I think he might be the Nietzsche of our time, he might be remember as our era's great philosphy, once the west sorts itself out.
What do you think Sup Forums have you sorted yourself out,yet?
I think he might be the Nietzsche of our time, he might be remember as our era's great philosphy, once the west sorts itself out.
What do you think Sup Forums have you sorted yourself out,yet?
If you know nothing about nietzsche & JBP you'll probably call both nihilists. If you study both their works you'll probably call both anti-nihilists. So yeah, pretty much.
You have never ever read proper philosophy if you think Jordan B. Peterson constitutes a philosopher, let alone the era's greatest.
Stop talking about shit you have no understanding of.
t. MA degree in phil person
Stirner is the great philosopher for all era's, none others need apply
No. Stop glorifying JP, that would go against his message of sorting yourself out.
Le Spook man XDDD
only edgy anarchists and commies like him
He hasn't come out with anything new. he just puts it all very well.
I really like Camus' work. I'm not sure how meme-y absurdism is, but I feel like it covers most of what philosophy still really has left to cover in a satisfying way.
How did he blow up so fast?
>has all of the top 10 education podcasts on iTunes
>October 2016: 12k Youtube subscribers
>Now: 178k Youtube subscribers
>October 2016: 17 patrons on Patreon
>Now: 1,825 patrons on Patreon ($21,522/month)
>nominated for Rector of the University of Glasgow
>upcoming 25 week lecture series on the psychological significance of the Bible
>gave speeches at the National Gallery in Ottawa and at the Conservative leadership conference
>in talks with Maxime Bernier
>became spokesfrog
Read this again
He isn't a philosopher at all, OP, so no.
He's the hero we need right now.
He explains this himself. The trans issue became a surrogate for everything that people hate about the left. Like arguing with your wife about the dishes can actually be about everything wrong in your relationship.
>The trans issue became a surrogate for everything that people hate about the left.
I see... sort of like everyone has simultaneously reached the final straw...
>7th most popular Joe Rogan podcast out of 931 podcasts
>most requested guest of all time for Sam Harris's show "by several orders of magnitude"
He's really tapped into something
t. Slavoj Žižek fan
Yeah except one flaw in his talks with Sam Harris
An actual philosopher who has read and written about Hegel for example.
he spent his entire life (he wrote about holocaust guards when he was 13) wondering what makes people tick, he kept it internalized for the most part only writing (3 hours a day for most of the 90s) it all down to formalize his thoughts, even got to the point where he was exclusively dreaming about those ideas and was having revelations in them. as well as sharing his view with close friends and family, I like to imagine him pacing back and forth in front of his son launching into diatribes against every topic in modernity. so thats 40 years of building an over-arching theory of how people have misinterpreted the underlying issues with western culture. one day he gets emails from his job saying "hey you know those private opinions you hold. well they're illegal now so you better stop doing the only thing that gave you meaning for pretty much your whole life"
I think you can pretty much figure out the rest, it was pretty much flight-or-fight
He is the Heidnegger of our time.
I wrote "pretty much" 3 times in the last 20 words of that post. always proof read before submit ;_;
He has tapped on the tuning fork lying underneath Western Civilisation
Damn, he has been forging himself into a weapon for years. He truely is the one. The philosophical equivalent of Some Shonen protagonist.
honestly, thats just what it takes to be a real academic (rare these days). if you want to get the core of any issue you need set it within a framework that is going to touch on a multitude of topics, other wise you are just going to spill spaghetti when you run into someone who has a greater breadth of knowledge than you have.
I have a ton a of respect for scientist who can specialize in one field and the advancements we can make with that type compartmentalization is amazing, but it has killed the polymath. We really lost something in the process, there just isn't many people who can make a philosophical statement resonate on every level of your understanding.
>accusing people if not understanding
>gives no argument
JP is a cultural leader.
>he thinks his degree means shit
>nominated for Rector of the University of Glasgow
so was Milo btw
>Rector interview and analysis: Milo Yiannopoulos
>The following interview contains content that may be distressing.
Content warning: belittling and denial of sexual violence, use of offensive language with reference to race, mocking the LGBTQIA+ community, intention of discrimination towards Muslim students, and transphobia.
>The following interview contains content that may be distressing.
Content warning: belittling and denial of sexual violence, use of offensive language with reference to race, mocking the LGBTQIA+ community, intention of discrimination towards Muslim students, and transphobia.
>The following interview contains content that may be distressing.
Content warning: belittling and denial of sexual violence, use of offensive language with reference to race, mocking the LGBTQIA+ community, intention of discrimination towards Muslim students, and transphobia.'
Oit tour bumhole
Nice meme degree Zizek
Sniff snfffsh
>the fucking state of intellectual discourse
It's a bad time to be alive, lads.
>nominated for Rector of the University of Glasgow
Not an honor. Scotland is commie as fuck
Yes he's probably the best. Not even a super fan of his or really into his style or influences, but I can't deny the overall skill or quality of what he's doing.
Most important public philosopher since John Lennon
He's just a guy saying what everyone is thinking.
Nothing revolutionary or insightful about anything he says.
does Žižek hate on based Peterson?
I don't understand this meme
>set it within a framework that is going to touch on a multitude of topics
Not intending to sound like a pinko but that's sort of what the concept of intersectionality is about
Not to my knowledge, he's just a commie faggot meme philosopher
>everyone is thinking.
who was talking about this before he popped up?
most of his ideas are old, he's pulling almost all of it out of old philosophers and scientists, but he's pushing these ideas into the public discourse in a really pleb-friendly way at a time when it's really needed.
he's not saying what "everyone" was thinking, but he is answering the questions a lot of people were asking.
He sounds pretty good compared to Molymeme or Jontron or whatever. But let's be frank, the man is an intellectual midget unable to see the forest through the trees. Once you guys grow up, I truly hope you'll graduate to real philosophers like Sam Harris.
Tfw jordan will never be your father
>so was Milo btw
That was a fucking mistake, he will split the free speech vote.
Plus, Peterson actually intends to carry out his duties as rector, Milo only accepted the nomination because it's essentially a popularity contest.
Nietzsche was overrated and Jordan B. Peterson is a literal who
>tfw I won't save him
Have you listened to their recent podcast battle? JP holds his own, but shit gets too abstract and bogged down. Hard to really say who gets the better argument in
There's memery afoot
>tfw you fail to sort yourself out
Keep sorting yourself out.
>tuning fork
Nice phrase. I've watched a lot of JBP videos, but this, below, was new to me, and profound if you haven't seen it.
tl;dw Christianity, + the despised 'meekness' of the Sermon on the Mount, is an attitude of openness to looking for the greatest good for all, and having that frame of mind gives you a momentary transcendence, freedom, and power.
Now having written that, I see that it's vulnerable to the kind of question he himself would ask, 'how do you determine the greatest good for all?' I think I've previously seen him answer, 'well the opposite of what Nazis would do'.
Which is too bad, as I'm about half Nazi. So I guess no transcendence for me.
What are his views on work life balance and how to achieve it?
He often talks about steadily improving, but never about some sort of downtime.
I think its him speaking out against the canadian laws about pronouns and islamophobia.
He's got much more to say, but this is what got him the most attention worldwide.
Hell, people are protesting him on the streets for that.
he only uses 'the nazis' to gain points among liberals
he very much knows what the real enemy is
He's extremely well spoken and maps of meaning lectures are brilliant, however he constantly falls back to using the nazis and the holohoax in his examples or similar examples of the period. Heard him oversimplify the spanish civil war in a manner that made me doubt if he knew anything at all on the subject. However I think he's doing a good job, he's not completely bluepilled on the JQ but totally believes the holohoax and won't name the jew even tho he knows something is up.
He really doesn't though, and that's what really struck me deeply, and I'm still working it out, his banal moral view of Nazism, or at least aspects of it. Though it is interesting to note that he mentions the soviets and such a lot more frequently. I really think he may have internalized some presuppositions, and if he hadn't, he wouldn't be at the place he is in society. Or he could be, but he'd have to suppress something, and he doesn't like being dishonest. I feel like he mentions some of the enabling dynamics of this in the early maps of meaning lectures. Just my impression, haven't really thought it through yet.
what did he mean by this?
I dont think so.
Sam is today's david hume with many improvements.
Sam is literally right about every issue he takes a stance on.
That's a pretty weak argumentation from someone with a philosophical degree.
That's just about the level of argumentation you should expect from someone with a philosophical degree in this day and age.
Especially from Germany.
Does he have any original Ideas though? It seems to me like he just presents different theories in his own words atleast concerning his lectures.
How is this so underrated? FPBP
Maybe after that we could progress to a once-in-a-generation genius like Richard Dawkins?
Dawkins is an intellectual flamethrower while Peterson is still trying to rub two sticks together.
Not a nihilist
Because there is a fire in the conservative house
Most of western millenials grew atheists or christians but with no real religious education since majority of boomers had dropped the church during the 60s and 70s.
Basically the youth have still an helleno-christian identity (ie: western) but without believing in the Bible and that's a big problem because western civilization is slowly and surely being invaded by people from alien culture with who we are clashing on a lot of topics.
Tthe issue is that our identity has been criticized, deconstructed and then demonized so much by the post modernists, relativists and existentialists that we struggle to bring pieces together and draw a meaningful picture, it's easy today to define muslim culture, it's hard to define western culture.
Peterson is providing an answer to that, he rearticulates our ancestors beliefs and values system with our identity and translates it in order to be meaningful to a generation raised in the cult of science and rejection of religious dogmas.
Still the greatest one alive
Dawkins is an outdated intelectual, he symbolizes well a version of the West which arrogance peaked from post WW2 to the 9/11 thinking that we will always be the top dog by default and we will never be threatened by anything because we are the smartest and have the superior beliefs (basically the naive humanism overall dominating since the Enlightment).
That's not a mistake if he coined the "meme" concept, it's because he sincerely believes his ideas are an endgame and can only logically triumph on the rest of the world, problem is that the world since 20 years is showing him that he is dead wrong and the West is not exponentially surging but in fact declining and corrupting itself, we don't know who we are anymore and other cultures are actively exploiting our humanist dogma to impose their own which are much less tolerant and much more agressive, the result is a state of apathy while we (europeans and their descents) are fading into the dark.
keep thinking douche, mass murdering innocent women and children is reprehensible. Stop identifying with the fucking nazis ffs.
Nietzsche was 100x100 contrary to nihilist...baka
You're such an amazing philosopher you forgot to give any reasoning for your argument.
Roger Scruton shits on this clown
Anglo "philosophy", no thanks
jealous much?
>French "philosophy"
It's not even so much that people are too atheistic it's more that people are atheistic and then become extremely nihilistic. This is why Peter uses Nietzsche a lot. He describes that while Nietzsche was an atheist he still argued for a meaning in life and worked at trying to find a more athiest meaning to life.
To me Peter's main message about religion, and especially Christianity isn't that its whether you believe it real or not, but whether you can see and understand the valuable moral lessons that (mostly) jesus portrays, and how that has led to the development of our culture and thinking.
He says nothing particularly smart or new in philosophy. I think he's not even that proficient in philosophy, at least by italian standards (he's probably great for leafs tho). His greatness lies in the fact that he's helping lots of people.
So you make as much as a music teacher, and bring less happiness than one
the wokest man
an authority, source of inspiration, authority
we must sort ourselves out
This guy is right. Peterson is (in philosophy) like our average european lycee professor. His deeds are still wprthy of great praise, no point in denying that.
>Once you guys grow up, I truly hope you'll graduate to real philosophers like Sam Harris.
> real philosophers like Sam Harris.
I was refering to continental philosophy you stupid ass
Of a curmudgeonly tobacco industry spokesman ? Not really
Zizek can do psychoanalysis, suck on that
>Sam is literally right about every issue he takes a stance on.
No, he just refused to acknowledge the possibility that he could be wrong. Not the same thing.
I honestly think he's a moron. He uses far too many words and people lap it up. Still he's good for le cause so I like him
Nietzsche was the anti-nihilist
Inb4 continental philosophy has any value whatsoever
Peterson is a psychologist, not a philisopher
smugglypuff made him blow up, it was a perfect storm of faggotry
100 pushups, 100 situps, 1 banana for breakfast, etc
No, of the Anglos? Do you feel inadequate?
Good luck with your Glasgow job application Jordan.
this is the most absolutely retarded statement in this thread
See you're just displaying the taught knee-jerk reaction, and its manifest in your two assumptions, that I don't think "murdering innocent women and children is reprehensible" and that I identify with the nazis.
You didn't have a rational reason to think that from what I said, which is because the thinking around the holocaust and nazis, isn't rational. You aren't saying anything at all, you are not getting to any meaningful understanding, it's just taught rhetoric and emotional reverence, and that's horribly banal.
Yeah, he mentions something alike to that in one of his talks.
I don't remember it at full but it was that whether we like it or not, everything we do in the western society is formed from Christianity. Like how DOS is still a part of Windows. Even if it came late and is still there, it is still a part of us.
One thing I didn't get was his explanation of what western values was (This is just me being dumb not grasping it).