>Claims to be a billionaire
>only made $150 million in 2005
>almost certainly did not do any better because housing crash
>almost certainly linked this info himself so it was probably the most he ever made and most he ever paid in taxes in one year.
>Claims to be a billionaire
>only made $150 million in 2005
>almost certainly did not do any better because housing crash
>almost certainly linked this info himself so it was probably the most he ever made and most he ever paid in taxes in one year.
This could all be true, and more besides. But he's sucked the marrow from few children's bones than Hillary.
>being a billionaire depends on your annual income
fucking idiot
Trump is effectively the biggest fraud in history.
Not really that rich.
Actually mentally retarded, not smart at all.
Didn't keep a single campaign promise. Why is Hillary free? Why is ISIS still around?
Takes credit for others' successes. Job market has been slowly gaining for quite a while, it's due to Obama-era gains. Trump is just catching the tail end of that.
I voted Trump because I wanted Hillary in jail, more jobs, no more feminism, and no more Mexicans stealing jobs. All that's happened is my ACA is going away (I wanted Obamacare gone, not ACA).
>Net worth
Learn the difference
fuck oath m8
Can't believe you people voted for Drümᵽƒ
Trump claims to be worth 10 billion dollars, yet made only 150 million dollars at the tail end of a real estate bubble. Do I need to connect the dots for you?
claims to be worth 10 billion today, much of which is not liquid assets
you have no idea what you're talking about
>much of which is not liquid assets
In other words, much of it is worth nothing.
you're talking about a real estate magnate you fucking moron
real estate is not liquid
He promised us a lot. Said he'd drain the swamp. I haven't seen any draining and it's worse now. Fuck me.
he made 150 million in a SINGLE YEAR. he's been alive for many decades. you do the math
>real estate is not liquid
It is when there's a flood
>I haven't seen any draining
except for the fact his administration already signed anti-lobbying agreements
>and it's worse now
objectively wrong, see previous point
Right. Because any retard could become a president. You literally need no skill or effort, just a stroke of luck. In fact, like Hilldawg campaign showed, you can even be too smart to win!
LARPing faggot.
>I wanted Obamacare gone, not ACA
ACA and obamacare are the same thing retard.
holy fucking shit it's assets.
Shut up.
Not an argument
France tho.
Actually its the definition of an argument, a proposition supported by evidence.
"Not an argument", on the other hand, is not an argument.
>claims to be a billionaire
>only made 150 million in 1 fiscal year
American education...
Everybody so and examine this five example of "concern trolling". The poster appears to be a dissatisfied Trump support, but is in fact a leftist shill trying to incite dissention among their political opponents.
Notice in particular how he claims to support Trump, but only supports Trump's more extreme positions, while attacking his moderate positions. He also claims Trump hasn't lived up to campaign promises despite being only 50-odd days into his first term and having done several of the things he promised (Muslim ban, mass deportations).
Cool so this is Sup Forums after dark huh? Apologies to all of the European anons who have to put up with all of these Commiefornia shitskins.
I didn't know how rampant the shitposting was from these smelly brown faggots.
And by the way... kill yourself you illegal faggot. I'm sure I.C.E. keeps you up all night.
Do you really think that people fall for your shilling.
It is actually sad how painful gully obvious shills like you are, I cannot understand how stupid your organization must be to waste so much money like this.
Finance question: What is the present value today of an inflation-adjusted earnings stream of $150 a year?
>shareblue implying your aren't a billionare when you are in Business for 40 years and make 150 Million a year
>shareblue implying that a smart businessman spend money on assets that dhow up somewhere else to keep income low
Taxes 101 i can teach you op
Your understanding of economy makes me believe that you are piss poor and you can barely afford to move out of your parent's basement.
Inflation is usually about 2.5 percent per year, just do the math.
Shitskins don't know basic algebra m8.
>using the presidency to get rich
>is donating his entire presidential salary to charity
B-but his brand will become more popular after he's president!
>normies hate him
>supporters will only want to buy his stuff if he does a good job anyway
Early 90s Trump was broke, so broke he couldn't pay 10 million dollars alimony to Ivana out of his own pocket and ended up using loan money to do it.
you should pop on Sup Forums on the weekends. it's so fucking bad. shills everywhere. i would get mad if it wasn't so pathetic. sad!
So after they attacked Trump for not releasing his tax returns and he Silenced em on that one, they're now attacking him for not being "That Rich"??
Fucking desperate retards, he's richer than any other Commie Dumbocrat retard would ever be, and guess what? He's more moral and righteous than any of you leftist fucks will ever be also.
Woops, also proves he pays 24.5% in taxes as well
>There goes your whiny he doesn't pay taxes argument you cucks tried to carry for 2 years
Also proves he actually pays more taxes than "Bernie (The Jew Cuck) Sanders" who only paid 13.5% #Fail
Also proves he paid more in taxes than the "Fake News" outlet that tried and #FailedAgain to use this as some kind of ammo against him
Fail harder for daddy trump :^
can't let him get the launch codes.
>shareblue is implying being "broke"( he wasnt, learn to read the numbers) 20 years ago and earned 150 million in 2005 means he cant be a billionare
Obvious troll
Also 13% on state salary is a net loss compared with 24% on earnings from private companies. Really makes you think.
>Silenced em on that one
No he didn't. He leaked one year's return. Most likely his best looking return. Why is he so scared to release the rest?
Embarrassing thread op
You know what funny in the Vault7 leak about "The Meme Warfare Division" with 500+ ascii smileys....they used the same txt style, which was also part of the "5 Eyes" (Which I'd like to add, how the biggest shitposters on Sup Forums....are ALL part of the 5 eyes)
>Hiya AIC >< "This dumb shit" is why you lose....
0.05 shekels has been paid to your account
nice shill shareblue
Speaking of ShareBlue.....
When you try and make Donald Trump seem like he's lying and it turns out he's telling the truth, which is what keeps happening, it only makes him stronger.
>Donald Trump started out as a real estate developer, and property holdings do make up the lion’s share of his holdings (aside from his brand). The Trump Organization said it has a total of $2.9 billion worth of commercial and residential real estate. In addition to more than $74 million in real estate licensing deals, that includes $1.38 billion in New York City commercial buildings, $351.55 million in New York residential buildings and $823.3 million worth of real estate in joint ventures.
There fixed it for you
There re-fixed it for you...
>Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
>a 150 million PROFIT
>the same as the turnover the entire company made
That's the money that was LEFT OVER after everything was paid for, including personnel, buildings and investments.
>can't use it to go down to the shops and buy a lottery ticket, 2L bottle of coke and a pack of smokes
>worth nothing
This is how poor people actually think.
>t. Financially illiterate pleb
Fuck it....you win
>Have some tits
Click here to read how Bernie Sanders can still win!
Another reason the AIC shills #Fail
>Look at this....meme generator 06' quality shit 1/10......1/10
soooo maturee......wow.. just photoshop dicks on peoples pictures and you're instantly shown them who's boss.
pathetic. lol
If he's so retarded then why aren't you president?
I'll try.
Trump's first independent project from his dad was the Grand Hyatt hotel in 1978 near New York’s Grand Central station in Manhattan. Trump was 30 years old and had inherited $200 million. In 78 and 79 Trump reported making negative income. (Before this he was making
I will hurt you if you like
God Damn if I can't smell your anger over the interwebz
>"This Cock" is going to be famous by the end of the year...
How much money do you have user?
How much did Obama have?
It's from his 2005 tax statements that were recently released by MSNBC talk host Rachael Maddow
He's been in office two months you fucking autistic.
Yhe damn it's not like roughly 1000 jobs was saved in indiana or anything.
Now how much do you get paid to do this, perma virgin?
where is the full pic with the hispanic guy doing a disgusting face?
>Do you even basic math?
What is even the point of this bait thread? Why don't you stop being a shill kike and kill your self? Send pics for keks plz.
Yeah. Was thinking just that. Fuck you..
Personal income tax =/= Trump LLC.
You burgers are even dumber than I thought.
The bait thread is repeating what an ACTUAL White House correspondent said. Don't remember what news organization she reports for but she literally tweeted something about Trump not being a billionaire because he only made $150 million.
shills have successfully led people to believe that trumps personal wealth = his business wealth. please learn the difference and stop being good little goys
>I haven't seen any draining and it's worse now.
anti-lobbying aggreements signed and 12bn wiped off your national debt in the first month compared to Obama (swamp nigger) adding 200bn you people are seriously fucking stupid.
>Didn't do well because of housing crash
You know this nigger made absolute bank during the housing crisis, because he bought a shit ton of land for pennies on the dollar. This was one of the things the media tried to "pin" on him.
(Been 1 1/2 months)
>It's been fun watching him crash and burn guys, but really we can't let him get the nuclear. codes
(Keep it up, you WON'T like the next 4 pics that follow, that's a promise)
Death to the cia
Trump is living proof that white people are the smartest.
>Breaks economic records on the weekly since his election
>Illegal immigration down 40+%
>Boost biggest job boost in 1 month in 10 years
>1,600 pedo's popped in 1 month (Leading up to the finale *soon*)
>Draining funding to wasteful useless programs
>Already have more respect in terms of negotiation from foreign nations
>Etc; etc;
Nope your right....with his *1 1/2* months in the whitehouse.....he's done nothing
> Smart white Trump voters
>what a poorfag, he is just barely billionaire
...don't see the irony in my comment...
> Man Child President
>permanently slaying the heart of opposing parties is now a valid political move
> German humor
No....but "Our Country" will be again.
>That's where you people fail
>You focus on solo personal issues
>Idc about myself lol
Im worried about "My Countries Future" not the rest of the fucking world. You can't fix someone elses house if yours is falling apart
>taxes released and no ties to Russia
>shills get orders to bitch about something else
A shills life is always dull.
Das right biiiittttcccchhhhhh
> Control... Humm...
This is old news WSJ wrote an article about it over a year ago.
spend your shekels wisely shill
>Why is Isis still around
7/10 bait sir
Hillary.....the warmonger
>Try harder
>The harder you try....the harder you fail.
>The more I redpill others with the truth
>Your actions are your own destruction :)
So by all means.....please continue.