It looks like some happenings might be on the menu.
The government is really talking about slaughtering us. How do we get this video...everywhere? I have the social media reach of a turd. Can/will pol help?
It looks like some happenings might be on the menu.
The government is really talking about slaughtering us. How do we get this video...everywhere? I have the social media reach of a turd. Can/will pol help?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Aaaaaaaaaand..... nobody cares.
Pretty please? I'm not sure what else I can do.
Come back home, white man
Today is election day in our country. If we can manage to uncuck ourselves today, we might yet come to your rescue, or at least provide a safe haven to retreat to
>home for white ppl
Oh shit, get the fuck out of there. What are you doing? Go, get the fuck out of there you stupid idiot. Fuck, you're all dead, get the fuck out
If a race war happens in SA, I'll bring my AR and come fight with y'all.
I meant europe, not especially germany. But germany can take white refugees too
Indeed it is. But last resorts and such, you know? Just desperately need this video to spread for now.
I can give you a small platform to write an article with citations and promote any videos you want with it. It's a small platform though.
10mm: [email protected]
Always interested in having other national perspectives.
thanks for the link m8, this will be useful to share on faggotbook when people question the legitimacy of large scale anti white violence
also a warning considering the demographic abyss we're collectively looking at
I care.
Have a humble bump.
The fact that white south africans haven't tried to get out of there by any means necessary is beyond infuriating. Maybe you deserve to die
This. Bleeding hearts are infuriating.
I watched the video. Where was the part about slaughter? Also, copious cell phone usage was disturbing.
Some of those old paintings were amazing
I understand why you'd feel that way. But imagine it was happening to you in the US. You'd not just want to abandon your country. To be honest, I doubt I'd ever be able to wave a white flag.
try uploading it to
if they let it through, it could get a lot of views
>live in africa
>never had sex with an african
Go fuck a black chick you homo
Some English subtitles would help a lot m8
At 22s "we are not calling for the slaughtering of white people, at least for now"
It's going to get better.
Was the ending scene of Beowulf CGI based on this painting or vista?
European art is a pinnacle of mankind.
Don't take it for granted.
What a bizarrely retarded thing to say.
What's more bizarre is that he not only lives in africa, he was born there
But has never bedded an actual african girl in his life, and never will
I can't comprehend that. It's like going to a chocolate factory and not tasting the candy. You come home empty handed with a grumbling stomach and no stories worth telling
oy vey
Have a bump m8. Amazing how the Netherlands doesn't give two shits about its brothers.
Okay, so how many have you killed? they're killing you in huge numbers, no signs of stopping.
My point is you're already waving the white flag. You dont have a fucking choice to leave or not. It's quite literally die or leave
Lol the same is happening here and whites are doing nothing
No one likes the niglets. Not even people that live side-by-side with the niglets. What is wrong with you? Why in God's name would you bed a black woman? It is on-par with beastiality.
>Donald Trump is telling blacks to kill whites
okay buddy
Shit video. But yeah South Africa is a bad situation.
The entire American left is doing it.
So... did anyone else notice the logo looks exactly the same as the Soros-funded Occupy Democrats stuff?
They're probably urging along this white identity movement so whitey can 'strike back' before they're ready, and bring yet another fall to Europe. They will shame all of Europe as they do the Germans today. "French Nazi. Dutch Nazi. English Nazi. All of you shameful whites must share your lands and provide for these poor brown folks who you've been oppressing since antiquity."
Be wise. Remember the real enemy, and how they operate.
Are you prepared for raging ghouls? Stay safe and stay strong
Fucking stupid niggers man! Kill or be killed it seems.
the nodding is dumb, you don't have to go the extra mile when your already talking about something people should understand without shoehorning something like that in just to double sure you signal to people what they should be thinking
You can leave or you can make apartheid great again.
Really, what were you guys thinking when you allowed that commie nigger to hand over all your civilization to tribesmen?
It blows my mind that it took this long for you to realize it was the end of you.
I wish whites were numerous and powerful enough to be able to deport all Bantus. They're not native to South Africa anyway.
What do you expect this Boers do they are outnumbered and most of them are poor as fuck. Even if they leave South Africa they won't really have jobs wherever they migrated in.
Anglo South Africans can come to the USA. The Dutch ones are too racist though, they'll make things worse here. They need to go to Australia. Those foul-mouthed assholes will fit right in.
You think it's easy
My best friend moved from sa when he was 3
His mum got raped and killed in a gated community for (the equivalent of about £5) and then him and his family spent the next two years trying to move with his grandparents, for his grandad to get beaten to death by a coon for 'giving him a mean eye'
Shits fucked out there and we've left then
you lot should try and come over to europe to be honest. theres nothing for you there and youre all starting to look a bit inbred
>White People