Twitter being hacked!!!!!!!
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Twatter stock will crash tomorrow below 16 dollars
Follow the hashtag on twitter. Every 20 seconds or so a new account is getting compromised.
Day of the Roach
Who cares
will the interwebs go down today?
So are they hacking any particular accounts, or just whatever they can get access to?
This is what I get for all of my taunts at the Alphabet Soups...
UFO sightings are on an uptick on twitter coincidentally...
those damn russians
Well, we can't call it a Raid, can we?
This is pretty funny
I suspect turkish gov is behind this
So far they got to Forbes which is pretty substantial since they have 12M followers.
They've hit some pretty substantial accoutns so far. Duke, Amnesty International, A couple of litterall whos with 1M+followers
Must be the """Russians"""
Fucking """Russians""", hacking everything
I'ma gunna git in on this LARP
David Duke?
Nah nigger. David Duke is bulletproof. Duke University.
False flag everyone. Twitter is doing it to itself so that they can push more internet security.
In the future, Twitter will attack Trump supporters just for jacking into the system.
What's the pattern here? I'm seeing nobodies get Turkish propaganda spammed on them...
how did he know?
I'm sure most are being caught with bots of some sort obviously. But I bet these larger ones are being individually hacked. It would be hard to imagine some of these don't haev two-step authentication or time-sensitive code generators.
More security in what way?
It's strange, I never really had anything particular against Turkey, but the moment they decided to attack western Europe it's like they became my worst enemy. Not sure if it's racial solidarity or what but I await the day of the Raid eagerly
Waiting for this to appear on @realDonaldTrump
Murica sucking turkish cuck?
Wont u give them some freedom??
i wonder if assange was about to drop some shit
>hack trump's twitter
>takes it personal
>turkey firebombed into dust
ruh roh
they've been on my shit list since I learned they were actively supporting ISIS not just indirectly through the "rebels"
Its getting to A LOT of accounts. Guess someone wants the world to know something about (((Turkey)))
thought for sure Part 2 of vault 7 was dropping this week
It looks like some third party application with write access was compromised, possibly @TheCounter
time to buy some twitter stock, it will gradually go back up soon
Not if the NSA doesn't want it to...
it's in Turkish, says 'Nazi Germany' and 'Nazi Holland' and 'see you April 16th'
whats the easiest way to buy stock for a first timer?
jrsus xhrisr
twitter won't last the year.
Is this the March 15th happening we've been waiting for?
>mfw they'll target the Dutch elections too.
W-what's going on? Were the 15th March fags actually legit?
So hacking is halal? Computers should be haram.
Useless germans are turkish slaves now. U are being chain insulted and u dont do anything. Thank your beloved Merkel for that
Let the roaches hit the, flooooooooooorrr!
Says the shitskin country that is begging for more refugeedick. You are poor, lazy and utterly worthless.
who plane dis
Remove the cockroach
can probably help if they don't end up brushing this under the rug
Anyone else noticed total absence of this flag in last few days?
>I suspect turkish gov is behind this
roaches cannot into computers
I don't know if it was confirmed but it was supposedly Erdogan's during the coop.
German worker is the laziest in the eu with the less working hours. Sandals and socks more
What do, desu?
Debt ceiling is reached today, Twitter market falls, nudes of so many celebs are being released.
How can one stay afloat?
Criminally underrated
Have also noticed Pahjeet and Kim have been notoriously absent the past month... some ones cutting off the internets bit by bit.... hmmmmmm....
>April 16th
Which will become another Sup Forums doomsday LARPathon no doubt
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It takes a German worker an hour to do a job a shitskin Spaniard wastes a day doing.
Yeah, I will continue wearing sandals and socks in your shithole of a country while you get invaded by Morocco.
>I can't believe someone got this, god damn, I love you user
They are pounding out compromised accounts, 30+ every 10 seconds.
Before or after he gets drunk and shoves wurst up his white ass? Before or after getting raped by roaches thanking them? Wake the fuck up Merkel ruined europe and its all your fault
What do you think is going to happen on April the 16th?
Arguably, Bush and Obama helped...
that's true
There would even be the muslim invasion if Obama didn't kill Gadafi and destabilize Syria and Libya.
Look like they used a backdoor
King roach will molt and sprout big beautiful wings
all those poor Syrian babies and children
Maybe this time it's russians false flagging to fuck turkey for what they did with our jet.
I see so many Doctors, Scientists, and other top skilled workers in there. Well done.
lets play spot the women and children
hopefully buzzer fag was one of those that got hacked.
We open fire
Russia is the only country together with Netherland to show they have balls.
dat security
Its over for the roaches.
A recipe for disaster has already been released with Vault 7. They're cooking up a SkyNet now...
>reveal hack of a third party app
>don't specify which one
Fucking useless.
What did they mean by this?
That's a good fucking question user, with how many turks live in Germany anything is possible, maybe that train getting tear gassed was a dress rehearsal for something more dangerous, perhaps even sarin.
Hope they blow up Berlin.
>ironic shitposting without the right flag
with what gun? :^)