Is this why Drumpfy hasn't stepped food in the commonwealth yet?
Is this why Drumpfy hasn't stepped food in the commonwealth yet?
>Implying the Queen would use a sword.
More likely to get Diana'd, to be honest.
>More likely to get Diana'd, to be honest.
Was that an MI5 job?
I have no idea, was just making a joke.
LOL, like this wouldn't lead directly do the United Krater of Great Britain.
Why do Libs worship the royal family so much?
brings to mind the thing where mr burns tries to kill smithers
Are you retarded? Our lefties over here hate the Queen and want it abolished where as right wing or nationalists adore the old girl.
Stop being stupid, second favourite son.
>Second favourite son
Goddamnit pops, you'd better not be putting the leafs or the aussies ahead of us.
Kiwis are okay, but I'll still be pissed to be behind goddamn kiwis
All wings in the US are anti-monarchist. Therefore, our "right-wing" doesn't really know what it is, since it's certainly not traditionalist.
You'll never be that awful.
i made meme
Legally I can suck dicks. Doesn't mean I'm going to do it
Alright, thanks pops
Coming from someone who is being replaced by kebab....
Will she just fucking die already?
I don't know if you know this, but your caps lock is on.
I meant our Libs, not yours. Our leftie media has an orgasm every time they talk about the Royals. "Oh, the queen took a poop today! Uuuunh"
Good luck you crusty old witch. Trump always carries a gun on him.
Least favourite son, please. When there is a fire in England, we put the kettle on and sort it out. We don't do what you do and deny help from local countries, and then spend tax payer money flying in some feral African pavement apes to handle the fire (who then go on strike a week later demanding more money)
Plus we're 93 or so % white, so we're doing better than you.
>Playing dumb
What is diplomatic immunity and the Vienna Convention?
To be fair, your people like our Queen, my people like your Trump.
I see nothing wrong here. Our Queen, your Emperor.
>queen tries to pick up sword
>breaks her arm
>yells for sas to take him out
>seals are dragging them into river thames
>calls for navy
He's calling from INSIDE the palace.
That would be an incredibly stupid declaration of war
>country roleplaying
monarchy should be purged
also you might not be aware of it, but on this side of the pond we have a reputable scholar by the name of matthew yglesias that used to write pieces like "the case for a king" and "royal wedding and the case for monarchy" so there are "liberals" that one on this side of pond that someone may have read on this matter
the second issue of attack is that there is always a lot of press interest in the british monarchy, despite centuries of separation, so presumably someone must be into it
>monarchy should be purged
Stop spreading your stupidity, heretic.
Understandable because the USA was created by Anglos who wanted to get ALL the fuck away from Britain, British rule, the monarchy and parliament. And as the past 3 years rolled on, I've never been more intimately acquainted with the feeling. You guys would have a leg to stand on if you weren't a 62% white, rapidly degenerating Spic, Jew and nigger hell hole. I'd do everything in my power to move there and help the country.
>She unsheath her sword and stumble toward Trump
>Donnie pull out his custom gold 1911 and gun the old hag down
>Hard rock start playing in the background
>A bald eagle land on Trump's shoulder and she a single patriotic tear
Especially considering there's no scenario where the UK wins. Their only relevance hinges on the fact that they're part of Echelon due to the shared tongue between our nations.
Now that I think about it, maybe this scenario isn't that bad, after all. We need a reason to cut the tongue off of the huns.
My people enjoy your munchy boxes. Please send some. Thanks.
this, but unironically
how old is she? what stops her? it would be funniest way to end the world imaginable
it cant get more ridiculous. the perfect way to end this shitstain of a species
Gut gemacht.
Why does anybody think she can even lift a sword?
I can imagine her struggling lifting a fork to eat.
Presidency replaces the monarchy. You still have a head of state. Which spectrum of politics currently supports the president?
Meanwhile in Australia the "head of state" is just someone who signs bills. No one really cares about him, only political buffs know his name. We're basically as close as you can get to an anarchy. We don't really have a head of state in our minds. We don't care about anyone.
>Brits being Jews
Days Without Brit Jew Tricks: 0
>queen murders the president
>a week later the entire British Isle has been erased from the globe
Days America has spent above a 60% white percentage: 0
She could legally kill him and then we could legally invade the UK and legally kill her and set up a legal puppet state.
It's from a satirical/parody news site. Some sort of British equivalent of The Onion.
If anything she:
a. doesn't give a fuck and just wants to live out the last years of her life in relative peace
b. secretly hopes Donald is right and is successful because, America's success would very likely cause a domino effect for England and hopefully other European countries to get back in form.
(You just know all the shitskins entering her country is killing her inside)
It burns.
I would dearly love to see that filmed, for completely apolitical reasons
>(You just know all the shitskins entering her country is killing her inside)
I'll never understand this meme. Yes, London is shit, but you have several states almost entirely Nig Nogged.
We're still easily 90% white at the very worst. We're fine, lad.
Ask Charles I if the monarch is untouchable.
God Save the Queen.
We already kicked the brits ass once we would do it again. American farmers BTFO British military. 1776 2.0
this cunt couldn't lift a butter knife, never mind a sword...
Queen and Royals own America... your their biggest corporation.. You were conned! ITS A TRAP!
>We already kicked the brits ass once we would do it again.
but perhaps this time you could do it without the French and Dutch holding your hand, yes?
Actually, Russia has been a closer historical ally than the UK.
Hey lad u wanna help me on ex nr4 its very easy for u but for me its hard please
you live on an island are still being invaded by africans
>you live on an island are still being invaded by africans
>an island are still
Jesus Christ lad. I appreciate I've upset you and you're not in your right frame of mind, but do try and speak the Queens English properly please.
Heh, nothing personnel kid
Why did Princess Diana cross the road?
Because she wasn't wearing a seat belt, ride safe kids!
>m-m-maybe you could do it without the french and dutch helping
>forgets that nato is almost entirely help up by the america
Yeah I'm sure the USA would have a hard time slapping out the few teeth left in your tea-slurping mouths.
Answers to section 4 in order:
1a) James told me
1b) James who said
2a) Harry said goodbye
2b) Harry told Sue
3a) I told Jules
3b) I said that Jules
4a) I said to Carlo
4b) I told Carlo
All done, you little scamp. Remember: if in doubt, just say "u wot m8" and punch the teacher.
You've missed the point entirely, least favourite son.
>Queen draws her sword
>"Time to die Drumpfy darling"
>out of nowhere a wild Allahu Akbar!
>"Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"
>Beheads the queen with a machete
>Trump shrugs
>"I would have stopped him but they took my gun away at the airport"
>Smugness intensifies
A lot of people say so, many say Charles had her killed because she was likely going to marry a shitskin
But if that's the case why has nobody taken out Harry yet?
enter the aptly-named smallsword
I'll fucking fight you, cuz
Just out of curiosity, how much does it bother you that the USA purchased land from the French and Russians, and decided that the huns were weak enough that we could just take it? Follow up, how much does it bother you that the Dutch were better at capitalism than you?
None of that bothers me. What does bother me however is when Americans say they "could care less". Its "couldn't care less" you uncultured swines.
How short can a short sword be? Does a butter knife count as a super short sword?
it becomes a dirk or saxe and then a dagger and then a knife
>right wing nationalists adore her
Those of the civic variety, if you can call them right wing. Much less consensus amongst anything further right.
And stop with the "son" bollocks it's cringe inducing.
>And stop with the
No. I'll do as I please, son.
I always say "couldn't care less," but that's completely irrelevant and you should stop trying to deflect. We valued the huns so little that they weren't even worth humoring in the free market. The French, on the other hand, we entered mutually-beneficial deals with, and the same for the Russians. This phenomena wasn't unique to the New World, either, as the Dutch East India Company grossly outperformed the hun effort. From an American perspective, we viewed >your land the same way we viewed Mexican land. Let that sink in.
But I can half sword with a butter knife for a blunt hit, how do we define how small a short sword can be?
>we viewed your land the same way we viewed Mexican land.
A constant annoyance you wish you had a wall between?
As much of a mess as we're in running off to a old liberal hellhole, that in large part got us in this mess, that's rapidly becoming a new liberal hellhole isn't the answer.
She would not need to get her hands dirty foolish ELVIS. She could just ask anyone to do it and if they get caught just pardon them. Plenty of real English would do it for nothing just to serve the queen. Even the English uber-pro Trump supporters would do it for a bag a chips and a nice sit down with Madge. Thats the difference between canned burger and the loose meat across the ocean.
Land that we, rightfully, annexed. Thankfully, we have the best wall between our countries - an ocean. Tory huns are not welcome.
drumpfkin triggered
>Thankfully, we have the best wall between our countries - an ocean
As do we, from everyone else. I'd dread the idea of being land tied to Canada and fucking Mexico.
Pretty sure we're in the 80% at this point and it's only getting worse.
Agreed though, Americans need to shut the fuck up for once.
>As do we, from everyone else.
And, finally, the hun acknowledges the inevitable result of Brexit - the dissolution of the Kingdom, as we know it.
Straya is the best.
>And, finally, the hun acknowledges the inevitable result of Brexit - the dissolution of the Kingdom, as we know it.
I doubt that. The Scots whine and complain once or twice every decade or so, this is nothing new.
You need go go back.
>American farmers BTFO British military
Do you really believe this nonsense?
Some say she was preggers with mudblood. A tainted royal?! Mudblood in the Royal Bloodline?!
Thats a tunnelling.
The GG is our head of state, unless the king/queen is here then they are.
The PM is legit nothing except the head of a political party.
You and I both know we're not talking about the Scots here. Or the Welsh, for that matter, as Wales, moreso than any region from what I recall, favored Brexit. Your kingdom has been in the midst of collapse for quite some time now, and with two historical events happening nearly simultaneously, things aren't looking good in terms of preserving hun dominance.
Change the record. This was argued over yesterday. Having lived both in Essex and then London. I can say I grew up with only two mixed raced kids and one Indian. The was my childhood of Essex. I moved to London and suddenly I live amongst everyone but English. My landlord, my boss, the people on the bus and in the shops. In my block of flats I was literally the only Englishman and that was Finchley (Old Maggie Town). The difference is city and country. Much like the Trump voters and the Brexit voters. Those people who like countryside, open spaces and being able to get pissed from the age of 10 as long as you don`t upset the regulars in the pub just have a very different outlook to concrete jungle dwellers.
just wait until the scots leave again and this time are propped up and given money from brussels. they are going to kill your country. that is if the usa doesn't kill your country first. you think it's a joke, but your mi6 was just caught spying on trump on the orders of obama to try and influence the election
not sure if the eagle would be friendly
I hate that as well but it's not only Americans that do it. For example I've heard a Canadian say it incorrectly before.
Those are some nice theories lads, but they're not very based in reality, are they now?
Yes, no one knows who Peter Cosgrove is and the English monarchy approve of our celebrity-less political system. Australia is a rare opportunity to try all the libertarian ideas.