Trump conspiracy theory just took a wild turn at CNN
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Where do I buy the trashbags full of straws these shitters continuously grasp at? I need to know.
Yeah that straight faced accusation about dealing with nefarious criminals is pathetic.
Their tax return story on Rachel Maddog show was a flop. They are now grabbing for straws trying to get back on their feet.
Haha, you lads aren't even bothering with proxies at this point. Love you guys, keep up the good work.
This... this is actually funny. They're just throwing random shit at the wall and desperately hoping something sticks.
CNN isn't only a propaganda channel. It's also a gonzo comedy channel.
This is like those pop talk shows where a bunch of women sit down and talk about celebrities.
Oh God yes. It's like when ancient grannies meet over a cup of coffee and just chatter about their neighbours and gossip.
This is CNN.
This is beyond pathetic.
Go work cleaning toilets for your German masters.
The CIA trafficker referenced in OP is this guy:
>Joseph Weichselbaum. Weichselbaum ran the company that provided helicopter shuttle service between NY and the NJ casinos Trump got into. It's a strange selection of a business partner because Weichselbaum was already a convicted felon and gambling licensing laws strictly prohibit association with any convicted criminals. So Trump is really sticking his neck out on this one.
>Alas, Weichselbaum ultimately gets popped by the DEA for cocaine trafficking. His case is transferred to NJ when it should have been in either NY or FL (home or place of business) and the judge selected for the trial is Maryanne Trump Barry, Trump's sister. Weichselbaum gets a sweetheart deal of 18 months and moves into Trump Tower after the conviction.
Basically, Trump was part of the cocaine distribution network and has been deep state CIA asset working with Bush (runs procurement overseas), Clinton (importation), as a major domestic distributor.
lol trump derangement syndrome is very real
Don't forget guys. Never forget.
This are the people whose president could have been in charge of USA.
RIDF hard at work in this thread
The guest is absolutely right, he's got a track record of doing false flag publicity stunts no matter how abhorrent in taste they might be
>t. Intellectual
He also flew on the Lolita express and was really good friends with pedo billionaire Jeffrey Epstein
Cay gets around fast doesn't he
What is Cay?
So how come this never came up during the election to prevent Trump from becoming president?
David Cay Johnston. He was the one on Maddow's show too. It's almost as if all of this was preplanned long before Maddow made her announcement of tax reveal tonight,
If you read Wikileaks, this is a coordinated effort.
Because it involves powerful people?
proof of your bs?
Asking a mexican for proof is so racist.
>Dealings with a majority cocaine dealer
Why the FUCK would that show up on a tax return?
>Hello Juan! I'm here for my kilo of Cocaine I ordered!
*Swipes Visa Platinum card*
>Basically, Trump was part of the cocaine distribution network and has been deep state CIA asset working with Bush (runs procurement overseas), Clinton (importation), as a major domestic distributor.
>Epstein likes to tell people that he's a loner, a man who's never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
Russian shill
jesus fucking christ.
Is this guy talking about God Emperor or is he talking about Hillary?
Cuzzzzz.... it kinda sounds like he's talking about Hillary.
we have went from "omg the russians are comming" to "omg the russians are comming" and "trump is ale capone" this is hillarious to watch.
Like a cocaine literally who that got caught?
>He also flew on the Lolita express and was really good friends with pedo billionaire Jeffrey Epstein
Not true. You don't know what you're talking about. Trump was never in the flight logs. Only Clinton.. dozens of times.
>>Russian shill
Now that explains it all. Viva Mexico! Viva La Raza!
I'm not doubting it, but if the cia/deep state (yes you fucks who are reading this: you don't get caps anymore) have to out themselves to kibosh Trump then we know something is going well.
>Epstein likes to tell people that he's a loner, a man who's never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic.
Remember that Trump is actually a borderline tea-totaller due to his older brother getting smoked by the lifestyle.
I doubt Trump would unfriend you for your choices, just don't expect to advance to his inner circle if you are publicly advocating for marijuana reform by sparking joints in front of city hall.
It did. There was a Wall Street Journal article about these vary same 2005 taxes, but no one really cared except the Hillary campaign.
Bubba Dozens, Hill a few times.
From what I understand it seems like Trump caught wind of what was going down and excused himself from it while maintaining a public report with the pedolites. They thought he was serving them; little did they know...
I meant about Drugs and Express.
Trumps been trolling the media before we were even born
god damn
So, we're back to baseless speculation, then?
>in particular a major cocaine trafficker he risked his fortune to show his loyalty to
fucking knew he was in cahoots with the bushes/clintons!!!
I heard it in James Earl Jones' voice.
They need to spend their budges somehow to justiyf their multi million salaries at MSM.
Always accuse your enemy of what you yourself are doing.
>then we know something is going well.
>Always accuse your enemy
except that it doesn't look like "enemy" any more
>CNN still doesn't know John Miller leaked these tax returns to spite his former employer
Does anyone else notice how slight random background noise will start to crop up when the narrative starts going askew? There's coughing and creaking while he goes into details about how this is good for Trump, and it dies off immediately after he u-turns.
I've been noticing it in American media videos for months now.
>implying anyone's going to listen to la cucaracha
Links of vids?
What this means is that the Russian conspiracy is a fail and his businesses will be the new line of attack. Thing is, paying 36.5m makes the Donald look good. He pays his way.
I like how he compared Melania to a pornstar.
Really impressive display of kikery.
yeah that's nothing new, it came in with the 24 hour news cycle