>Persian ancestry
>white supremacist
what did he mean by this?
>Persian ancestry
>white supremacist
what did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>you have to be white to be a Sup Forumstard
sorry, but this place has got a lot more white supremacist shitskins than you'd think
>thinking a country shouldn't have it's population replaced by foreigners means you're a white supremacist
have you seen the pics from HWNDU pol meetup? there were barly any "white" people there.
>projecting your own ideology onto someone else
what did you mean by this?
ukrainian descent here
i dont see myself as a white, but i do wish the status quo of a white majority to continue
i've lived in places where no such majority exists and believe me it sucks
all jon tron had to do was to exemplify shitholes that weren't built by white europeans without cherry picking, and he'd have won the argument against destiny
Isn't he half german?
>ukrainian descent here
>i dont see myself as a white, but i do wish the status quo of a white majority to continue
Well you're a slav and therefore Hwhite.
Basically all you need to be a white supremacist these days is think for yourself about geopolitics for like an hour. The conclusions you will come to will be such a severe form of wrongthink, that you ualify as a neo-nazi to post-modernist standards.
For reading this post alone you are on par with might Russian hacker, regardless of your actual views. It's a really fucking weird time to be alive.
They were white on american standards
the persians are honorary aryans dw
Absolutely fucking based desu.
Some Persians are white. Their ancestors migrated South from the steppes whereas ours continued West.
Well his middle name is Aryan.
Persians know what it's like to have your country taken over by foreigners/mudslimes.
>you have to be white to be a white supremacist
the quintessential house negro
This place is like 10% white.
>i dont see myself as a white
do you self identify as black or something? because you're sure as fuck not a spic
>Be child of Sand Nigger immigrant
>Oppose immigrants from sand nigger land.
Anyone else get legitimately sad reading stories like this?
I agree.
Been here 10 years and I ain't white.
>not an aryan brother
Europeans Persians and Asians are the masters of civilization its little wonder he believes what he does.
isnt the word aryan literally ripped from some persian shit? also persians are the whitest sandniggrs to be fair...
Are you guys retarded? Persians are aryan, the original aryan and they've been loyal to their culture and country for millenia. Fucking retards
>iranians are now white on nu pol
shut it down already
> implying they are white supermacist
>literally stands for land of the aryans
>had one of the strongest empires in the world
>not white
wew lad
I actually really don't mind this even though I make racial jokes. I'm not actually racist like some these autists pretend they are. I just dislike sjw liberals.
there are only two groups that the majority of ppl in pol hate
1. jews
2. niggers
this is fact and has always been fact. as long as you're not those two, you can be a non-degenerate.
newfags pls dont reply, thx :)
I don't understand what jontron's angle is here. he seems like he spent a little too much time on nu-Sup Forums. he's advocating for a whiter america, but he himself is the antithesis of that, being that he is the half-shitskin spawn of an immigrant. On top of that, it seems like there were times when he just intentionally acted retarded and threw the debate to make the right look stupid. my analysis: He saw how pewdiepie got a lot of publicity and is trying to cash in on it. I mean the guy is a fat neckbeard that plays vidya for a living, I wouldn't put it past him to pull this stunt. especially considering he's barely uploaded any content these past couple months. it's all a scheme to stay relevant. he is not /ourguy/
> He is such a newfag that he doesn't understand this is all satire
You have to go back
>white supremacist
When did he claim to be for white supremacy?
Persians are Aryans you dumb fuck.
>know what sand niggers are like
>surprised when they don't want more sand niggers near them
It's not about race, it's about culture.
>there are only two groups that the majority of ppl in pol hate
>1. jews
>2. niggers
Poo in the loos are moving into the number 3 stop.
Hey I'm Ashkenazed Jewish and I'm a white supremacist. And a Zionist.
That debate between him and Destiny was kinda shitty to be honest. It looked like they were just speaking past each other most of the time with incoherent arguments.
>what did he mean by this?
even non-whites can't deny the self-evident
>push for white nationalism
>get thrown out of the country as a non-white
He didn't think this trough.
whiter than you, Paco. You need to realize that we've got our backs against the walls, lads, and we need all the slightly (emphasis on the slightly) more beige hands we can get
His middle name is Aryan.
newfags still replied even after i said not to
>Has proven he can digest milk
One of us
good, identity politics are retarded, and civic nationalism is the way to go
race doesn't fucking matter as long as you aren't fucking retarded
He has lived in white majority countries and western civilization his whole life and realizes it will only stay as good as it was if white people stay in the majority and in charge.
>white supremacist
Aryan = Indo-European
Persians still call themselves by the name all Indo-Europeans once called themselves; Iranian is just another way of spelling Aryan, literally the same word.
He is labeled white by the left and he is tired of being bullied for it. Keep in mind he lived in Commiefornia and Jew York where the SJW influence is strong.
His mother's Persian, his father's a Hungarian. So he is half white.
>inb4 mongol memes
Oooh those digits
Indo-Iranian came before Indo-European you fucking retarded nigger
other way around
100% ARYAN
100% WHITE
No it didn't you spastic. Indo-Iranian is a subset of Indo-European. They are the Indo-Europeans who went South and settled in what is now Persia and invaded India.
No, you autistic nigger. Indo-Iranian is a subset of Proto-European, not Indo-European. Retard kid.
American education folks
I'm watching the debate right now and its a fucking train wreck. Like I can see the points that he's trying to make and they would be good points, but he's stumbling around so fucking hard and can't spit it out in an articulate way. So fucking frustrating. I mean I guess he gets points for trying, but god fucking damnit man he's getting destroyed by a cuck.
I could literally take 30 seconds to google and gyazo pictures of how indo-iranian people came to be but you're braindead so there's no point.
Hes more Aryan then Hitler ever was.
shitskin here only here for the memes and to bash SJWs and -nu-male faggots and I totally agree with this
Maybe not destroyed, but he's letting destiny walk all over him. He's not any good at debates and it's just painful to watch.
Wake the fuck up. 90% of nigs and 70% of spics, kikes and asians voted for Hillary Clinton. Only white people value individualism. You can't have a libertarian free society if you let white people become the minority. It will never ever happen. Let's secure the future existence of our people first and THEN argue about economic policy.
So he literally has to most informed view on sandniggers dipshit
That should go to the leaves.
Half Iranian, half Hung-aryan
>That should go to the leaves.
You're right user.
there's and absolutely unsettling amount of Asians and Panics on this board
Why is it so high in Alaska?
Really? I thought his mother was the Persian?
First of all, you need to understand Persian history.
Persians had a blossomed Empire, brilliant culture and heritage, and then the Arabs invaded and raped their entire culture and declared them to be the Arab world.
It makes sense for a Persian to recognize that mudslimes are indeed inferior to "aryans" even though this term has lost all meaning since Hitler language-raped it
high population of natives, and half native breeds
Yeah after the civil war we just offered them all a boat and they all just said no we want to stay here and shoot people and we were like "Yeah cool" can confirm was there.
[spoiler]This might be the dumbest Nigger quote i have ever read[/spoiler]
But it doesn't matter because he was raised in California and learned American culture from the cradle on
If you grew up in California and were not raised in a black/mexican neighborhood, you're essentially "White American" in terms of social group as far as most things are concerned
honorary white
I'm a shitskin south east asian and i identify myself as a white supremacist
JonTran should also point out that his dad (probably) came over the appropriate way.
The Japanese don't value individualism and yet still assembled a more technologically advanced and fair society than America.
The birthrate situation is just a natural response to population growing faster than the amount of jobs.
No one really hates southeast asia because of the skin color, that's just a natural adaptation to being closer to the equator.
Nah, we hate Southeast Asia because it's a bunch of jungle kingdoms and post-communist designated poopoo streets
>Durr saying blacks commit more crimes when they do and not wanting more immigration makes you a white supremacist
uncle tommy*
If Slav, white
If Asian, not
Osetians are Orthodox Christians, many of whom are increasingly re-embracing their pre-Arab Aryan identity and I have zero problems with that. Eat shit, Shlomo. Some Persians are white. Besides all of that you don't even have to be white to be pro-white.
what's the deal with so many Sup Forumsacks using iFunny?
>just a natural response to population growing faster than the amount of jobs.
And overcrowding, their major cities are overcrowded as fuck, even in small cities there is almost no free real estate.
Give them time, more old people will die, prices will drop, It will become easier, and cheaper to get a livable space for more than you and a hampster and people will start breeding.
Probably in our lifetimes we will see a demographic boom in Nippon, I would say that after 2050 is probable.
And all without importing milions of unassimilable future terrorists
Reminder that Persians are Aryan according to Hitler
The d&c kikery never ends
>persians are not white
persians are caucasoids too you know
Sup Forums never had or has problem with other races as long as they agree with our ideas
The average IQ here is 80
No matter what Sup Forums protects /ourguys/. It has always been this way. That's why we prevailed over the left in the US election.
You might not give a fuck about games, but we MUST defend JonTron. I literally never heard about him until this week, but I am revving up my shitposting and memes.
iranian literally means aryan lol
watch out, we've got a badass over here!
>Parents went through due process, proved that they were decent members of society, and were allowed into the country
>sandniggers nowadays just need to rape a girl and smash a shop to be allowed into a country
I would be pretty miffed too.