>claims to be red pilled
>plays video games
>indulges in fiction
Claims to be red pilled
What droll shit do you do, roo fucker?
playing video games is no different from any form of non physical entertainment
>claims to be redpilled
>watches (((TV)))
but everyone should play video games, it is the highest form of media, you should only avoid addiction simulators and low brow garbage
>not living off grid
>having a way to post to pol outside of town library hours
We're all shams here, user.
Sup Forums can be pretty redpilled, pic related
Apparently being red pilled means you're a miserable twat.
>indulges in fiction
I hoping that i can use meme magic to make it real
>claims to be red pilled
>doesn't live in a large city
>claims to be redpilled
>still watches anime
The biggest pill Sup Forums refuses to swallow.
>implying a little escapism isn't necessary to not go mad from being redpilled
fuck off, retard
gamer manchildren will defend this
Except there is no you can defend being a degenerate loser but you all still try anyway
Fuck off back to your linear entertainment.
But reading good fiction actually teaches you lessons about history, philosophy, and increases your vocabulary and verbal intelligence, user. Why lump it in with video games?
name 5 good games
Wait.. Did you mean the fiction in video games? Sheeeit
>kid is staring at tyrone
what even is this image
That is the most blue pilled thing there is
Your a leaf so I can understand how you can post something so stupid
I just want to contribute to the downfall of white men choosing to have kids and see some change desu
>sports games good
>Cod4 great game
Someone is 16
Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl
Deus Ex
the Talos Principle + its addon Road to Gehenna
Fallout New Vegas
Red Orchestra 2
>madden 14 and Cod4 BTFO
This guy knows what's up
no the big redpill is that women are broken beyond repair and men wont "man up" if the prize is broken goods
Who are you quoting?
>highest form of media
Jesus shit how much of a neckbeard are you? I bet you think anime is the highest form of visual media as well you obese virgin.
the bible
it's alright boys
that's a pretty tough redpill to swallow
also the only videogame allowed is hearts of iron 3
>be redpilled
>partake in anything that brings pleasure to the senses
fuck off puritans
Age of Empires II
Civilization 5
Rise of Nations
Mount and Blade:Warband
Witcher 3
and Warhammer 40k
whatever grandpa
>all this talk about video games
>no talk about anime
absolute shit tier, probably bait
better but >Fallout
Bannerlord soon my brotha!
Dune 2
Planetside 2
Halo PC
Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge mod Mental Omega
Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars
>believing in god
>hating gays and weed
>now no video games
I'm convinced this board is a social experiment set up by the CIA to see if they can get people to identify with 72 year old retired baby boomers.
he does and does not have a point.
>indulges in fiction
that is essence, 100% true
so should walk away from it. addictions addictions.
I don't hate weed but I believe in God.
don't tell me what to do, shouldn't you be fucking a kangaroo?
there's like 5 decent anime that warrant a watch, the rest is trite garbage
if you are over the age of 15 and keep up with seasonal anime you should reevaluate your life
there is no excuse to read fiction
you would die of old age before you finish reading all the great books of the past
good choice
my would of been rich white woman who steals artifacts from nigger countries
>Tomb raider
if Hitler got taken out of the equation of history
>C&C red alert
trained assassin sent to kill terrorists and gets red pilled along the way
>Metal gear solid
Mars is sick of earths shit so declares independence then goes into a solar war with help from Jupiter bros (future of space expatiation)
>Zone of the enders 2 second runner
mans journey to accept events that go beyond the're control while demons get weaponized like pokemon
>Jade cocoon
I loved ps1 so fuckin much ps2 being almost as good
some of us have the self control to enjoy ourselves occasionally and still be well aware of the state of society
>indulges in fiction
Not sure what you mean by this. Care to elaborate?
Do you mean reading novels is degenerate?
I love reading. Sometimes non fiction sometimes fiction. Lots of poetry. I'm reading a manual about lockpicking and the 'Dice man' by Luke Rhinehart. Both fascinating. I'm going to try and pick the lock on my front door.
I don't play video games very often. I got my kids an xbox one and they play minecraft on it over the internet. They can play with people all over the world. It's amazing, but I don't like video games.
They also have a kung fu game. I don't know what it's called. The character is a cop in China or something.
Reading relaxes me. I often fall asleep with a book in my hand. I love the smell of paper and the feeling of turning a page.
Sort yourself out.
checked ... kek confirms kanga-fucking
Fiction, and all art, can serve as great metaphor and allegory for the times and points of view of the creator. The best way to talk about a sensitive topic is to change the labels.
However, arts are apparently liberal, and they only give a shit for pure commercial trash like Game of Thrones, virtue signalling inanity like TKAMB, or empty statements about the concept of art itself that is Modern Art.
We need a new Renaissance.
Being redpilled means that you can differ fact from fiction. Even neo went back to matrix after getting redpilled.
A lot of video games have factions or characters that are part of factions that provide purpose and a sense of belonging in their world. It's a pleasant fiction.
>claims to be redpilled
>eats marmite
>letting your children look at the tv screen
I hope they're 10+
only allow them to play games that require some sort of thinking
I grew up playing aoe2, shit was cash
why ruining a nice thread like this?
There is nothing wrong with playing games occasionally. Let's be real, you can't be volkisch 100% of the time. There has to be a bit of fun thrown in into the routine.
When you play 8 hours a day, that becomes a problem though.
carpentry, shooting, exercising are all more fun than playing videogames and are actually useful instead of hazardous
Australian master bait confirmed. Elegant simplicity indeed.
the picture really elevates it doesn't it
>my would of been rich white woman who steals artifacts from nigger countries
Top kek
Also top taste.
>claim to be redpilled
>isnt a muslim yet
only games you should be playing are chess and go.
you know what its used for. escapism.
You mean you're not preparing yourself for when lizard people unleash their beasts on us?
Sucks to live in your village, I guess.
thats the most non white thing i heard from a shart in mart.
3rd world societies have that mentality irl
>you can only do X or Y
>otherwise you are GAY
This suffocates any serious creativity.
So the first thing to learn to succeed is to not give a fuck about what people say.
Be free, Be white.
Ds1 Ds3 is godly inventions.
So is Culture series and HH novels.
Redpill lies in others minds.
So what? Only overindulgence is bad. Art has existed as long as civilization has, from folk tales to movies, and it's held meaning for just as long. Art enabling escapism is a new thing to the general public. Art as allegory can hide redpilled rhetoric in the liberal medium of popcorn entertainment.
If that's bad, then stop enjoying political comics, because they're about as escapist as an allegoric story, only shorter and the sides of the issue are clearly labeled.
Art is great. expose your kids and siblings to it since birth. or they will grow to become SUB-HUMAN NIGGERS.
Art is A WEapon:
>Art as allegory can hide redpilled rhetoric in the liberal medium of popcorn entertainment.
Shut up. you said overindulgence, thats enough. but telling me what to do is crossing the line.
Did I tell you what to do? I told you its ability. It's already being exploited by other people as such. I didn't want to use the fact that people are using aforementioned junk art to sell multi-culti virtues and ideals because that might have come off as something against my point by association with negative people, even though it says the same thing.
>stop having fun wrong
Fuck off faggot.
They don't watch TV. I restrict their access to video games.
Screens are unavoidable. My daughter gets homework from her school via the internet. I'm not joking - she gets assignments online. Not all of them ,but some of them.
When I was a kid, we had nothing like this. I run a household on my own. I have to fix things, make sure there is food, pay for water, gas, electricity, mortgage.
I have to work to provide. I'm an electrician. My job is on contracts. I'm self employed. I earn about £500 per week. It's not a bad salary. I employ a clever accountant who sorts out my tax, so I'm legal, But he saves me money through small print and regulations.
I've read so much shit on Sup Forums about people earning £millions. All horse shit.
My income is enough to live on and pay bills etc. I never borrow money, apart from the mortgage. But I'll pay it off in two years. I don't have a credit card. If there's no money in the bank, then I won't spend.
My home cost me £80,000. I can sell it for £200,000. But I won't sell because it's home. My kids have a bedroom each, I've installed a shower, refurbished the kitchen, laid down carpets, painted all the surfaces, sorted out the garden. It's probably small compared to American houses.
Intereseting fact; 'mortgage' means 'death promise' in French.
>engages in fiction
excuse me sir but im not religious