Yesterday was Trump!
Today is Geert!
Tomorrow is ______ !
Who will be meme'd into power next?
Yesterday was Trump!
Today is Geert!
Tomorrow is ______ !
Who will be meme'd into power next?
Soon /nupol/ will spread its civic nationalism to all corners of earth! Based Trymp :D
>Tomorrow is ______ !
Le Pen
First you must take the Trumpsfried oath. Swear your fealty to memery
I swear fealty to Israel and emperor Based Trump. I offer my wife as a sexual sacrifice to Tyrone and Jamal like any good civic nationalist should. Praise Trump
The Legacy of the Khan
Geert will lose.
He wanted digits and kek failed him.
Geert will lose.
shame on you.
Ausfag here, there's only one answer to this.
Henry de Lesquen
May Kek bless him
Le Pen of course, then we meme a president in Chile right?
kek has spoken
>Tomorrow is ______ !
Halla-Aho aka the Master of course.
Le Pen's tits
Kek has spoken
Bring on hanson
If kek wills it, then we must obey.
At least she will remove kebabs
This. Trump, Le Pen, and Geert are all the same Zionist, Jews are jumping ship (for now) to focus on more support for Israel after importing muslims to europe.
Does one term under the self-established Liberty party. We meme him in. The globalists are fucked!
Today will be better
>implying there won't be a coalition against Geert
>implying you can change things being a minority at the parliament
>implying Sup Forums has a clue how politics work in Nertherland
Le Pen with the Americans?
Top kek
FN and commies are the parties who hate americans the most
Le Pen will be next.
Allow me to apply caps lock to help you understand the joke
The Eternal Swede and Kraut will be btfo, Never forgive never forget
Honestly, I don't think either Geert or Le Pen can win.
The systems are literally rigged to prevent it.
If only she was pro-european...
Maximus Bernier is looking good on the Canada front
Remember Austria?
She's "Pro-France".
I mean, EU was made for the France.
Let's resurrect Pinochet with meme magic
Le Pen you fucking goon. Le Pen has more of a chance than Wilders anyway.
typical far right tactics
if we lose that because the system is rigged agaisnt us
remember Brexit and Trump?
that works in both ways
>i'm clueless
>lets post a meme
you're a retard
This, and please prepare M/V Mærsk Mc-Kinney Moller and M/S Emma Mærsk.
We are going to need it when we deport the major population of Malmö.