Is the fact a black man will be playing Neo in the upcoming Matrix reboot/ extended universe a sign that the great...

Is the fact a black man will be playing Neo in the upcoming Matrix reboot/ extended universe a sign that the great american melting pot still works?

Why reboot Matrix at all? Will we see a LOTR reboot by 2018?

No it is a sign that hollywood has calculated that the audience they are shooting for with the reboot is black america. Keep in mind the first matrixes were popular with blacks because they had black leader (morpheus) and the oracle chick was black and represented good against some old bearded white devil who represented the evil side. No one cares about a matrix reboot, so they are just targeting one race to try to make some money.

Lotr reboot is slated for 2021.

Yes, with Lil Wayne as Aragorn courting Aryan Arwen... to begin with.

is there really a matrix reboot? is this a troll?

It's the sign that Hollywood has run out of ideas and are so desperate they are dragging the Matrix out of the closet in hopes that people will watch a reboot if Neo is Black. Is Morpheus going to be white? Is Trinity going to be a guy?
The Matrix sucked after the 1st film so why are they rebooting this? What's next? a live action Animatrix? Is that the guy from The Fantastic Flop?

I can't wait to go back to film school. When I graduate I can use my POC status to pitch original sci-fi screen plays and they have to take a chance on me because muh melting pot. Completely shake up the system. I will insist on a 90% White cast just to mess with their heads.

No, not only will the originals be rebooted but studionexecs want an expanded universe like Marvel a d Star Wars with a Matrix movie per year; like a young Morpheus movie or a movie about the agents each year till 2027

Yes but as it was racist and sexist they remade the community of the ring with every character having at least one sexual interaction with the hobbits.
Also for ethnic awareness everyone in the reboot is a hobbit.

Fucking Hollywood kikes


Featuring black gandalf?
What about The Beard ?

Sauron is renamed the patriarchy and orcs are all fucking white males

it's a sign that (((they))) will shit down your throat and you will still eat it and happily pay for it afterwards.

And I'm guessing Morpheus will still be a black guy, and Trinity still a white woman?

I mean, that's a given right?

I want to see 12 years a slave reboot with white people, roots as well.

Will Smith was the original choice for Neo. He chose to do Wild Wild West instead. The Wachowskis believed minorities would have an easier time rejecting the Matrix due to having less privilege.


He was one of the many people on the list, far from being accepted.

And as expected from a nigger, he made a shitty choice.

>10 minutes into 'Matrix: Blacked"
>white Morpheus: "This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more."
>nigger eats the blue pill
>gibsme.dat executes
>roll credits

>Why reboot Matrix at all?
Because the original film is far too subversive for any modern audience. Pic related.

>inb4 Trinity is chink

The only people who still go the theater to watch these kinds of movies - i mean "cinematic universes" and sequesl, prequels and whatnot are even beyond normie level, they're straight up NPC at this point.

It's so fucking obvious they're just out to make a buck or pump some propaganda, you have to be legit mentally impaired to subject yourself to this, while paying for it even!

When i learn that a person is an "movie goer" or into some manchild shit like "Marvel/DC Movies", or never misses the latest Dunning-Kruger blockbuster, i just straight up write him off. Like, this person is completely gone, he's in candy land, you can divide anything he says by a 100.

Same with popular time-waster tv shows and escapism fiction literature.

So i was sitting in class today and this Asian kid says "fucking shit" and I talk to him I'm like Asians must curse a lot because I saw this show with an Asian on in and he got kicked off for swearing too, and your Asian so i conclude that all Asians swear excessively. I was kidding, OK? And I'm Jewish, big deal Jewfag lololol, So he comes back out of nowhere like "Yea, well Jews are more flammable" and I'm like "wtf I'm just as flammable as you" and he's like "No you're more flammable and I've got 6 million pieces of evidence" WTF
I was about to stab him in his fucking eyes slits and punch him in his chink ass face, i didn't though.
If you were in my position would you have punched the shit out of the kid?



Holy shit, PLEASE make a petition for these!

Black Hackers only exist on T.V.


In this reboot of Matrix, black Neo takes bluepill.

It means that the Great Goyim are doing their jobs because

I bet you that they switch the color of the pills to try to confuse people as to what "red-pilled" means. That's the whole purpose of the movie.

This would be "cultural appropriation"

He's still more rich than you will never be.

What's the point of a recast when the original actor doesn't age?

They could easily just use Keanu for another 100 years. People already figured out he is immortal, no one cares.

Who could be behind this...

The fact that Hollywood feels the need to insist on pushing blacks is a sign that the melting pot did not work.

Doesn't matter how rich he is. Still a nigger. Being inferior drove Michael Jackson mad.

Why do Sup Forums still care about holywood?

They have no power anymore, trump won, leave them be, leave do the movie they want, who should care about them?

What that has to do with anything? Will Smith is an MK-ULTRA Scientology weirdo elitist, how is he any kind of person to look up to?

why are you sucking his dick

the reboot will fail and when it does whites will be blamed because of black neo

Yeah, being a pathetic neet is sure superior.

Not really sucking the dick of a blue pilled retard.

It just piss me off how people still talk about holywood, you give them more power, ignore them.

Their end will be soon

Actually they arent involved at all

Gandalf the Black in Return of the Fuhrer

That's why I never throw food to animals at the zoo.

>pathetic neet
At least we can spell "pathetic." Your "bix nood" dindus only only how to hoop and holler about shiny rims on cars.

Eyes getting low

At least he's not a nigger.

Matrix was intended as a bluepill ironically. Machines are the metaphor for heartless exploitative white fascists, Zion is the safe space, Morpheus &Co. are heroic selfless liberal-left revolutionaries, the red pill is critical theory, Neo is the embodiment of social justice, etc. It backfired massively, which explains why the creators are such degenerates and why the sequels are such derailed catastrophes. In this context it is not surprising at all to see they cast a dindu as Neo. Expect much more SJW hilarity from this.

Genes superiority is a meme created by the jews to consider themselves as the chosen one, to make us forget the true problems.

Retard like you are helpless.

France is a meme created by the Jews as well, yet here you are.

I actually don't have a problem with this, Morpheus was a great character.

Assuming they find an actor who can act and be ooga booga white wumayn.

Sure nigger.

With all those meltdowns we see these days in colleges, on the streets and in the media, I say the melting pot works better than ever.

Hans gets it.

Stay as a pathetic neet if you want, your "superior memes genes" will not help you to breed.

Tfw not watching TV at all and only went to the movies recently to see John Wick 2

What does that make me?

Anything else you want to add, you butthurt nigger kek?

Black people: that was a good movie. Finally justice.
White people: fuck that racist shit.
Samuel Goldberg, movie producer: Oy, the weight of all that profit. One of these days I'll hurt my back.