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That doesnt even really look like a jew.
looks more like beware of plague doctors or atheists or something, sure this isn't just some bullshit?
Looks like yield to jews to me
Rabbi what you doin
It just looks like a distinguished gentleman though. Where's the nose?
did liberals plan this all along? Make the shit skins come in just too make a shitty empire and kill the jews?
I used to live near Stamford hill
Visited last week and it is full of yuppies and Jews, there are even Jews on the road I lived at which used to be full of blacks and Europeans
They all dressed up their kids as clowns for some reason last week
here is the unedited version
>not a profile silhouette
you had one job
Jews bring in shitskins, dump leftost bandwagon, use thr right to further pro Israeli policies.
Thats pretty mean but its pretty funny at the same time
Redpill me on Road signs and their memetic meanings
Send in zyklon Ben.
It's got to take quite a bit of work to make just one road sign.
I wonder who could be behind this???
found the lamp post
The equilateral give way sign is upside down compared to other warning road signs simply as a recognition of shape. So if for instance a give way sign was to become defaced due to snow for example, the shape of the sign alone would be enough to inform a motorist of the impending hazard (a junction) that is ahead.
Give way is the correct English for your 'yield'.
>Getting cucked at every junction you arrive at instead of generously following the rules of the road in a civilised country that drives on the proper side of the road.
Probably the muslims did this, no way some right wingers risk it.
looks like a fedora edge lord
this is right.
Banksy has gone too far this time
Based Banksy became redpilled on JQ
>we weaponized now
It's literally just a dude in a hat. It could be a fucking Ghurka judging by the angle.
Wow, chexkd
hahahaha /our guy/
Those 2's are a sight to behold. Kek smiles upon Banksy this night.