I'm a college student currently living in a left-wing city that I'm forced to stay in for the next 2 years till I graduate. But after I graduate, I'm hoping to move to a state with more balance and where I'm not attacked by almost anyone for being a conservative. Also, somewhere that has reasonable home prices and is a good place to raise a family potentially. Right now, I'm thinking Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, or Georgia. But I'm still open to almost anywhere. Any suggestions Sup Forums?
Most based states to live in?
Yea I'd say Ohio but try PA or Michigan. Just stay out of Detroit maybe winsconsin or nothern Florida
AZ if you like guns
Anywhere but California, we don't need any of you trumpfag retards here thanks
The white states.
#1 Montana
#2 Iowa
If you are an unsophisticated conservative you can try conservative cities like Louisville, Ky and Springfield, Mo
Maybe midwest just make sure the town you move to is hilly or else you risk tornados.
I've lived in 14 different States, come to Idaho, it's gorgeous, lots to do, and VERY based. :)
Not for long. Californians are moving in around Boise.
Any suggestions on places/regions in Ohio to check out? I'm assuming Cleveland/Columbus/Cincinnati are all relatively liberal.
See, if I was a liberal Californian I would WANT Trump supporters coming to my state so that their votes would become meaningless. But enjoy your safe spaces and style-over-substance identity politics.
Montana is shit. Mt only looks like that for 2 weeks tops out of the whole year before it turns into a 100° desolate shithole where everything is smokey and burnt. Then winters are muddy and gloomy for 5 months
Im getting out of here December for AZ
Also bozeman is 60% male so its just great
Don't know much about Iowa but based on Steve King I can tell it's very based - thanks for the suggestions bros.
>promiscuity, abortion, euthanasia, suicide
there was never anything wrong with these things in the first place. another "boo hoo, things are changing" old white man whining.
>le safe space meme
i went to school here, got a degree in Economics, and am pretty generally outgoing
i've never seen or heard of a real-life safe space outside of Sup Forums shitposting
go outside and get some air, you fucking retard
Ah yes... the tolerant left. I go to a UC - there are constant weekly events about "marginalized" groups, combatting racism, and other BS identity politics topics. All organizations, departments, and professors I've dealt with skew liberal. If that's not a safe space I don't know what is. I once got corrected by a professor for saying identity politics eschews a focus on economic concerns because apparently my statement was "indicative of privilege."
Maybe you should be doing something with your Economics degrees other than calling people fags and retards and trolling Sup Forums? Just a suggestion.
>w.w.why aren't they tolerant of my genocidal ramblings? hm i guess they AREN'T so tolerant after all :^)
do you think before you say dumb shit like this?
>universities skew liberal
>it's a marxist brainwashing conspiracy, guys.
universities skew liberal because once you're immersed in an environment with people from different backgrounds and from all over the world, you realize that all this Sup Forums racist shit is complete xenophobic garbage
you learn at a university, and when you learn, you lean liberal
get fucked faggot
> Not mentioning the Dearborn area
It's Dune coon paradise, but other than that Michigan is based
Ohio is a good place to raise a family, if you can handle the cold.
I would recommend
Stay away from Toledo and Cleveland
You know it's got to be california, we're americas sweethearts.
New Mexico
New York
Rhode Island
New Hampshire
Maine (only parts)
New Jersey
the District of Columbia (currently occupied by sauron)
Everywhere else is dumbfuckistan.
Wow how enlightening. I really needed another lecture from a default college liberal to set me straight there. All that immersion and education and you're still calling people faggots on Sup Forums... despite that college education maybe you belong here ;) Too bad your degree didn't teach you how to be better at bait!
Thanks, I'm leaning more heavily towards Ohio now after doing some research. Iowa and Idaho seem pretty based too tho.
>watch HWNDU trolls from Sup Forums
>find out Sup Forums is more diverse than any liberal college
>promote white genocide and teach students that one race and one gender is deserving of derision
>claim to be morally superior
cool story bro!
>no counterarguments other than "hey you said 'faggot!'"
kys my man
>Ohio, Iowa, Idaho
lel please end up in one of these shitholes.
Based az obviously
>southern states
full of niggers and braindead whites
>urban states
full of niggers and self hating braindead whites
accept it
carmel, indiana specifically is voted the nicest place to live in the country and is white
>genocidal ramblings
the problem is that even outside of Sup Forums when dealing with normal people, you accuse them of being closet racists and all that based on absolutely nothing. you use state power to get people fired, hollywood uses their influence to get people fired and branded as pariahs for insignificant remarks, businesses shut down, alienate people from their friends. anything that doesn't conform to your increasingly shifting, increasingly fanatic worldview is seen as intolerant or crypto-nazi. this isn't even an exaggeration. there is a disturbing amount of regular real life progressives, not internet shitposters, who advocate violence against those who disagree with their opinion. tolerance does not mean approval for whatever lifestyle/pet group the left is using to get that self-righteous rush for themselves that week, it's saying "you do what you want and i'll do what i want and as long as you don't infringe on my rights, then i won't use force against you, although i still might publicly argue against your worldview/lifestyle/etc in the social marketplace of ideas" and the left is by far violating that concept more than anyone.
Counter-arguments? Throw some better bait at me and maybe I'll be more tempted. I'm just responding to you to help bump my thread for now.
Worth the heat and weather? I don't mind dealing with winters and humidity in the Midwest but in my one trip to AZ the heat was pretty intolerable imo.
gib discord invite
>my one trip to AZ the heat was pretty intolerable imo.
t. fat fuck
Pennsylvania: you can all suck my throbbing memeber
with ya brother
MO, just avoid St. Louis
Accurate, looks like my back yard
does anyone have a nevada one
Probably Oklahoma. Only voted blue twice in its history. Probably would have only been once if Thurmond didn't leech Republican votes in that election. Not a single county voted for Obama or Clinton, and the only counties that voted Gore in 2000 changed their minds and voted Bush in 2004.
I love you PA
I'm in SC for school and I like it here, even with the niggers. Don't go to Ohio I'm from there. I would recommend the Carolinas or Arizona. I will take some minorities in a conservative area over only whites in a liberal area any day.
I've been there!
Ive always wanted to go, only been to fossil creek
pic related.
Same. I'm moving out of CA once I'm done with college. Sick of these damn liberals.
All the girls here are all into liberalism and feminism too.
somebody tell me what to do with my life so I can afford to care about where I live
t. high IQ recovering schizo neety
Stay away from Minnesota
Fossil creek 2
these falls are about 50% taller than the first falls.
Pennsylvania is the obvious only answer. Don't listen to anybody else.
No because Nevada is shit
Shit forgot pick, cool hike if Highly recommended.
>high IQ
>needs others to guide his life
i got bad news for u buddy
Nevada is good too.
Live in California right now going to School.
Considering Military Contracting work out in San Antonio, Texas.
Any Texas-Bros think this is a good idea?
And if so, is there anything I should know before I move (weird laws, housing, etc)?
Aids and traffic. Tons of immigrants.
The worst state.
Niggers and hippies.
Niggers and traffic.
I recommend Kentucky, minus Louisville or eastern region. It's the last white state. Utah is great, but stay out of the cheap areas of SLC. Wyoming is probably the best state, but there are no regular jobs.
Honorable mentions:
North FL
Knoxville area
Southeast KS
t. brainlet or normie
Oklahoma now and forever. Cheap housing? We got it. Family values? Check. Hate lefties? Check.
Come join us and laugh and the face of God as he tries to strike you down with tornadoes.
Georgia is most based. Growing like crazy and beautiful state. "Great state to live in, horrible state to vacation in"
This is mostly right. Phoenix is fucking garbage.
What about all the niggers?
just a guy from the best country in the world with common sense
What makes PA the worst state? Seems pretty based outside of Philly. Also it seems like your description of NC and GA mostly applies to the cities and college towns.
What are good places in Georgia? I'm open to anywhere outside of Atlanta
Ohio here. All I know about is Cleveland, so here goes. Stay clear of East Cleveland, there's some good suburbs on the west side. (outside of Cleveland proper) You'll have to look more into it though. I'm sure there's better cities in Ohio and the other states you listed to though.
then stay the fuck out of our states
>see: californian invasion of new mexico, colorado
The people in PA are just plain stupid. The govt is corrupt, gun laws suck, infrastructure is crumbling, no culture, you can't even get a decent meal outside of philly. People get dinner at the gas station, like savages.
As for my analysis of NC and GA, if you want to live in a population 200 town in the mountains and work part time and collect welfare I'm sure it will be very comfy, but if you want to work you will have to at least commute to a city. Driving anywhere in GA is a nightmare, Atlanta infests the middle so wherever you go you have stop-and-go traffic. NC sounds like it should be nice, but isn't. Anywhere with a decent population is either niggers or liberal transplants.
Agree with Toledo being shit. Add akron to the shit list too. As I stated above though, the west part of Cleveland can be pretty based, so don't rule it out.
springfield and the rest of the midwest in general is pretty based as fuck.
plus its like right next to branson which is a pretty sweet tourist destination if you ever need to chill
Colorado used to be amazing. Fagazoid population was kept in Boulder, but then Commifornia flooded in and fucked it all up.
Has anybody said Arizona yet? Because it's Arizona.
they are fleeing in droves to tx, id, nm, co, etc
they are fucking up the rest of the nation so they can steal ev's in 2020.
i read they are begging people to move there. so many jobs that are unfilled.
downside: columbus is 30% negro
Cool man, tell us about your genders studies classes! Seriously though, Get a fucking job you hippy loser. Then you will suddenly not be so happy to hand money to fat "Disabled' feminists and their ilk.
literally posting the states that voted for shillary
I'm in Nebraska now.
All of the "cities" that have over 30,000 people are college towns and you would be surprised how over the top liberal this place is.
The small towns are great though, and if you don't mind living on plains with some occasionally hellish weather then you'll find it very easy and extremely cheap.
>Move to Cedar Rapids Iowa on April 12th.
>only bring clothes + computer + hygiene items
>rent a room in someone's house that has a private entrance
>Get a clean tapered haircut
>Apply to jobs only in person
>Start living life as a normie
why do you exclude this?
Also, kentucky is the fattest state.
you did that??
or you're going to do that?
Springfield is like the most average city ever. It is unremarkable in every single way. But it's a comfy, negro-free sort of unremarkable.
that's my advice for you
That picture always gets me. Hillary Clinton walks into a commoner's house and she looks like she's the first person walking on Mars.
imagine If you lived in a alt-left country.
i bet Huma had to bring extra hand sanitizer that day
All the niggers in the state are in louisville
Nigga they got plants in the sink I'd be weirded out by that.
o fuggggg
relocation might be a good idea... the pressure would be helpful