/leftypol/ are trying to infiltrate Sup Forums by sowing tensions between GOP factions
really pathetic, sad and low energy if u ask me
8 c_h.net/leftypol/res/1475520.html
/leftypol/ are trying to infiltrate Sup Forums by sowing tensions between GOP factions
really pathetic, sad and low energy if u ask me
8 c_h.net/leftypol/res/1475520.html
It is just beginning. I am part of no concerted effort, but I am her as a voice of righteousness in a sea of hatred, intolerance, oppression, and racism that is Sup Forums. It's only going to get worse .. we are using the GOP infighting as a way to ultimately destroy Trump.
also they're trying to equivocate capitalism with cuckoldry
yet again /leftypol/ shills are getting exposed
die lefty shill
>deep down Sup Forums knows single payer is the only system that works
Nigga that's retarded
>caring about anyone in the GOP other than Trump
Please don't let Trump get the nuclear codes!
Single payer is the only way.. everyone knows it, but it will never happen. Senate will kill the Ryan plan, there will be no way they can all agree on a replacement, so total chaos and hell will ensue. It will be kind of funny to watch, but also it could bring the rage level to all new highs, such that the person who is elected after Trump is a true violent fascist who campaigns on those 2 promises, and then we have some massive civil war.
Single payer is the only way.. everyone knows it, but it will never happen. Senate will kill the Ryan plan, there will be no way they can all agree on a replacement, so total chaos and hell will ensue. It will be kind of funny to watch, but also it could bring the rage level to all new highs, such that the person who is elected after Trump is a true violent fascist who campaigns on those 2 promises, and then we have some massive civil warr
It's futile anyway. As long as they're unwilling to adress the issue of ethnic conflict they will make no headway. The cat is out of the bag and idpol is here to stay.
Shills are easy to spot regardless because they have marxist brain rot. They'll always hate on non-kike white people, especially white, non-kike, non-faggot men. And, they refuse to say spic, nigger, kike, faggot or any other sacred cow.
you aren't righteous nor are you legitimate. in fact you and your ilk are almost canonically evil.
>we are using the GOP infighting as a way to ultimately destroy Trump.
>giving them more credit than they're due
literally not a problem. they get BTFO in every thread they're in
>inb4 user has been banned by this post
>Sup Forums hates paul ryan
i've never seen anyone mention him...
>they still don't see Trump pulling all the strings
when will they learn?
they're in too deep
they love the smell of their own farts
>Single payer is the only way.. everyone knows it, but it will never happen. Senate will kill the Ryan plan, there will be no way they can all agree on a replacement, so total chaos and hell will ensue. It will be kind of funny to watch, but also it could bring the rage level to all new highs, such that the person who is elected after Trump is a true violent fascist who campaigns on those 2 promises, and then we have some massive civil war.
>Single payer is the only way.. everyone knows it, but it will never happen. Senate will kill the Ryan plan, there will be no way they can all agree on a replacement, so total chaos and hell will ensue. It will be kind of funny to watch, but also it could bring the rage level to all new highs, such that the person who is elected after Trump is a true violent fascist who campaigns on those 2 promises, and then we have some massive civil warr
InfinityChan was a mistake.
wtf is an invansion? are you an abo or just
> implying i dont already hate paul ryan
> implying he didn't try to fuck trump at every turn until the train was unstumpable
sow seeds of doubt? yeah, whatever. no one likes ryan.
you ain' gon do shit, you faggot, cuck; bitch.
They must be genuinely delusional to reality if they think they're going to be able to convert anyone other than sheltered pampered upper-middle class toffs to communism. Do they really think that working class Europeans who's neighbourhoods are being invaded and destroyed by the religion of peace and other 3rd worlders are going to say "hurr durr! let's become effeminate self-loathing neo-Marxists, shill for open borders and capitulate to Islam!".
proof: all altright figures who share their time insulting liberals and CONSERVATIVES
Sup Forums being one of the battlegrounds
>sow seeds of doubt? yeah, whatever. no one likes ryan
This, he's an establishment shill.
>sowing tensions between GOP factions
next they can make the sky blue.
pro-trump people have been memeing against him for almost two years
he's one of the head cuckservatives
how do they think we don't already hate him, are they fucking retarded?
communism has never been for the working class. the bolsheviks weren't the fucking working class. they were "intellectuals" and the "educated." it's the same thing now
>low energy
Shill and/or plebbit detected
Kindly cease posting activities
you're the shill
>1 post by this ID
>can't win with arguments and good memes
>have to use manipulation and deception so others can see their "objectively better system"
Ah leftypol, always a good laugh
>how do they think we don't already hate him, are they fucking retarded?
Yes they are, he was a hair removed from being a neverTrumper, of course pro-Trump people hate him. The first big mistake was allowing this fag to remain Speaker of the House. Should have been Rand Paul desu.
>not the fool he is
>you're the shill
post by this ID
As if to affirm my beliefs. Why am I always right?
I was just in a communist circle jerk thread talking about how much better the USSR was.I have seriously never seen such a bitter group of butthurt assholes in my life.
I wouldn't even use them as fertilizer - I'd be worried about eating anything that came from them. Maybe cremate them, use their ashes on cattle feed crops... but even then, I'd probably only sell that meat. I would be too paranoid about contamination of their fucking AIDS
>my son
>not my wife's
We shouldn't be too concerned about their memetic attacks
Make healthcare like car insurance - buy catastrophic, or whatever you what
if you're a fat ass unhealthy fuck, you can spend 50% of your income on health insurance or on healthcare, YOU should be burdened with the cost of your own healthcare - I'd love to see the argument where people say no!
Things like cancer - which to some extent we all bear the social responsibility for (if environmental) then you can get that on an insurance plan
If it's lung cancer and you're a smoker, you want a plan to cover it, you have to pay more, same calcs as car tax
you are uninsured? congrats, you get hit by a car, you now have lots of debt to pay off
>massively obese/unhealthy country
>millions of illegals, walls b racist n shieeet
>fat shaming is socially frowned upon
>transgender hormone therapy is considered for children
Single payer healthcare is obviously the best solution for us. U want Proof?
>it "works" in Europe
>Free-market literally cannot compete
Pay ur fair share for lazy fat people, chix with dix and illegals you fucking white CIS devils.
>also fuk you for slavery
leftypol is no joke retarded
>mfw i posted that to get them to do our work for us
>mfw it worked
Nev3r forgetti the cia is trying to cuck us
That semon demon in the brown trousers is ugly in just the right way. Very, very nice.
I LOVE how leftist automatically associate the GOP as one entity that's the entirety of the Republican party.I bet they don't know what GOP stands for.
>Grand Old Party
The MSM,and leftist only want to scream,"Any political party that doesn't agree with the Democrats are GOP/Republicans therefore making those people racist,bigots,homophobes,islamophobes,-insert more buzzwords here- Etc.
It's boiled down to:
>You voted DRUMBDMPF!
>You're a GOP supporter!
>You're too stupid to understand that not every one that's a Democrat is not a liberal sjw!
>Anything I don't agree with that you say means you're a Republican which means you support the GOP which means you're a fascist racist white supremacist!
>You voted Hillary!
>So,you're a traitor,and a Democrat supporter!
>That means you're possibly a liberal,too!
>You're too stupid to understand that not everyone that's a Republican supports or is a part of the GOP.
>Anything I don't agree with that you say means you're a liberal which means you support the Sjw-left which means you support the genocide of the white race!
At this point it's a pissing match between right,and left.
Who gives a fuck?
This, they can't into memes.
Especially when compared to our Suomi brethren. Love you phampai! ;-)
We already hate the GOP though. Do these people actually think we're all just Republicans?
I have noticed a rise in retarded leafs.Could it be bots or what?
chink farms
Most of Trump's internet support wants to see people like Ryan bite the dust
You actually would help Trump by doing Ryan and his healthcare plan in the ass
That would explain the multiculturalism bullshit they spam.
>Sup Forums is entirely capitalist
That's just normal leaf posting.
Stopped reading right there, stop giving them attention and ignore communist and obvious bait threads
>implying healthcare or any social policy is something people could give less of a fuck about
Id vote for a communist if he disliked jews and brown people and wasnt shadowed by echoes
Not like they'd exist, but that's not the point
I can't wait until we start hanging communists like it never went out of style.
That pic. Thinking Fathers putting sons in charge of their companies hasn't been going on since the dawn of time.
That doesn't make any sense at all. It seems like most everyone here hates the GOP. This place popularized fucking cuckservative as an insult aginst the GOP.
Actually, it seems like most Republicans hate the GOP.
How is this supposed to work at all?
>also they're trying to equivocate capitalism with cuckoldry
Strange. Socialism is cuckoldry.
Share everything with everybody, see how your possession gets fucked for the 'greater good'.
Geert will lose.
>Sup Forums HATES Paul Ryan. Hate him. HATE HATE HATE HATE
This is why they lose every time. They believe we think exactly the same way they do, in b&w.
I don't HATE Paul Ryan. I just think he's a dipshit.
Leftists are only experts in making things not work.
They don't have anything to share, they want to fuck other's stuff.
Shadilay to that.
lol. That explains everything.
Yeah, National Socialists on Sup Forums believe in single payer health care.
Oh noooooo, Sup Forums btfo i guess
>implying capitalism isnt cuckery
Kys faggot
what the fuck? dont we fucking despise paul ryan for being such a subversive kike? he should be hated and removed
>they believe Sup Forums is one person
This picture is true, Australia is a terrible place to live. Never think about living in Australia and don't come here under any circumstances.
Also, if you have brown/black skin you should know that all snakes and spiders in Australia have evolved to prefer humans with that colour skin so Australia is especially bad for you.
By posting on a Mongolian wind chime forum? Faggot, you are as delusional as they come.
>lefty memes
they really suck at this
>everyone in america is a nigger
Last time I checked I was white
whatever happened to this? why havent fought back? they have enough numbers to be considered annoying and worth taking out
You don't know shot about communism. The leaders were the poorest of the poor, absolute savages
Can not wait for the day you you, as a filthy commie get a knock on the door from Commissar jamal and Commissar Cletus saying you now have to house 6 families in the spare rooms of your house because you "must do your part comrade."
Death would be too good to wish upon you.
Paul Ryan is a slimey weasel cunt, anything that can be done to undermine him would benefit Trump and his movement greatly.
Eat shit and die.
> Zinoviev - born in wealthy jew family
> Krupskaya - born in nobleman family
> Lenin - gained a noble title working in some administrative position
> Martynov - born in a family of wealthy merchant
> Trotskiy - norn in a family of wealthy landlord
Haha we are using Trump to destroy the GOP
kek'd. thats pretty much every commie.
theres so much more polfags, the best are the ones they cant see because of social repercussions. true silent majority
What you saw there is the most original thing they've ever done, the rest is just bootleg Sup Forums memes
Notice how this Strayan failed to mention the emus. They can deal with snakes and spiders, and even the drop bears, but refuse to admit their secret shame.
Being caught is part of their plan.