So her career is over, right?
That had to be one of the biggest bait and switches in recent television news history.
The Absolute State of Rachel Maddow
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i missed it, did she released the tax return or not ?
quick rundown pls
Trump obliterated maddow like a sniper from the distance WOW
Nobody will care in a day or two.
>Maddow releases a doc of Trump's taxes in 2005
>Shows trump earned $150 million personally and paid $35 million (25%) in taxes
>In that same year, Obama paid 19%, Bernie 13% and Mitt Romney 14%
>hypes up that she's releasing trump's tax returns on her show at 9:00pm est
>spreads quickly through the interwebs
>insane hype
>/r/politics salivating
>tweets just before she goes on that the taxes are only from 2005
>proceeds to spend the first 20--that's right, 20--minutes of the show spouting baseless and loopy russian conspiracy theories
>takes a commercial break
>at this point everyone knows she has nothing
>show comes back on
>shows two pages of trump's 2005 taxes
>it's illegal to show them on air
>she reads the white house statement saying that it's illegal for her to do so
>she does it anyway
>turns out trump paid something like 35% tax on $150,000,000 that year
>higher rate than msnbc, obama, even bernie kek
>guy who gave the tax returns to maddow comes on and says he got them in his mailbox
>speculates trump sent them himself to btfo maddow
>absolute shitshow
Look at that dumbass look on her face.
What a stupid cunt
This was suppose to be THE magic bullet that ended it.
oh wait
>speculates trump sent them himself to btfo maddow
Damn, Richard Maddow looks rough in that pic.
>Trump paid more taxes out of his 153 million than the guys on a few hundred grand
lol what a great guy
He paid a higher PERCENTAGE, though. Much higher.
>it's illegal to show them on air
>she reads the white house statement saying that it's illegal for her to do so
>she does it anyway
So when does she get hung for treason?
dam son
And Trump's speech to congress was supposed to be THE PIVOT into him becoming presidential. That didn't last a week.
Anyone know whether or not it is illegal to show these docs on tv? Doesn't seem likely.
Literally never.
is madow /ourguy ?
Importing all the k-1s to 1040 must give tremendous pleasure. Who the fuck use this much 1065? Why doesn't he use 1120s or 1120? Is he reliant on foreign investors?
here's the white house statement:
Can you keep your narrative consistent atleast, cuck? The original skepticism was if he paid tax at all or paid too little. It was neither, and now I fear that Maddow will be having a shot gun lead cereal for breakfast part of her balance breakfast. This was suppose to be the "birth certificate".
If Reagan was The Great Communicator, Trump is The Great Negotiator.
Has there been any actual backlash about this though? Or did the MSM bury it as soon as they could once they realised it was 4D chess?
The madman!
>And Trump's speech to congress was supposed to be THE PIVOT into him becoming presidential.
Oh, it was? Or are you just saying that it was to try and belittle him in some way? Because I think most people just figured it was a business-as-usual, routine speech in the early Presidential process.
>The socialist Jew paid the least tax
seems about right.
It reads like a fucking twitter shitpost.
>being illiterate
Sure, he gave us his tax returns from 2005, but where are his tax returns from 2015?
This was supposed to be their ace in the hole though, without that they're literally shitfucked now, they have NOTHING to go on now that'll redeem them
is it illegal? do we have proofs?
>>speculates trump sent them himself to btfo maddow
4d chess
It did show he paid taxes. In 2005.
I'm sure this puts the issue to bed for many Trump fans.
Is what illegal? Hyping something up and then admitting it was absolutely nothing? No.
Giving someone else an old tax return? No.
Major news, it's on every network and it's the main story on every news website
>So her career is over, right?
Well, I don't see how she could ever recover.
It's pretty much her job to push the globalist agenda, and propagandize people who watch her show.
And she is SO BAD at it, I almost feel sorry for her.
Is the news just about trump's tax rate or is maddow herself the story?
Hmm, how does this square with Brocks $5M offer for more tax info I wonder.
>(4) Solicitation
It shall be unlawful for any person willfully to offer any item of material value in exchange for any return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)) and to receive as a result of such solicitation any such return or return information. Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.
Read literally any opinion piece about it.
does anyone have a webm of the broadcast?
It's illegal to have possession of them in the first place without the consent of Trump and co.
Trump was the one who sent them.
What dimension of chess are we on now
Check for yourself, the main headlines are a variation of "Trump pays a lot of taxes, according to Rachel Maddow"
He's the president. Literally everything he does is presidential.
>Giving someone else an old tax return? No.
I didn't see the show but if any of his PID was shown on air it is a federal felony.
I guarantee she will be investigated. If the investigation turns up that she or the other parties involved solicited the information, they'll get 2 years minimum federal prison.
Just Geraldo my shit up.
Underrated post.
The comments gave me cancer.
Are you guys tired of winning yet?
He'll deny it, of course, but I'd bet an arm and a leg he knew they would be leaked.
Pretty much all MSM networks are having a good laugh about this. Even CNBC, MSNBCs sister station threw her under the bus. She made a fucking ass of herself and liberals are on suicide watch/damage control by saying "but guyz, its the questions she asked about the information we don't have that matters!".
You spelled he wrong
Twitter turned on her like rabid dogs. I love it when the Left devours their own!
yes I commented on his tweet lol
thank you for your valid input this is probably going to be the route they use, that it somehow 'was in the public interest to publish this' even though it's irrelevant tax information from 2005 that isn't even damning in the slightest.
link related the precedent they're going to use as defense (trigger warning: it's weak)
Well of course. This is all just shitposting irl.
Trump shows the media to be completely impotent and politically driven.
Trump is the great manipulator. He players 25215343d Parcheesi and the puppets dance. I'll never understand how these dumb fucks can't grasp that they're being played. Yet they just double down and get played harder.
HELL NO! This is glorious!
WHAT MADDOW SHOWED WAS THAT TRUMP PAID MORE IN TAXES (25%) THAN MSNBC (24%), OBAMA (19%), AND BERNIE SANDERS (13%). Let's spread the truth outside Sup Forums.
And Obama forged his birth certificate. Are you going to keep this up?
they would have come out better by pulling a CNN and cutting the feed, then claiming Russians stole the tax return.
Trump be trollin', libs hating. They rollin', patrollin', trying to catch him in sumthin' dirty!
This isn't going to change anyone's mind. Anti-Trump people will just assume the un-leaked years are more damning while pro-Trump people never cared whether he paid taxes or not. Even if it turned out he paid nothing in 2005 that just reinforces the already-established narrative that Trump doesn't pay taxes his supporters were already fine with. The only difference is it would be liberals who are smug for a couple of days before the next story comes along.
So Trump deliberately didn't release his returns during the campaign to get the media to blow it up then he releases his 2005 returns that make him look good to his biggest detractor on mainstream TV news knowing she was so fanatical she would go all out sperg and end her career?
now one of our experts needs to leak maddows team a fake tax return and see if they'll run with it
>something with russians in it
Is it true that it's covered under the first amendment and not actually illegal?
That king sized sucking noise people are hearing everywhere now is just Raging ManCow's credibility going down the tubes.
This is to much.
inbred sheep shagger doesnt understand percentages, who wouldve thought?
He's getting acclimated. The presidency is a pretty fragile position if you don't have a solid party line, and the GOP is too divided to be of much use to him as a machine. I think he underestimated how easy Obama made issuing executive orders seem.
He took a page straight out of Obama's birth certificate playbook and used it against them lul
No, it's illegal. Specific law abrogates the general rule. Not sure if it's been ruled on by SCOTUS so it may be challenged.
they simply dont care and are arrogant enough to break the law
Yeah it was pretty bad,
What probably happened...
>Maddow receives word that fat guy has returns
>Maddow announces she has returns
>he realizes that they are from 2005
>goes on air anyway
>begins to understand about 30 seconds in that this is not just NOTHING, but actually proves Trump did everything right
>begins talking about a home Trump sold
>doesn't realize that all property records are 100% public and this information has been available to everyone since the beginning
>begins wildly speculating about Russian conspiracy while trying to stall
>realizes about 10 minutes in that this can not be saved
Absolutely the most embarrassing thing a reporter has done in decades, possibly ever.
Once again, Trump profits.
Learning from the tactics used against him! How exciting!
"hanged" is for the way of dying, while "hung" is for hanging up your coat or meaning someone has a big dick
over the next 10 days he will release a tax return for the following year up to 2015 showing a percentage increase in tax rate for every year.
leftists btfo into suicide.
They'll let it slide because Trump is the president and the tax returns are a big issue but yes, it is illegal to "publish" somebody's tax returns (which a good lawyer would argue is what MSNBC was doing by reading them on air) without their consent.
>leftists do not understand what percentages are
How do we continue to coexist with these subhumans?
Sure thing, Malta.
My sides have achieved intergalactic distances.
surely someone has the stream of it
underrated post
I kek'd
lol trump should have divvied up his cash to everyone so that he as a businessman wouldn't be able to enjoy the fruits of his labour
nice logic commie
Maybe he did what people though what he did, and plaid very little /no taxes thanks to that bill clinton bill on devaluation. But he did pay in 2005 for some reason, and now he is publishing it to get some credit.
frog posted the video of her talking about the tax returns--which happened literally 20 minutes into the show after a long spiel about muh russia
>So her career is over, right?
Unfortunately, Neckhead will probably be fine despite tonight's blunder.
Can we get the black guy laughing at images on this maddow shit. I think it could be pretty funny
which is a masterful political play.
remember, all this is a game.