Are Indians the ugliest race?
Are Indians the ugliest race?
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just behind anglos
t. Paki
They don't look that ugly in the pic. You take a bunch of old average white people together see how they look
Yes. They are the dirtiest looking, dirtiest smelling, and in either first or second place for literally dirtiest (next to Mexicans) people in the world. When the US and UK reclaim India, we will fill the airplanes used to fight fires with bleach and Pinesol, and disinfect the entire country before we go in. Indians and Mexicans need to be killed the same way you kill bacteria in a kitchen sink - without even the slightest consideration of the morality of it. There is nothing wrong with cleaning the toilet, just as there is nothing wrong with killing all Mexicans and Indians.
u obviously haven't stepped foot in africa
Neither have you you fucking faggot.
I've been to Africa. Guess what? You weren't there.. Kill yourself.
Did you forget to take your Autism meds, Tubby?
Poo to you Too
Have you eaten in the last week or taken even one shower in your life, shitskin? I can smell you through the Internet.
at least that is shamed here
can you say the same for your designated shitting street, pajeet?
Our literal human garbage is equivalent to your statesmen
>buttblasted autism on full display
Y'all sound frustrated
India is good because they fight muslims even though 50% of their population are muslims.
Indian people are friendly and helpful. Assholes exists in every country and culture.
Pooing in the streets are done by niggers and not all Indians. They are disposable people whom nobody actually cares about.
>y-you mad whiteboi
Your ancestors may have been Aryans, but now you're just mexicans with worse food.
not as bad as strayan abos, but down there
dont forget bongland donated their genes during british raj
>India is 50% Muslim
Who's this?
>50% muslim
Its 14% but I think there are way more muslims in India since these faggots literally live and breed like cockroaches. Even our dalit niggers are ahead of them when it comes to standard of living and annual earnings. You can literally identify and muslim dominated area in any city by the way it smells and the amount of trash littered around.
Close second. Abos are uglier.
According to beatfulpeople . om.
Indians beat brits n asians
abos are
indian street-shitting has gotten so bad that unicef started a campain trying to get the savages to use toilets.
not even close
>India thread
>Le wild Paki flag appears
Like clockwork
desperate indian spending probably half an hour to post that link to try and lie and say indians are attractive.
Upper cast indian girls are attractive. But they all move to the west to get husband who doesn't have shit on his hands
I demand a cricket match to settle this once and for all
pakis are just indiarreans, exploding version. don't get too excited now and think you're the shinier of the two turds
Jew broads are absolutely the worst looking. Not like Jews are a race. Filthy degenerates.
>Indians beat brits n asians
that's not saying much. brits and asians are ugly as fuck too on average.
>pakis are just indiarreans, exploding version
exploding version WHO HAVE TOILETS.
use this next time
day of the rhinoplasty when?
oh honey that not pakiland.
that's not realistic. it shows america is white.
I'm the guy who said Indians should be the target of genocide with bleach and that I can smell you through the Internet.
But I should add that I actually like most Indians I meet. Good people. Isn't Sup Forums fun? Cheers.
Kek'd. You're alright, neighbour
Pic related
oh boy this curry nigger seems to be upset.
ABOS you dumb paki cunt
>curry nigger
The irony...
islamic poo btfo
Isn't like 70% of your country literally terrorists? I hear about mosques getting blown up and acid being thrown in the faces of women in your country like once a week. Why the fuck do you guys have nukes?
If you could kill off all of the terrorists in your country, stop blowing each other up and disfiguring your women, stop trying to destabilize Afghanistan, and secure your nuclear arsenal, that would be cool.
Thanks dude.
Found the FAG
Pakis are cleaner than indians. apoo
Pls go subhuman
Yes, and the smelliest, and dirtiest.
Funny thing is I hear about a nigger gang rape, a school shooting in US everyday.
You fat fuck are getting killed by todlers, fucking todlers. Why the fuck do you guys have nukes?
If only you could stop being cucked by saudis and jews that would cool.
Thanks fatty.
They both need to nuke each other out of existence already. I fucking push around beta poos when enver i run into them, such a beta and pathetic race.
am I doing this right? are the kids still using this?
>I push around beta poos
>implying you even get out of the bed in your mum's basement
Pretty sure that title forever belongs to native australians
No abbos are.
>implyin indos arent australoid
Seems like fair criticism both ways desu. Pakistan is objectively worse, but that's okay.
I can see why we're allies. Cheers.
Take your shitty actors and GTFO
Check how many Indian origin and paki origin members are there in Trump's cabinet
>Pakistan is objectively worse, but that's okay.
have you been to chicago mate?
Calm down, Namefag
yeah, was thinking the same
I mean: poo wife or abo?
poo every time
No. But how many?
Hell no. I'm white. We had to let Chicago go years ago. There's literally no solution to black people.
Looks like a happy bunch. Why are you hating brit cunt?
Did you guys know that it's scientifically proven that Abbos are more black than african because they were isolated for thousands of years while africa slowly mixed with arabs/mediteranians for thousands of years as well.
Even the blackest african still has some arab/mediteranian genes in them while australians are 100% black.
The original african niggers all look like abbos.
Potato nigger out of nowhere
dont need cabinet members when you have the president and his defence secretary on our side.
James Mattis is apparently a big fan of our army.
Not all Indian women are ugly.
P.s. We did win miss world 5 times
>We had to let Chicago go years ago. There's literally no solution to black people.
what about the bible belt? may wanna check up on those meth/crack heads.
Go back to mowing lawn Jose
you have 1.2 billion fucking people. if there were 1.2 billion orcs i'm sure even they would have a few miss worlds.
Hope he adds pakiland to his travel ban. The only good thing that came out of your country was osama's dead body
All races have ugly and beautiful people,
if you use race as a basis for good looks, its probably because you're a more ugly example of your particular race and you're trying to compensate by saying "at least I'm not X..."
None from yours though
they look like normal people you autist (just a bit browner)
i think abbos get the trophy for ugliest race; altough it's hard to say, since they decay pretty fast through drugs/alcohol/sugar living in modern society; so maybe they looked better when they were living their own lives as nomads
buddy we were hiding there biggest enemy, they found out and still could not do jack shit to us. that's power. modi and other street shitters wouldn't know anything about that.
After abos
>the bible belt
Modern day segregation. At least we have lines drawn in the sand where we dont go into, the entirety of hadjistan is no go zone.
Seriously though kill off 80% of your population immediately
Abos are.
Tamils are a close second.
its because we dont whores my maltreated friend.
this is true
> Talks about Indians
> Shows picture of Mexicans
Sup Forums really is as 'tarded as that account on twitter mentioned to me for understanding it better.
I thought we partitioned that infestation out for you, back in the day?
Here's a 19th century abo.
>Modern day segregation
against whites? you do know that the majority of drug problem is affecting whites.
Nonsense. Abos are genetically distant from Niggers.
curryniggers are at least more handsome than quite say, sandniggers and african niggers
whelp, looks like we settled that question
(looks a little bit leaner/less fat than the modern version though)
All trolling aside indians are bro tier.
As are slavs.
Quit trying to be edgy neo nazi faggots and focus on the real enemy.
Huh, that's really weird since I read it on 23andme which I always thought were respected geneticists
even with all 3 countries combined muslims still would not come close to 50%.