Redpilled family traditions

Lets come up with some redpilled family traditions that could strengthen the family beyond the current binge netflix wife, the daughter always on the phone and the weakling insecure son who just plays video games instead of lifting weights.

I'l begin with one of the greatest ideas:
>son turns 18 and becomes man
>dadio takes him to a blacksmith
>the son designs his own custom late 18th century style gentlemans sword as symbol of his manhood
>"you're now you're own man, with increased responsibility"
>expected to hang it up somewhere visible in his house
>he does the same for his son, and so on

>is also expected to purchase a copy of the family crest to hang up in his house, a symbol of family unity

>take small child to trump rally
>get the child's attention on trump
>tell him;
"Now THAT is a real man."

>implying autism on this level will ever reproduce

It sounds like it may be too late for your to start young. Constantly display family history and heirlooms. Tell stories, visit relatives.

Daughters should learn recipes passed on for generations and spend lots of time with older relatives doing house work. Sons should go on outdoors trips with family.

Later on your children can use these bonds as stepping stones into adulthood.

Its important that respectable members of your family form a solid core and keep out the drunks and failures.



Basically a Muslim lifestyle...


Beating the wife together. Nothing's turns a boy into a man like stomping on his own mother's guts for mouthing off

R u from the 50's?

So r u admitting that u lot r all weakling sons?

Father son jerkoff

>increased responsibility
>hang the sword in the house

If you're going to steal Sikh ideas, OP, you could at least have the balls to wear it in public like they do.

>>dadio takes him to a blacksmith
>>the son designs his own custom late 18th century style gentlemans sword as symbol of his manhood

back to


Well said...

Thanks for taking this thread seriously, fucking leaf. Probably best for you to lurk instead and shut the fuck up while grown folks are talking.

U want ur women like Muslim women and sons like Isis soldiers! Am I reading the alt-right correctly?

First off I wasn't ripping off Sikhs. I was actually ripping off of the traditions and customs of aristocratic gentlemen of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Second off, that's a great idea. I'd love to wear a gentlemans sword sometimes.

What happened to the 60's?

Ooh someone is butthuwties.
Did you make this thread because you had no father to teach you?

They got old

Say what you want about those dirty Muslims but they have some damn good ideas when it comes to how society should be run

Hahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahhaahhahahaahhahahahaahah great ideas for the 21st century u backward looking shit. Muslims want to return to the 14th century. Ur both the same... real decent people in the middle are ur saviours u dumb fools.

The spirit is not dead though.

So u want to have a society like that? What about freedom and free thinking liberation etc...

18 is too old. Start when he is 13 and tell him that he is a man. Teach your boys to box and your girls to run, and encourage them to learn a fine art. No internet in the house. No TV or vidya. Read books at the dinner table, and talk about them with your family. On a weekend, go out to a farm and pick fruit, and come home and bake a pie together. Chop down a tree at Christmas. Dedicate your weekday evenings to one-on-one time with your kids. Have a list of expectations and house rules written out with punishments so that you don't yell or hit your kids, just administer justice. Go for hikes together. Have a family breakfast on Saturday/Sunday morning. Make fires in the backyard. Cultivate a garden together. Eventually your kids will want to start doing things on their own, or with friends so give them an emergency phone to keep in touch, but not a smartphone. Take your kids to the theatre, the museum, the zoo, and the library.

There ya go.


>Want to use symbols to instill responsibility, identity and strengthen the family
>Means wanting to return to 14th century


That's the problem alcohol and wife beating is his problem. I bet his dad beat the crap outa him and his mother.

>not an argument

Freedom is a liberal code word for degeneracy.

>implying OP isn't tyrone

Ok so what about women's liberation and civil rights? A free judiciary and freedom of speech? What u want will destroy all that. For what so u can get a hard on!!!

Oh fuck u lot are totally lost...

Because women's liberation was such a good idea

"Rootless cosmopolitanism is the best guise don't listen to these people with their oppressive 'traditions' and familial ties"

U. Don't think so? these are big values u can't just go backwards the turning circle will break your back.


Please kill yourself bong.

Ur back is gonna break... and the women will be cheering.

Why too much truth to handle?

>t. beta

jesus crystal mighty

some of these replies.

It's weird to think that if Sup Forums was founded in Africa, then everyone here would defend voodoo magic. Tradition is childish, enlightened, and a product of herd mentality. If you stand by tradition, then you're a fucking sheep.

>family "traditions" are redpilled
We have a redpilled family tradition called Prima Nocta. When someone gets married, on the first night the groom must have sex with all the bride's sisters before he can do her. If he fails to satisfy her the marriage is off. Dowry is nonrefundable.


nice words

It's your own fucking fault.

Start hunting. Take son. Take daughter. Slaughter animals. Eat them. If wife don't cook, you cook in front of kids because she's a weak link. Faggot.

good shitposting, mate. nearly had me fooled, it was obvious enough that i knew you trying to sound retarded but subtle enough that i nearly believed you

>10/10 would (you) again

>only Muslims have heritage goy

That sounds spicy.

>considering yourself worthy of aristocratic traditions

you're a mongrel commoner now and always leif