Why are all of the greatest composers of classical music European? There are no great classical black composers, or even asian composers. Asians have the highest iq's but yet when you look at the top 100 composers, literally none of them are asian, all are european. There are many amazing asian piano players dont get me wrong, but zero composers whos genius can be compared to that of bach, mozart, beethoven, albeniz, chopin, handel. Why? Because asians may be talented with technical skills, but they are not thinkers, creators, innovators.
Pic related is one of the greatest composers of all time. Bedrich Smetana. A gifted composer since he was 6, Smetana became deaf in 1874. A month later what does this motherfucker do? Write one of the greatest pieces of music known to man, Die Moldau, in a matter of 20 days. Unfortunately, he was never able to hear his creation. Video related:
This is why you should all listen to classical music and reject the contemporary Jew. It is evidence that genius is found in no place else in the world at the rate where it is found in Europe. Find me an asian or a nigger that composed a song with such unique notes throughout the entire song like this, you most likely can't and if you manage to even find one, there are literally a more than a hundred you can find with European decent with ease.