Then look for information to disprove it. It'll only make you ask more questions.
The real answer is, we actually don't know. We only know what we're told.
The sun's rays go out in all directions when covered by the clouds.
That at least means the sun is closer than we're told it is.
The Bible tells me that the earth is God's footstool, and that it's set on pillars, or foundations. I never saw a spherical stool before, and I don't think a sphere would be a comfortable place to rest your feet on.
There's also what scientists call the Axis of Evil that says the earth is the center of the universe. Really depolarizes my neural cells.
looks like a HDD
really makes you think
I have a functional brain.
it's the most retarded thing since pizzagate.
fuck off dumbo