New Zealand thread go

Anyone here ?

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Yea nigger


Why can't we be Australia's little neighbour that everyone puts shit on but kind of loves? We're closer than you geographically.

because you a race of muddy little devilmanchildren that Australia hates and you suck at sports

Nah its not a nigger cat. niggas cant be orange.

Please don't Islamise yourselves. New Zealand is the panic room of the Anglo.

I hope you cunts are all voting Winston

Dont you have an old mans cock to suck?

Russian here.
New Zealand is a panic room for russians :P

Actually for everyone.


You can't kind of love a bunch of cannibals with kuru

Islam? na
We're gooked and curried.
Cunts are buying up everything.
Last stronghold is the south Island. Only whites can handle the climate that close to Antartica

At least we figured out it's better to use livestock to buy wives to fuck and not just fuck the livestock.

But. Lets say if you're given choice between totally native Huntly and a little china in mmm Hamilton. Where'd you go ?

Because in your provinces you have people that eat other people. In our provinces we only have people that fuck sheep.

Only a vote for winston this year will do anything to help this.

Because you started this thread i wont tell you to go back
Did anyone spot this the other day?

I've gotta rant kitteh.

Tvnz one news two nights ago.

Main bulletin, first story was a protest in Wellington. Couple hundred school kids bunked off to yell in front of the beehive. About what? God damn rape culture, whatever the fuck that is.

And this now useless media organisation puts this puny little hissy fit from a bunch of sjw retards ahead of Syria, Trump, or even the flooding in Auckland.

But then I remembered two weeks ago they led their news with something about a tranny man, or was it a woman wanting to represent NZ in weightlifting.

This tells me recent media graduates, (who incorrectly think fag and sjw issues are relevant) and now in positions of power and influence in that organisation.

These are seriously fucked times we live in. Thankfully, most of the country do not approve about faggot bathrooms or students feeling special about their non binary feminine penises.

As for this pretend disturbing rise in rape culture.
Don't be a stupid drunk slut. The onus is on you to ensure you don't put yourself in a vulnerable place.


>not wanting to fuck livestock
you sound jelly m8

Agreed but people have to do something or it will get worse

Russians are based asf these days so all are welcome.

Our future generations could make good use of your non-cuck genetics

What will get worse????

I'm not sure what you're getting at

Everthing you said. Minority fringe issues drowning out actual problems etc

I'll go mate, but before that I'll sell my house to a nice Chinese buyer =)

Just read it. Hes got a point but you can bet your arse all his little escapades years ago didnt pay for themselves, mum and dad would of helped. And his generation down are arguably worse.

I used to fucking hate Winston First, can't believe I'm actually voting for him now.
No other party gives a fuck about immigration and if Lab/Green get in we're gonna need a strong Winston to cock block their marxist, feminist bull shit.

I'm hoping we can get him over 20%

Since this is Sup Forums...

Who are you cunts voting for?
I'm feeling TOP, don't agree with all their shit but better than anyone else.

I would for pimp daddy winnie but since when has NZF ever actually stood by a policy.

how the fuck is huntly an option

Matt Heath is a cringeworthy cocksucker

Sometimes cant decide who i hate more the people buying or those selling

Articles about generational differences are a diamond dozen at the moment. I meant the fine gentleman that's modelling in the picture.

Roger that. I got you.

For a moment I thought you were supporting the literal children screaming at the Beehive.

I dunno how it could get worse. No one watches television news (except my parents when I'm over for dinner) so they just push stupid 'muh emotions' shit as lead news stories.

I've said it before on pol, but two weeks ago I was watching Breakfast while getting ready for work. All three guys on that show are faggots. And they were discussing the pride homo parade. I don't need that when I'm eating my toast. What's to celebrate about openly admitting you let another guy stick his cock in your arse? Seriously, what sort of mental illness makes something think its OK to admit to this?

It is totally not chineese =)

i'm sure they 'accidentally' used stock footage of a particularly well trending meme.

Same hes a weasel but the best option avaliable

it's not anything else either, longest amount of time i'v had to be there was 30min cos mum got a speeding ticket on the way through.

That's why I stopped watching TV news a year ago famalam. I haven't missed it apart from missing out on the odd bit of local news

I feel ya.
Same aniti immigration rant every cycle then he either yells from the side lines or goes in with a party that posts him off shore with lots of perks.

But he's the only option left.
I will never vote for the marxist, lesbian lab party who are just a softer face of the insane (Sweden tier) Greens.

Bill English? yeah nah

Fucking selfish boomers mate

What do you call a Kiwi with a hundred lovers? A shepherd.

you could vote greens in hopes that it will bankrupt the country. if it doesnt work out this time with Winston thats my plan for the election after

Im with you. Matts so clever

Sup Forumsacks need to understand that Winnie is always going to be best as an outsider. No government he's been in coalition with has survived a whole term. He also fucked over his electorate in his first major election as NZF leader

There really aren't any truly based pollies in NZ sadly

I remember that thread; i screamed at the telly the same day.

I am the king of NZ, AMA.

Please don't do this.
If you can't bring yourself to vote for Winston then stick with Nat.

Lab/Green = Sweden.
Greens are literal communists posing as an environmental party. Russel Norman was a card carrying, paid up member of the Australian communist party.
Please don't turn my country into to fucking venezuela

what happened to the NZ Sup Forums plan to infiltrate and take over NZF?

What If I:
Hate...National for being globalist cunts, labour for being weak cunts, greens for being GM hating unscientific cunts, NZF for being wishy-washy cunts...


Not Act that's for sure.

TOP's policies only look nice cos they're not actually in govt...

Nuclear option you reckon

ive never voted Nat and until the ghost of Muldoon runs i never will. this election i vote Winston. If it doesnt stop the countrys decline I will vote either Greens or Hone Hawariwa as a fuck you to the government and to crash this countries economy. if the economy dies the migrants leave for the next place to leech off. Venezuela doesnt have indians or chinks wanting to live there.

NZF ain't shit without Winston.
The party dies when he dies and lets be honest, He couldn't get away with his policy and anti immigrant stuff if he wasn't a Maori. Any white male would be Donald Hitler

>Venezuela doesnt have indians or chinks wanting to live there.
Bitch no one wants to live there.

If you're the King of NZ what are you doing stuck in Oulu?

Was wondering bout that

ACT is our only truly right wing party but they're a wasted vote unless you live in Remmers and want a Nat government

well c'mon user, we'd need an uncle tom maori :)

i am here with my chinese masters to expand their empire

i did like their plan for 1000s more SAS...not sure how...

Literally no one to vote for.

What if we Sup Forums hijack some random party and lead it to a glorious victory?

if Winston fails to stop mass immigration then in 2020 the nuclear option will be our only hope.

exactly. only people truly loyal to New Zealand will stay. if a bad economy would convince you to leave then good riddance, traitor

More Maori need to stand up and demand these cunts stop chinking our lands.
They're the only ones immune to the R word

Good chunk of them are involved in it and dont care about the rest of us

What did she mean by this, boys?

Dude thats cringey as fuck

If my mate Abdul taught me anything it's that when women say no they dare you into rape.

Quiz guy here, feel free to answer any or all questions guys. I love hearing what you think and stuff, and shit

> how many current world leaders could you name?
Probably only about 10, 15 max if I really thought about it

> what interesting fact has a fellow /nzpol/tard taught you?
Dunedin is a complete Labour ghetto. Has only ever had one National MP. And that was over 40 years ago.

> last time you went to movies?
Last week to see Pork Pie. Didn't like the movie.

> any bands trigger you?
I hate fucking hate lady gaga and all the poofs that adore her.

> what's your usual breakfast?
Black coffee, butter on toast.

> any historical Kiwis you admire?
Probably lots, but atm Sir Edmund and also Von Tempsky come to mind.

> would you move to Waimate for a job paying 100k?
No problems with that. At all.

> worst little town you've ever been to?

You should have asked like this....

Let's hang out. Talk, coffee, drinks, whatever. Will pick you up Friday 7pm.

Don't ask someone that via text. Its low test and setting yourself up for a fall. A man doesn't ask a chick that without laying decent groundwork, you position yourself to let it all happen naturally. Chicks want to be ordered around, despite what theyll tell you they hate any sign of pussification

I've thought a chick asked him and he got a little wtf moment ..

She's laughing at the idea of your 4 inch NEET cock.

Are you that half maori finn?

What do you plan to do about our ugly women crisis? Will you import Finnish genes?

Can you PANZ faggots stop being so embarrassing?


> World leaders
Banimarama, Zuma, Trudeau, Trump, Piena Nieto, May, Merkel, Orban, Hollande, Netanyahu, Erdogan. Umm think that's all I can remember. Oh and Putin.

> nzpol fact
Learnt lots about PMs, espesh Massey, Lange and Muldoon

> movies?
10 years ago to see Die Hard 4

> bands you hate?
Bob Marley. Can't stand any reggae.

> breakfast?
Smoothie or Weetbix. Like a fry up on Sunday mornings
> historical NZers?
Richard Pearce. Plus all the original immigrants who opened up the land.

> waimate?
Sure, no biggie.

> worst town

What is panz

I dunno either.

Also bump. Everyone in bed already? Not even midnite yet.

Definitely voting for either ACT or National, any of you guys have an opinion on which?

This whole immigration debate has been interesting, to say the least. I'm an American citizen and I moved to New Zealand in 2014 and spent the past three years earning a computer science degree. Now I'm here as a software developer on a work visa, and I'm hoping to have skilled migrant residency sometime by the end of this year.

Shame I probably won't likely be able to think about having residency prior to the election, but I'm looking forward to hopefully participating in these coming years.

Hi Zhang.


Why do you lefties hate political parties that reward hard work? If an immigrant works their fucking arse off (every immigrant I've met does), we fucking want them.

NZs housing bubble will pop if you throttle down on the immigration and foreign ownership. Boomers won't vote to lose their retirement funds

>ACT bases its philosophy on individual freedom and on personal responsibility.[8] ACT sets out its values:

>That individuals are the rightful owners of their own lives and therefore have inherent freedoms and responsibilities

>That the proper purpose of government is to protect such freedoms and not to assume such responsibilities.

ACT is based

Im not left just dont like parties that sell out their countries national character.

> ACT is based

This. They may get my party vote. If not them Nat's or NZ First. I'm conflicted but probably won't decide until the day.

> how many current world leaders could you name?
20, 25. I'm a big political science person.

> what interesting fact
Learned nothing from here lol

> last time you went to the movies
took nephews to see Capt America something or other

> any bands trigger you?
Acdc. Do not liek.

> what's your usual breakfast?
Cup of coffee and a durrie.

> any historical Kiwis you admire?
Everyone who served and lost their lives in war. F for my great uncle Cyril who is buried in Crete.

> would you move to Waimate for a job paying 100k?
I'm a Cantab so happy to.

> worst little town you've ever been to?
Hundreds of them in outback Australia. Heat, flies and aggressive drunk bogans. Do not want.

Hey do you stupid fucking kiwis remember that prime minister that embezzled hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars pretending he was changing the flag? And then he up and quits and fucks off with half the treasury.
Of course you don't. You were too busy not giving a shit about your country

Do you Canucks remember having a faggot PM wasting billions by opening your doors to literal jihad1sts.

Yes I do and I tried to leave this sinking ship since I don't have the power or influence to save it.

Then I went to Kiwi land and realized I couldn't escape and that the whole world is fucked. Now I'm just resigned to fate.

Then Trump got elected somehow. I still don't know how in the fuck that happened. But it changed everything and I'm still in the process of evaluating.

Kia Ora my murrys

Not a fan of kia ora

You are livestock nigger

Whore out some other country to foreign interests you cuckold